I posted an earlier question asking for help in an accident I was recently involved in ((DUI/meth abuser hits bicyclist = broken back). I received a lot of useful info, but have a few more questions. I've been told by some people that have successfully sued the negligent driver's insurance company and won. The cases were won based on the driver having prior DUI's and the company still insuring the driver. Is this beyond the scope of possibility? Does anyone know of something like this happening with some some degree of success?
Otherwise, aside from the driver getting charged with DUI and felony assault (due to the severity of my injury)- I get no recourse. Nothing to help pay my insurance deductibles, nothing for pain (of which I'm in a lot of) and suffering. This is all based on the driver having no personal assets and the fact that he will most likely declare bankruptcy if I try to sue him for future wages, etc. He is, after all, a meth addict. Any advice is appreciated!
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