Ok. I was living in a sublet for a month and a week, no lease. But, I paid 2 full months rent. I called the landlord when I was leaving, so I gave him 30 days notice. He didn't say anything, he told me he was going to call me back. But he didn't, and I tried to call him again.
I just forgot about it. And then today he calls, says that he couldn't find anyone to rent for August, so he wants me to send him a check. First of all, he did not tell me he was looking for someone, or else I would have made sure I found a new person. And then he calls me out of the blue demanding money.
It was a short term agreement. I even asked him if he wanted me to sign a lease, and he said no.
What to do? I feel horrible about it, but, again, he didn't want me to sign a lease, and he did not call me for over a month telling me his intentions. So, I had no idea this was on my shoulders.
Please help!
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Renting & Real Estate