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All categories - 18 August 2007

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When somebody brings up the fact that President Bush is a chickenhawk, his supporters have brought up Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, two other war presidents who didn't serve.

(Well, they served in the milita whatever the hell that means, and, no, Bush didn't serve. When you can't be bothered to show up for your one weekend a month it doesn't count as service.)

Anyway, while Lincoln and Roosevelt may not have served, they are different from Bush for a few reasons.

1. Lincoln and Roosevelt didn't lie and weren't just waiting and praying for excuses to rush into their wars. The other side threw the first punch. (If you bring up 9/11, I'm referring to the Iraq War, NOT the Afghan War.)

2. Their wars were about a little bit more than corporate profit.

3. Lincoln and Roosevelt may not have served in war, but their kids sure as hell did. Lincoln's son volunteered as did all four of Roosevelt's sons. Jenna and Barabara Bush have yet to raise their right hands.

2007-08-18 12:56:41 · 13 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3 in Politics

Hi ! I'ved been in a violent relationship for 2 years(he's been manipulative,controlling and violent) and he still get to me by leaving e_mails saying i'm a worthless b$%ch.Leaving me message on my answering machine wishing that i was dead..Why did i do to deserve this?I broke it off 3 weeks ago and to day i told him to act like i'm dead(don't know if that the way to react but...)Ive'd been isolated and have no self esteem(meaning i have no friends and no resources.)How long did it take for you to get on your feet and what steps did you take to get there ???Help !!(question to guys: do you see from a distance if a girl have low self esteem? if so how can you tell ?)

2007-08-18 12:56:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

Madden Football, Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto? What is the coolest vidoe game ever?

2007-08-18 12:56:00 · 5 answers · asked by cats 7 in Polls & Surveys

coragryph explain how when you said no one is above the law yet your claim has some problems.Please explain why those laws can be broken without worry of punishment,fines,jail time.
Just when you thought our government couldn’t sink any lower in the dereliction of their duty to protect this nation and uphold our laws, you get an e-mail from a reader with a link to this…
If you’re caught with two pounds of pot that you plan to sell, plan on going to jail for up to seven years.

With 500 pounds, you can kiss your completely freedom goodbye.

But head down to Southern Arizona, near the border, do the exact same thing, and in many cases you get off scott-free.

No prosecution, no penalty, no prison…in fact - not even a slap on the hand.

County prosecutors say it’s enormously frustrating and for the drug cartels, enormously profitable.

But this sweet deal only applies if you’re illegal and smuggling 500-pounds or less.

And therein lies one of our country’s dirty little secrets: Mexican drug runners getting a free pass back to Mexico if they’re caught with less than a quarter-ton of pot.

Cochise County attorney Ed Rheinheimer spells it out. “If a seizure is made of an amount less than 500 pounds, the case doesn’t get prosecuted.”

You read that right.

Drug runners doing business without punishment.

But don’t blame the county attorneys.

Remember: These are federal cases and should be federally prosecuted.

But guess what?

They don’t get prosecuted by the feds and now, they don’t get prosecuted by guys like Ed Rheinheimer, either.

“Since 2003 we stopped prosecuting federal referrals because of a lack of resources.” [snip]

And while these “weight limits” are unfamiliar to most Americans - drug cartels know them well and plan accordingly.

Sergeant Terry Parish warehouses the seizures. We walked through store rooms holding marijuana from floor to ceiling.

Lisa Fletcher: “How many of these guys do you think are aware of this sort of unspoken rule that if you’ve got less than 500 pounds, you’re probably not going to get prosecuted?”

“I think probably more of them are aware of it than individual officers are. Their intelligence is very good, it’s what they do for a living.”

And they do it every night…all along Arizona’s border.

War on drugs? Don’t make me laugh. This a full frontal assault on the American citizen and our society. Think I’m wrong? Well, consider this, it seems George Orwell’s famous quote, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” has never been more accurate than it is in America today.

Is it any wonder Americans are outraged over the current illegal immigration situation? While our government winks and nods at Mexico, we’ve watched as illegal immigrants are afforded more and more rights in our society than American citizens - American citizens who happen to get stuck with the bill to pay for all of this generosity and are hauled off to prison if we dare to think of breaking any of the laws that illegal aliens receive a free pass for breaking.

Our rewards for being Americans and legal American citizens are higher taxes, higher crime rates, lower wages, higher insurance premiums and on and on while illegal aliens are rewarded for their crimes against our borders and our society with:

Free health care - U.S. taxpayers pay the medical bills for illegal aliens yet the cost of most American’s monthly health insurance premium for even a small family has now exceeded their monthly mortgage payment and if we fail to pay for our insurance and need medical care, our home will have to be sold to cover the costs.

The right to be above the law - Illegal aliens can hide in ’sanctuary cities’ that say, “we care more about the rights of criminal aliens than the rights of our own citizens” yet American criminals are not afforded a place to hide, in fact, they are hunted down.

In-state tuition - Senators Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin, and other members of our Congress are proud sponsors of the illegal dream yet American children have to pay more for their college tuition than their illegal counterparts as some states have already implemented in-state tuition for illegal aliens in direct violation of our federal law.

Day laborer centers - American taxpayers fund illegal day laborer centers yet there are no ‘gathering places’ being built for unemployed American workers.

No ID necessary - “The stigma and humiliation of constantly proving lawful status is unacceptable”, says the ACLU yet Americans are expected to show 2 forms of verifiable ID to obtain a driver’s license.

Fair share of Katrina disaster aid - Hillary Clinton - defender of the illegal alien, made sure that illegal aliens got their ‘fair share’ of the Katrina disaster aid paid for courtesy the American taxpayer.

Using our courts to see that crime pays - 2 illegal immigrants won an Arizona ranch in court. Do you think an American trespasser could get that lucky in court?

Turning our sense of right and wrong on its head - The Minuteman Project and other anti-illegal immigration groups are targeted as bands of racists and even called ‘vigilantes’ by our President and ‘bigots’ by a member of the U.S. Senate. Americans who are trying to help the border patrol, because of our government’s total disregard for the citizens of this nation, are rewarded by being vilified by the very officials failing to live up to the office they occupy. In this topsy-turvy world, criminals are now accepted as the victim and law-abiding citizens are handed the bill and openly accused of racism if they disagree. Or arrested if they dare to protest.

Our Border Patrol agents languish in prisons while known drug smugglers are given immunity.

And now, American citizens can expect to face prison time for small amounts of marijuana while illegal aliens can possess a quarter of a ton - and bring it across an international border - with absolutely no ramifications?

Orwell was right, “Some animals (and people) ARE more equal than others”.

coragryph, tell me why are these people above the law when you clearly said nobody was or is above the law. How do you explain this?Looks like they are above the law, even though you said this does not happen, you know cause you are a lawyer. How do you explain these guys being above the law?

2007-08-18 12:55:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

They seem to be a well founded Agency, does anyone use it or have used it in the past?

2007-08-18 12:55:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

U.S. Army 1988 - 1994 25th ID Light

2007-08-18 12:55:25 · 7 answers · asked by Montego 4 in Military

everything on my screen got to big icons and the picture.

2007-08-18 12:55:24 · 2 answers · asked by tony h 1 in Desktops

Why do so many people on yahoo answers talk like inmates aren't human? That inmates should just commit suicide to save tax payer money. What if it was your family member? Some people are locked up because they freaked out on their abusers who beat them or rapped them. It is so rude to judge and put everyone in the same category.

2007-08-18 12:55:02 · 7 answers · asked by purifiedheartbeating 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-08-18 12:54:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

hiya i am making a fantasy theme backyard for our kids and wanted to make a toadstill/mushroom looking table and chairs/stools for them to sit at ( like the ones in the fairy tales), wondering how to do it cheaply ie: concrete? or wood? etc. thanks for your time.

2007-08-18 12:54:51 · 1 answers · asked by whatchafink 2 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

This person was staying at my house for a week, and I'm totally grossed out about it and don't know how I should handle it. This is a VERY close family member. Isn't this stuff illegal? Should I be worried that this person is around my children?

2007-08-18 12:54:37 · 7 answers · asked by Stephanie M 1 in Family

2007-08-18 12:54:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-18 12:54:12 · 13 answers · asked by Blah 2 in Religion & Spirituality

please no ahh you believe in that !$%! lol no i dont but just askihng ..

2007-08-18 12:54:10 · 4 answers · asked by jen 1 in Military

I mean is it true what some say that people are realizing that Religion, Prophets etc were all fantasies & the more the time goes on the more likely these aspects are phasing out, its not that i belive this is the case but just want other peopls's opinions.

2007-08-18 12:53:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-18 12:53:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

Its a measurment of 2/3 of a cup of salt, divided by .25

2007-08-18 12:53:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Regarding SETI, the program scans the entire sky, but sometimes will focus on the direction of a given star if there seems to be indication of "something" going on there. Stars are light years away, however. If ET exists, they may well have more sophisticated communication technology than ours - technology capable of instant message transferrence even over vast light years. All stars save but for our own are multiple light years away, so focusing on their -visual- location seems erroneous. Shouldn't we calculate where in the sky it would be right now and scan there instead of the visual location where it hasn't been for many years?

Radio waves are an impractical communications medium across astronomical distances and it's highly doubtful that any ordinary stray signal to ping one of our satellites would be strong enough to seem significant. . I think focusing on radio waves transmitted the "old-fashioned" way is a wasted effort. The only radio waves we could pick up <2 b continued...>

2007-08-18 12:52:59 · 10 answers · asked by uncleclover 5 in Astronomy & Space

I'm lost in the concept of how freeing up more money for upper income folks to invest expands our economy and creates jobs.
People who invest money do so where they get the greatest returns. The greatest returns are in countries with expanding economies, like China. Why invest in America with an economy expanding at a 4% rate when you can earn 4 times as much in the Chinese economy, which is expanding at a 12% rate.
Exactly how does this benefit our economy? How does giving upper income people more money to invest overseas create more jobs here?
Why is it less beneficial to give the middle class, who are likely to spend their money within the USA, a tax break?

2007-08-18 12:52:55 · 28 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6 in Politics

She said it just started hurting today. Before you would have to put a little pressure on it to feel it. Now its more out and if u touch her near her underarm you can feel the bump or knot under her skin. What could it be?

2007-08-18 12:52:37 · 17 answers · asked by PrettyBoi 1 in Other - General Health Care

(Please no Atheists or Hijackers)

I'm having a hard time understanding the Trinity.

It's hard to grasp 3 in 1 or Tri-unity.

How does 3=1. How can 3 parts of God equate to 1 God?

Why do the 3 parts of God talk to each other all throughout the Bible? Why would God talk with himself?

Why do Jews not think of the Holy Spirit, rather they have several natures of God and us Christians who worship the God of Judaism too believe in 3.

Since Jesus is God, and his mother is Mary, isn't Mary "THE MOTHER OF GOD" and not just a simple "vessel" claimed by numerous protestants.

If Jesus is God, why does he represent you before his Father if he is the Father too?

Why was the term trinity not used until 325 AD after a huge battle of bishops. They argued over the very topic and it developed into the Arian Controversy.

Would that have been made clear by Christ if there was a trinity.

I know Genesis says "we" in quoting God, but again, Jews had NUMEROUS natures of God.

Thanks, I'm confused

2007-08-18 12:52:35 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

So this is for men and women?

2007-08-18 12:52:35 · 15 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Senior Citizens


I'm making this costume for a friend for her birthday. IT's really hard to find reference pictures, so this is all I have.
Does anyone have an idea of what kind of fabric would be most accurate to the character?

2007-08-18 12:52:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hobbies & Crafts

I'm a quiet fella, i only go out now and again. And i keep myself to myself when i do. " I have had a hard life"
About 5 years ago i meet a girl, i fell for her straight off. She is funny, caring, talkitive, full of life, and absolutly beautiful! She has picked me up and let me down so many times, i find it hard to trust her. "but i want to"
We share common friends.
One of my mates gave her my number last weekend. So she must have deleted my number from her phone. We have not spoke in months. But tonight she txt me to tell me she has started her own hairdressers shop. She seems keen to know what i am doing!
What do you make of this?

2007-08-18 12:52:30 · 22 answers · asked by markyc 2 in Singles & Dating

I frequently (about every other month) have dreams about staircases that have been altered in some way. Like, you're going up & then at some point there's a big gap in the steps & you have to jump to make it, or you fall a long ways. Sometimes there are obstacles you have to jump on or swing across to get to the next steps. I'm usually with people in these dreams, & they have no problem making it to the next step, but I'm freaked out that I'll fall.

The other day, my brother told me he had a dream about a spiral staircase where the steps were lilypads, & it was hard to get from one to the other. He says that he dreams about weird staircases a lot, too.

What do these dreams mean?

2007-08-18 12:52:29 · 11 answers · asked by dementors_suck 6 in Dream Interpretation

hey mii ppls. just wondering, ive heard bout call harrasment many times be4. Is it true u can like go 2 jail? Oh wow. How do they track ur phone?? If u get caught how long will they be calling u? Can u get arrested??? wOw so many questions oh well. thanx:] byebye

2007-08-18 12:52:08 · 8 answers · asked by anonymous123455555 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

this guy she went to work with is 54 yrs old she is 15 years old and hes the oldest of a bunch of little girl siblings and he delivers packages all over indiana and hes always touching my girlfriend and his work hours are from 8 at night till 3 in the morning and hes always telling her shes pretty and out of all her siblings shes the only one he talks to and hes telling her that hes gonna take her out into the country and let her drive his car and i just dont know what to do someone plz help me contacting the cops is a no cuz he hasnt done nething and oh yeah his car when he locks the dors the only way to unlock them is from the remote hes got on his key and when he locks them the locks dissapear into the door panel someone plz help me

2007-08-18 12:51:53 · 18 answers · asked by Womeninmydreams 1 in Singles & Dating

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