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Business & Finance - 9 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I am looking for a personal loan, but I am having a hard time,My credit score is low due to my credit cards being at their limits. I want to pay them off to bring my score back up. I also promised my kids we would actually take a vacation this summer. Not happening. I keep getting solicitated by these scams, does anyone know a legitimate company that could help me. Thanks.

2007-08-09 08:56:50 · 7 answers · asked by Donna M 1 in Credit

I don't have short term disabilty, and I have rent and bills to pay. Anyone that has any ideas please help me out. It has been about a month with no income and I am soon to run out of my savings. HELP

2007-08-09 08:51:31 · 5 answers · asked by momo38545 1 in Insurance

I just got served by the sheriff to appear in court 11/29/07. Can they take my 6 month old truck I financed with someone else? What about my house?

2007-08-09 08:51:28 · 8 answers · asked by MissKathleen 6 in Credit

I'm having problems with the overall steps to answering an adjustment using the Indirect Method of accounting.

I understand that Operating functions of a business, A/R, A/P, INV, Prepaid rent, Income payable/Interest Payble, Wage Payable etc all have to be adjusted after finding the change. EX. An increase from year 1-2 of 3,000 would mean a decrease of 3,000 on the adjustment.

However What i'm trying to figure out here is deciding where the given information fits into the adjustment.

EX// I was given, "Dividends of 7,000 were declared/paid, New plant assets purchased for 195,000 in cash. Land was also purchased for cash. Plant assets were sold for 25,000 cash. Additional stock was issued for cash, and a portion of the bank loan was repaid.

Now* Dividends would be a form of Financing activity = -7000, -195,000 cash for purchase of asset (investing?), now for the unnamed amounts would you just look at the Balance sheet?

Thanks for any help.

2007-08-09 08:45:38 · 1 answers · asked by A. Browning 1 in Other - Business & Finance

My husband and I have been talking about buying a home for a few months now since we are both financially stable and have a baby on the way. We figure that we will need more space as she gets older and/ or as our family grows. We have looked around in different parts of town and have found a few homes that interest us within our price range but my husband says to keep putting it off until we have more money saved since the market is going to get better. I don't mind living in an apartment at all since I have mostly my whole life, but at the same time I keep thinking about my daughter and how nice it would be to have her grow up in a house just like my husband and I both did. Maybe I am just getting impatient but I feel we have more than enough money saved to do this. I know that he is just concerned that we might be on a tight budget once we buy a home... any advice or anyone who has been in a similar situation?

2007-08-09 08:45:21 · 5 answers · asked by Thelma H 2 in Renting & Real Estate

things like marriage status, you can deduct hobby expenses but not medical expenses (unless its over 2% of your income)
business can deduct their legal expenses even if they're are at fault, but an individual can't deduct theirs even if they are aquitted. You have to make a choice between taking the standard deduction which is less than half the poverty level or itemizing your deduction. The tax is progressive until you get to about a million dollars then suddenly its a flat tax. If your spouce dies you suddenly have to pay higher taxes. I could go on. I'd like to hear some horror stories of other countrys tax code.

2007-08-09 08:29:23 · 4 answers · asked by wisemancumth 5 in Other - Taxes

Here's a question for professional fundraisers: in your annual report, do you list donors for the amount they gave in that year, or do you list their total pledges? In other words, if someone has pledge $1,000 a year for five years, and made their first payment in 2006, would you list them in the $1,000 or $5,000 category? Please list the name of your institution or non-profit. Thank you!

2007-08-09 08:20:25 · 1 answers · asked by Katherine W 7 in Government & Non-Profit

I'm thinking that it's gonna be good for people who buy houses to rent out and sell later on. I mean they can get some really good deals now right?

2007-08-09 08:18:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

without haveing Collateral

2007-08-09 08:18:01 · 4 answers · asked by ~*~Marie~*~ 3 in Personal Finance

got letter from spain saying ive won thousands of euros its called euromillones loteria international, apparently a draw from a computer ballot system. makes me wonder though cos they want yopur bank detail to "transfer the cash into account" !!!

2007-08-09 08:15:08 · 37 answers · asked by ajj 3 in Credit

We will have about $5,000 to put down and haven't been pre-approved yet. We are both 25 years old with a bit of debt from school loans and credit cards, otherwise we both have great credit and are very much on top of our bills. Our debt will not be fully paid off by the time we buy our house but it will be lowered substantially. I just need to know where to start...

2007-08-09 08:14:40 · 16 answers · asked by eliz5560 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have put down a deposit on a buy to let flat using the capital gain from my residential property. I have set up a business account for the buy to let so that I can declare rental income and expenses. Should I declare the capital gain for the deposit from the same business account or can I simply pay this out of a personal account as non taxable income?

2007-08-09 08:13:01 · 5 answers · asked by world is my oyster 2 in United Kingdom


I was wanting to know what night audit is at a hotel and what you do?

2007-08-09 08:04:01 · 3 answers · asked by deznfamily 2 in Corporations

I have to catalog business material with my current employer for others to check out. It will be a type of Travel Library for anyone in the company to check a book, CD, audio CD, out for a extended amount of time. Nothing has been set in stone and I am starting from point A. HELP ME!!

2007-08-09 07:58:17 · 2 answers · asked by AB 2 in Small Business

If there any loan officers out there that can please give me some advice i would really appreciate it. My son has a house that is currently being rented and I rent an apartment. Although he pays his mortgage on time he has bad credit and I have very good credit. His score if 560 and my score is 740. He wants to refinance and put my name on the mortgage since I have good credit. Will the bank allow this? If so how will it be done. Some people are saying he has to add me to the deed and wait 3 months, I have also heard he can just add me to the title and do it right away. I have heard some banks allow you to refi as long as you are just added to title. What is the difference between the two? I am trying to get a clear answer. Also, being that the house is rented do we have to get an investment property rate which is much higher than if it were owner occupied? The tenants that live in the house now are leaving and I am planning to leave my apartment and live there.

2007-08-09 07:56:39 · 6 answers · asked by misstrini1020 1 in Renting & Real Estate

looking for a really cute cinderella cake.

2007-08-09 07:52:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I would really appreciate it if you could provide me some links to official sites that would answer my questions. Thank you very much!

2007-08-09 07:51:56 · 1 answers · asked by Shawnee 1 in Other - Business & Finance

Here's the situation. I have 2 credit cards with pretty large balances. Neither is maxed out, but the balances are high. I've never missed or been late on a payment for either. But I want to save for a house. I know that paying down the balances would boost my credit score, which I need. But I'm afraid to use the money on the cards and not have enough of a downpayment for a home in 2009. I've been going over this question for weeks. I don't know which to do. I'm fully aware of the benefits of both, it's choosing a course of action that is boggling me.

2007-08-09 07:41:22 · 6 answers · asked by Answer chick 2 in Personal Finance

I need to today and need to pay it back in 2 weeks. It's only a $100 loan. Low fees if possible.

2007-08-09 07:36:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

In my early twenties and I am finishing up school and only work a part time job. I have like a year left and am wondering if I should open an IRA now? I probably shouldn't try to invest any money because I don't have a lot and I want to keep my available funds liquid because of possible bills. Would an online savings account with a high apy be the best thing?

2007-08-09 07:33:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anthony S 2 in Investing

2007-08-09 07:26:32 · 2 answers · asked by agliam 1 in Credit

2007-08-09 07:24:02 · 8 answers · asked by Gabriel 1 in Insurance

So there was a new Target branch opening locally. My credentials were ok even tho i didnt have much retail experience. The interview was complete bs, the questions were annoying and painfully general and i had to give generic answers. Apparently i didnt get in. Was it because I said I could do part-time only. They asked me about full time committment about twice.

2007-08-09 07:22:48 · 9 answers · asked by Wise Idiot 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

fedest.com, questions and answers