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Business & Finance - 9 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

is it related to auditor independent?

2007-08-09 18:25:10 · 1 answers · asked by chin c 1 in Corporations

I recive a ta free pension my soon to be e makes about 19000. she woul have recived 2800. she fieled a joint return and with my numbers she recived a7000 .00 return this was done with out my knolage. the money was direct deposited into her acc. my accountent who is a cpa and a very good firend was unaware i was not in the house he is very upsett. my atterney is trying to avoied court and get a chield support credit. she is not cooperating. can i report this to the irs i dont want to but my cpa firend in a bad spot but how can a bank accept a check in both names in to a account just in her name

2007-08-09 18:22:51 · 8 answers · asked by MICHAEL P 2 in United States

I am going overseas to work. I do not want Federal Taxes withdrawn from my paycheck at all. I am aware of the $84,000 non-taxable but I don't want taxes taken out after I earn that. I WILL settle what taxes are due in April. Is there a legal way to do this?

2007-08-09 18:19:39 · 9 answers · asked by Brian G 1 in United States

My luck has gone dry with retail.

2007-08-09 18:13:29 · 6 answers · asked by Joe G 2 in Small Business

I am having trouble deciding what I want to go to college for. I just turned 18 and wanted to become a RN(Nurse) but I was recently diagnosed Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease, so becoming a Nurse is out of question, since I cannot lift more then 15lbs and being extremely active can sometimes be painful. But don't get me wrong, I still work and still work hard. So what should I do? I don't want to spend anymore then 2yrs in college and I would still like to make as much as a nurse (around $45,000 a year). So any ideas?? I like helping people and I love animals, but I am very open minded.

2007-08-09 18:12:50 · 6 answers · asked by . Dollie . 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I have 1 full time job, and the other one is more like part time.
The one that I want to ask is the part time job.
I work as programmer (self employed), how I calculate my income tax?
How much percentage usually? because the regular job is about 25-30% of the salary.
How much should I pay for the tax, for example, if I got a project that will pay me $5000/project, and I'm self employed for this?
In layman term please!

2007-08-09 18:06:39 · 7 answers · asked by booboobooboobooobooo 3 in United States

benefits of ipo

2007-08-09 17:58:01 · 3 answers · asked by raj t 1 in Investing

I know an old man who has been on disability since 1970 for a major head injury. He was in a car accident with his son reciently and was in ICU for two weeks. Unfortunatly altough he had an attorney he accepted a small settlement from the insurance company and I would like to advise him as to how he can keep that money safe from creditors and social security.

2007-08-09 17:48:03 · 4 answers · asked by amber 2 in Insurance

MY QUESTION IS: How to do this part? (use A-L = OE to establish Jack's initial capital). This the needs an opening general Journal entry).

The following transactions occurred during July, 2007.

On July 2, Jack decided to contribute a number of assets and liabilities to help him begin his fishing classes business.

Cash at bank $7000

Accounts Receivable. $1000

Boats $25000.

Fishing rods. $8000

Motor Vehicle. $12000

(Note: use A-L = OE to establish Jack's initial capital). This the needs an opening general Journal entry).

2007-08-09 17:40:42 · 2 answers · asked by ppp 1 in Personal Finance

I normally file self employed. In 2005 I changed employers and my first employer closed the doors and went back to Canada.The IRS is now wanting my 2005 tax return and I informed them that I did not have any documents to file with, they then sent me a document regarding reported income with all the wages reported by my second employer only.Please note 1st employer was 1099,2nd employer witholds taxes.I really have no way of knowing what I received different amounts sometimes cash, sometimes check. This employer hated the goverment their taxes and their laws about taxes i can truly see him not filing and giving them the bird as he crosses the border.

? What am i to do.
? If I do not file and they find out later, what are my problems?

With a Uncle like this, who needs family?

2007-08-09 17:21:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

I had a question for accounting professionals . When we earn income due to interest earned from saving accounts or CDS which accounts are suppose to be credited . I know that the Bank Checking account or one of the other equity account will be debited but which account to credit . I mean which internal assest has be consumed for this income generation.

2007-08-09 17:19:20 · 2 answers · asked by s_k_latif 3 in Other - Business & Finance

2007-08-09 17:12:32 · 7 answers · asked by MST 4 in Investing

If I have all the schematics and details to build the product in my head, but don't have it materialized, can I still go to a patent attorney and explain it to him/her or draw it up for him/her?

Please answer only if you know.

thank You

2007-08-09 17:05:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Just name the places that most likely won't be expensive.
Suntec and major hotels are definitely out.

Help me brainstorm ppl!

2007-08-09 17:02:43 · 1 answers · asked by Leira A 1 in Other - Business & Finance

What percentage of income to people in the bottom 20%, 2nd 20%, 3rd 20%, 4th 20%, Next 15%, Next 4% and Top 1% pay in their income taxes, thank you for your answers! Please provide your source if you have one.

2007-08-09 16:58:19 · 2 answers · asked by Peter C 2 in United States

Business facts: The LLC I want to open is a pass-through in the State of California. It is with another individual.

Why do I need to pay estimated tax payments every three months if I'm paying it annually with my own personal income?

I've read books about LLC's and they all say that I need to pay business profit taxes with my own personal income annually, so then what's the point of the quarterly?

I don't understand, please explain it to me.

2007-08-09 16:57:38 · 5 answers · asked by Emily 2 in United States

Im thinking that the same person that goes through in a BMW making 500 thousand a years to be taxed the same as the person serving them at 5.65 an hour. Am I close?

2007-08-09 16:51:16 · 5 answers · asked by Jennifer P 2 in United States

I got a friend of mine who is selling there land to someone who has a vested interest in it. The issue is that that person wants to basically knock down the home and they are willing to invest that money to do so. My friend does not want to do that because he put work into the home, so he would rather sell it and have someone physically remove the property instead. How much costs do you think are involved. Where can I get quotes?

2007-08-09 16:43:26 · 4 answers · asked by Jron 2 in Renting & Real Estate

A small store that sells ciggs, beer, etc. what license do I need?

2007-08-09 16:37:18 · 1 answers · asked by tino p 1 in Small Business

I understand the higher the better, but im wondering what fico number is considered 'good enough' by the mortgage lenders.

2007-08-09 16:34:20 · 8 answers · asked by rschjohnson 2 in Personal Finance

The reason I ask is because I have agreed to lend a good friend a substantial amount of money and they have requested that I give it to them in the form of a cashiers check instead of a personal check. Now, I know the obvious reasons for a cashiers check ie. like cash and funds are available, but what am I missing? This person KNOWS I have the funds available.

2007-08-09 16:26:58 · 23 answers · asked by penelope 1 in Personal Finance

I quit my job at a local bank in Texas. We got paid 2 weeks behind. so what I worked for the 1st-15th of one month I didnt get paid for that time until the last day of the month. I gave my two weeks notice on the 27th of June. I received my check stub for my pay on the 30th showing I was being paid for June 1st-15th. I then worked the remainder of my two weeks in July. Coming out to be 8 days. I then received a paycheck with my pay stub (my time card is ON the pay stub) my pay stub showed me what I worked June 16th-30th I was paid on July 13th. I figured since we were paid two weeks behind I would received a paycheck at the end of July for the 8 days I worked. I have no paycheck stub or check showing pay for those 8 days. but I called HR they denied me my check and argued that they pay current pay and that my check stubs had nothing to do with our pay. I'm also being denied vac time. Saying I only earned 46 hours but took 51 hours. but my ytd on my last check stub says I took 40 hours.

2007-08-09 16:26:49 · 10 answers · asked by BB83 1 in United States

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