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Business & Finance - 9 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes


"Even if he does not sell the ball, Murphy would still owe the taxes based on a reasonable estimate of its value, according to John Barrie, a tax lawyer with Bryan Cave LLP in New York. Capital gains taxes also could be levied in the future as the ball gains value, he said."

I don't understand why he would have to owe taxes on the "reasonable estimate" of the value of the ball if he never sells it? I understand paying taxes AFTER he sells it.

2007-08-09 07:21:58 · 12 answers · asked by trer 3 in United States

are you ever secretly jealous of people that have "blue collar" jobs?

I'm a PhD student in electrical engineering, and sometimes I secretly want to stop it become a florist.

2007-08-09 07:18:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

While looking into refinancing my mortage the broker told me about a money merge account and said it would be a great way for me to "build equity and get out of debt fast". We live paycheck to paycheck as it is. Would this really be a good idea for me or it is a gimmick?

2007-08-09 07:14:12 · 3 answers · asked by Redlily 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I just got finished applying for a job, when do they usually give you a call and what time of day is it when they do call

2007-08-09 07:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by B Dub 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

My brother was killed in a car accident and a few years later we were awarded money through the insurance company the car was carried under.
A percent of that money was taken out for inheritance tax's.
Is this money we were awarded for wrongfull death really requarded as an inheritance?
It don't make sense to me.

2007-08-09 07:08:17 · 6 answers · asked by whocares_3076 1 in United States

I am renting a house that is fully furnished, I am looking after the property, however recently the tumble dryer packed up, the on button won't stay on(hotpoint). When I leave the property could I be sued for this type of thing? I recently called out the repair guy for the washing machine, he fixed it in 2 minutes, but charged me £40. My landlord has been fine but he has a history of litigation-took the previous letting agent to court.

2007-08-09 07:08:05 · 13 answers · asked by caligula_divinity 1 in Renting & Real Estate

My wife is a nonresident alien with no US income and did not file a return. I filed as married filing separately, claiming her as an exemption and taking the standard deduction. Now I got back a letter from the IRS that says my standard deduction was rejected because "When your filing status is Married Filing Separately and your spouse itemizes deductions, you must also itemize. Information on your tax return indicates that your spouse itemized deductions; therefore, we used zero as your deduction amount."

If my wife didn't file a return, how could she have itemized deductions? Should we be worried about identify theft of her SSN? How does the IRS know from "information on your return" that my wife itemized? That doesn't make any sense...

The IRS representative on the phone wasn't helpful at all and wouldn't clarify what this letter means.

What should I do?

2007-08-09 07:04:32 · 9 answers · asked by Ben G 1 in United States

it is an income tax filing business and i do not want crazy people around how can i minimize the chance of anything happening??

2007-08-09 06:53:53 · 3 answers · asked by roccitytaxes 1 in Small Business

2007-08-09 06:50:09 · 6 answers · asked by Thomas S 1 in Investing

Recently, Tom Cryer was recently found 'not guilty' by a jury for 'failure to file' a tax return. Mr. Cryer stopped filing yrs ago. The judge, the govt attorneys, and the jury all cannot find the statute.

Tom Cryer was also allowed enter the Constitution into evidence, and numerous 'unanswered' letters to the IRS.

Do any of u read about this in the mass media?

2007-08-09 06:47:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Are united states citizens mandated by law to pay federal income tax, if this is a law can someone show me where its a law, or where it is a requirement?

2007-08-09 06:46:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

what will happen ???

2007-08-09 06:39:55 · 6 answers · asked by maggie 2 in Personal Finance

My husband is the finishing supervisor for a custom cabinet shop. He's been with them for almost three years with no problems. About three weeks ago, they hired a new shop supervisor. He happens to be the owners daughters (she works there too) boyfriend. He has management experience, but has never worked in woodworking. The problem is that he's telling my husband to do some things differently, which is fine, except that if he does these things, jobs won't be correct, the pieces will come back and my husband will have to re-do them. These are jobs that take days to complete. (Like a house full of cabinets, bookshelves, trim, etc). Yesterday, he passed a job to my husband and the majority of the pieces were marked for the wrong color. My husband pointed it out to him and it took an arguement for the Supervisor to look at what he marked. He had done it wrong. The Shop Sup. has called a meeting with my husband, the owners, and himself today to discuss my husbands attitude. Help!

2007-08-09 06:34:44 · 8 answers · asked by Wendy B 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

I was wondering what kind of deductions I could claim on next years tax returns. I've heard you could use things for work as long as they excede a preset amount, but I don't know if that can apply to someone working part-time or if there are other things I could deduct because I'm a full time college student.

2007-08-09 06:32:04 · 6 answers · asked by Cheshire Smile 1 in Other - Taxes

4bedroom, at least 1 bathroom, move in ready, home $25,000-99,000?

2007-08-09 06:30:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Tax Lawyer, John Berrie says "Once he took possession of
the ball, and It was his ball, It it was income to him based on
it's value as of yesterday. $600,000 with $210,000 in taxes
say experts. Tax experts. Please advise Mat Murphy on ($_$)

2007-08-09 06:26:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

Tax Lawyer, John Berrie says "Once he took possession of
the ball, and It was his ball, It it was income to him based on
it's value as of yesterday. $600,000 with $210,000 in taxes
say experts. Tax experts. Please advise Mat Murphy on ($_$)

2007-08-09 06:25:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

ive been offered 2 jobs and struggling to pick the right one? so was hoping someone would give me some answers on here......

1st job working for an insurance company, 12 month contract initially . great career prospect in the finance sector offering qulifications and experience. Well paid job.

2nd company, is loft conversion company, family run busines may lead to other oppertunaties within the company, Plus bounses. full time and perm. £1k less in salary.

im worried that if i take the 1st job i will be finished in a years time. or i take the 2nd job and be there for many years.??

thanks in advance

2007-08-09 06:21:18 · 11 answers · asked by susan b 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

cover what I need to get? In other words, will it be approved by the credit card reader (I know I can't push "debit" because that's automatically posted) as long as there's a positive balance, and then I can put the money in later? Or will it deny me? :(

2007-08-09 06:18:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

How can I politely decline? I dont want them to think I dont like getting further in my job, but more stress and equal pay doesnt thrill me..

2007-08-09 06:17:13 · 7 answers · asked by ursoolastsumer 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I would need an online program and at $500 per 3 credits how far will finacial aid get me. I could only afford $100 a month. If anyone else has experience getting thru this please let me know. Also what do they pay an unexperienced nurse straight out of clinicals?

2007-08-09 06:11:47 · 2 answers · asked by flipperache 1 in Health Care

My mother needs to move to the same town as us for family reasons. She is 62 and a widow. She is currently in a housing association house and doesnt pay any rent as her rent is paid for her through her pensions, war widows pension etc, housing benefit.

Our town is quite expensive but we really need her nearby and she is desperate to move here too. The rented properties here are around the £700-800 mark per month for a 2 bedroom property (my neice also lives with her). She thinks she will not be able to afford this amount per month, plus utility bills etc.

If she does an exchange with someone in our town who wants to move to hers, does anyone know how housing associations work? Is there a waiting list, criteria to be met etc.

Or is there any other way at all - could she obtain a mortgage at age 62?? with many thanks

2007-08-09 06:08:33 · 4 answers · asked by alipaul2 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I was just wondering that,because since its a once time income will it be taxed like they do the lottery.If get the money from my lawyer will i have to report this to irs, because its just enough to buy a house and i would hate that the damn irs would have to take some of my money? so if any one can answer this

thank you

2007-08-09 06:04:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

my ex left me in the S*** tryed to get into a trust deed but dont have enough cash to live on for the month how much does it cost to go bankrupt i think this my only way out of the mess im in lost my house all i have is my car worth 1500 to 2000 pounds will they take this .

2007-08-09 05:47:09 · 4 answers · asked by evan 1 in Personal Finance

I get probably three emails a day with offers to buy my items. But everyone seems to turn out the same way. Much like this:

"My name is Motukumbu, and I would like to buy your Playstation 2 for $$$ plus the cost of shipping. The shipping will actually be going to Nigeria. My daughter lives there, and her birthday is coming up soon. If possible, I would prefer to pay you through paypal. Upon receipt of payment, you could ship it and provide me with a tracking number."

Anyways, thats the jist of it. I have paypal, and I can't really seem to grasp what the scam is here. If they send me money through paypal, then its mine to transfer to my bank account as I please. the only thing i have to give him is my login/email address for paypal so he can transfer his funds. Is this a scam or do a lot of Africans simply want my used PS2?

2007-08-09 05:44:29 · 11 answers · asked by Adam 1 in Other - Business & Finance

fedest.com, questions and answers