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Business & Finance - 9 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes


2007-08-09 11:09:26 · 1 answers · asked by SPRINGER 1 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

ive been insurance shopping for a Mazda 6. I turn 25 next March and most reps have been telling me that my insurance will drastically degrease when I turn 25. Why is this such an important age?
I dont drink, i graduated college and I havent been in an accident since high school (and that wasn't even my fault). I have one speeding ticket in the last 5 years.

2007-08-09 10:59:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

Do to getting a new job that only pays with Direct Depost (they do pay by check but it comes in the mail) I'm in need of finding a bank that would allow me to open an account even thou i have an outstanding account that is in chex systems. I was wondering if anyone that can point me in the right direction with this...

2007-08-09 10:58:52 · 6 answers · asked by lilravermysti 1 in Personal Finance

2007-08-09 10:57:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

What number should your credit score be in order to finance a new car?

2007-08-09 10:49:03 · 3 answers · asked by Jennifer S 2 in Credit

Ok. I was living in a sublet for a month and a week, no lease. But, I paid 2 full months rent. I called the landlord when I was leaving, so I gave him 30 days notice. He didn't say anything, he told me he was going to call me back. But he didn't, and I tried to call him again.

I just forgot about it. And then today he calls, says that he couldn't find anyone to rent for August, so he wants me to send him a check. First of all, he did not tell me he was looking for someone, or else I would have made sure I found a new person. And then he calls me out of the blue demanding money.

It was a short term agreement. I even asked him if he wanted me to sign a lease, and he said no.

What to do? I feel horrible about it, but, again, he didn't want me to sign a lease, and he did not call me for over a month telling me his intentions. So, I had no idea this was on my shoulders.

Please help!

2007-08-09 10:38:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I have a bank account but it will take a few days to clear. Don't want to pay a check cashing place 5%. Any other alternatives?
And its a tax free annuity payment.

2007-08-09 10:38:29 · 5 answers · asked by Spirited Virgo 4 in Personal Finance

I want to become a massage thearipst but paying all that money will take a while!! So is it really worth it??

2007-08-09 10:38:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

These statistics seem high to me, so I'm trying to get an idea of what the motivators are behind the decision to move so often.

2007-08-09 10:37:54 · 4 answers · asked by moczydlowsky 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I feel like I'm not getting enough. I'm geting 45K and 2 yrs experience now.

2007-08-09 10:36:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Technology

i really hate when guys will try and chat you up at work and when they see you're clearly not interested they will get more aggressive (in their approaches). for example, sticking their leg out when you are passing by, stareing at you trying to make eye contact, asking you "why you looking so evil" (i know that is very poor grammer, but that is a quote. needless to say so many people think that's some how impressive, it's a real turn off). i don't like that sort of unwanted attention. the problem is my "superiors" had a chat with me and told me that I'M THE ONE who's being rude. i think i should pursue this. but the problem is how do i prove it. you can't stop someone from stareing at you, or co-workers from asking you how your doing (although that's not what they say. but still, the idea is that they are "concerned" BULL). i don't know what to do. could use some sound advise.

2007-08-09 10:27:03 · 6 answers · asked by vanessa w 5 in Law & Legal

with subprime rapidly disappering from mortgage, where can I take my customers that didnt default on there mortgages but dont have the credit strength to go convintional, or the equity to cover F.H.A. Fees ???

with most lenders hiking the M.C.S needed to qualify as well as implementing more strengent review polocies in referance to payment histories and appraisals(value slashing)

what can we do to close those deals ??? who are you using to get those tuffies done ????

2007-08-09 10:24:37 · 6 answers · asked by nimisisprime 3 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-09 10:22:24 · 4 answers · asked by Deuce B 2 in Corporations

My basement apartment in brooklyn flooded two days ago, damaging a great deal of my belongings (I was up to my knees in water). My lanlord, not very sympathetic, came over and offered me another basement apartment he rents out, which is bigger than mine but in a worse neighborhood. I, frustrated, took it because i really have no one to stay here with in New York, and I wanted to get the things that were actually still useable out of the filthy apartment. I want to find a new place and move out, but i feel like i should be compensated. I took pictures of everything. Do I, as a tenant, have any rights when it comes to this situation?

2007-08-09 10:22:07 · 7 answers · asked by Sunflower 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Hi , i have a credit card issued by (Washington Mutual bank) from almost 3 years ago..and i added my wife as an authorized user immidiately after i received the card...after one year Citi bank sent us two new credit cards cause the old one has been expired so i knew that Washington mutual bank credit card belongs to citi bank..the question is , my wife has received an offer from citi bank from one week ago for applying for a credit card with good benefits..so can my wife apply for this card or her application will be denied ? as she has a credit card with citi bank as an authorized user so it will be concidered to have 2 credit cards accounts from the same bank if her request will be accepted (one account as an authorized user in Washigton mutual bank which related to City bank and the second one is the new offer ) ???..

your prompt reply is highly appreciated....

2007-08-09 10:19:04 · 9 answers · asked by naderbd 1 in Credit

Does it mean that I am close to getting the job, or are they running all other candidates info as well?

2007-08-09 10:16:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

About three weeks ago I helped a very friendly gentleman in Benin. He had lost a relative and needed a co-signer to gain some capital invested in a local bank. To make a long story short, I wired $2300.00 to him and have not heard from him since. I was supposed to recieve a lump sum of cash (Lets just say, a good return) What can I do? What is the longest you have waited to hear anything back? Can the local police here in Ohio get my money back?


2007-08-09 10:16:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Like Berkshire Hathaway has a negative market cap ? I don't understand.

2007-08-09 10:15:11 · 0 answers · asked by Eric S 2 in Corporations

i signed up for a merchant account and needed to rent 2 wireless credit card machines. The deposit for them was $600. When i was done with the machines i sent them back like instructed and now im getting the run around for the past two months about getting my deposit back. what should i do?
the company is www.cardserviceworldwide.com

2007-08-09 10:02:45 · 5 answers · asked by RUSS W 1 in Personal Finance

2007-08-09 10:00:33 · 7 answers · asked by cadillaccrossbow 1 in Insurance

a friend of mine just bought another home. the real estate agent told him that his monthly payment already included his house ins. and it come out to be that the house hasn't had ins. for the past months and now are increasing the monthly payment because of that. is there something that can be done to avoid such a financial crash?? Or some legal action could be taken towards the agent that lied??

2007-08-09 10:00:16 · 3 answers · asked by bebe 1 in Renting & Real Estate

What are the pro's and con's?

2007-08-09 09:58:07 · 6 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Renting & Real Estate

estate deal. She signed all these papers to sell her house and is waiting for a check that is being promised but they keep on bullshitting her and stalling and saying "real soon" but it's been months upon months and she has not seen a dime. What are her options? She has no idea how real estate works in this country and doesn't fully understand the language.

Specifically she lives in the Los Angeles area. And free legal aid would be beneficial.


2007-08-09 09:57:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

The college student that caught Barry Bonds 756 home run ball can be hit with a tax bill of as much as $260,000, whether he sells the ball or not. The IRS has declined to speak about it, which makes me nervous.

Do you think the US Government, including the IRS has TOO much power?

2007-08-09 09:57:11 · 6 answers · asked by Sarge1572 5 in United States

fedest.com, questions and answers