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語言 - 三月 2006

[Selected]: 所有分類 社會與文化 語言

Although much of this book is devoted to examining what principals can do to improve teacher retention in their schools, the main focus has been on retaining the best teachers in the schools.Though a mass exodus of teachers from any school building can have a harmful effect,it is the great teachers whose departure can really hurt a school.
Unfortunately,the existing literature on teacher retention and attrition issuesfails to differentiate among great teachers,mediocre teachers,and really poor teachers.
Nevertheless,it is improtant for all principals to examine this literature so that they can get a national perception of this issue.

2006-03-20 13:28:48 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 煥文 1

1 Seaweed (主詞)  taste (動詞)
2 Seashells (主詞)  wash (動詞)
3 Ocean vessels (主詞)  zoom (動詞)
4 A killer whale (主詞)  jump (動詞)
5 The dolphins (主詞)  play  (動詞)



2006-03-20 12:43:46 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Kaoru 2


2006-03-20 11:48:20 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Amanda 2

Tzuchi Temple
The temple is located at No. 179 Jhongjheng Rd., Fongyuan City, Taichung County which is 887 square meter totally and 300 square meter of building. It is built at 1806 and had more than 170 years history. The main Ethereal is Matzu. The temple is very huge and full with the original decoration and art of architectures. There are a lot of devotees everyday. The temple becomes the religious and tour center. It contained the oldest art of carven sculptures.

Jhongjheng Park
Jhongjheng Park that is the leisure place of Fongyuan people is located at the Shueiyuan Rd., Fongyuan City. The front and back of the park are valley and massif. The shade of coconut palm and banyan are planted by the beautiful bent sideways in the park, which is very suitable for a walk in the summer. The pavilion is settled in the front of the park. Beside the pavilion is the bronze statue of Chian Kai-chek. The park also offers various facilities including swimming pool and game place for children and parents.

位於中正公園與豐原球場之間的公老坪觀光果園,佔地十公頃之多,是中部地區最具規模的觀光果園。園內栽種一百多種的四季果實,供人採食,並 栽種無花果、人參果等珍奇果 樹及各種水果解說課題,讓遊客與小朋友在遊玩之餘兼具教 育功能,目前該園區也朝多角化經營,設有烤肉區、露營區、會議室、渡假小木屋、田園藝術館等遊憩設施。
Kunlauping tour garden
Kunlauping tour garden is located between Fungyuan stadium and Jhongjheng park. The biggest tour garden in the middle Taiwan contains 10 hectare. There are more than one hundred species of fruit trees, which are available for visitors. Capri figs, fruit and various fruit etc are planted there and included in the lessens for tourists and children to be educated. At present the garden is also diverse various managements including Bar-Be-Q area, campsite, reference room, vacation wanigans and the field-art museum.

2006-03-20 11:34:10 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous




2006-03-20 10:45:33 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


Last summer, Little White came to my home. She is a puppy which has a shaggy and white coat. In the beginning, I didn`t care about her advent, I even tried to ignore her exist, because I considered that raising a dog must be a very bothersome work. But I still couldn`t deny that her appearance is very cute and adorable.

Even thought I always yelled to Little White to make her to be quiet, and I always turned my face to the wall when she is asking me to play with her by running around me, she still didn`t give up on me. Time after time, the one who surrendered to this game is me. I don`t know when I started to open my heart to her and have fun with her all the time, but I do know that I became to like her more and more by day after day. I even wondered how can I refuse to her passion at first.

Because of Little White`s coming, my all family did a lot of work to keep her and our house clean. One day, my mother said that as long as she get a job, Little White have to be sent a way. Luckily, my mother find a new job very soon, and unfortunately, Little White also disappeared very soon. I lost my friend just in a few day, although my mother told me that Little White was in my cousin`s home, I can go to see her anytime, I still didn`t want to. Because I was afraid that I might be out of control and take Little White away with me.

Until I was finally sure that I didn`t miss Little White so much, I went to my cousin`s home. I was surprised to see that Little White was became so big, and she seemed to be very happy. When she ran to me to made a hot lunge at me and licked my face, I knew that she didn`t forget me. I was so gratified.

Even if I can`t sure will Little White recognize me next time, I can promise I will remember her forever.

請幫我檢查文法有沒有錯 還有如果有更好的句子也請幫我修改 感恩

2006-03-20 08:17:40 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1





2006-03-20 05:35:35 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ★╮妞〞 4

I will climb the highest mountain I will swim the deeper sea <-----是啥意思?
I wanna be a lover, I wanna be a man <-----是啥意思?
Can you be my lover, don\'t wanna be your friend <-----是啥意思?

2006-03-20 05:30:01 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 V怪客 1

humps 跟 lumps 是什麼意思?? 是胸部 還是屁屁呢??

2006-03-20 05:26:29 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Tanny 3





2006-03-19 23:03:30 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1

我想翻譯 張 嘉 雯 的韓文 要怎麼翻 ?
徵韓文高手 or 有學過韓文的大大唷 ><

2006-03-19 17:14:29 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


我喜歡追求多采多姿的生活,討厭一成不變。而語言的世界的瞬息萬變更是符合我的胃口,簡直就像量身定做的一般。當然,少不更事的我,對於浩翰的語言世界也只是窺豹一斑,算是有粗淺的認識而已。但我相信,我和它的感情將會愈演愈烈,一發不可收拾!即使現在的我口說能力不那麼流暢,寫作技巧也不是那麼令人眼睛為之一亮。但那有人天生就會的呢?既然起步比別人慢,就要比別人更努力。我相信我的潛力無窮,毅力無限!天下無難事,只怕有心人。Trust me ! I can make it!  


2006-03-19 15:34:42 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1


2006-03-19 14:45:13 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 bess 1


2006-03-19 13:07:36 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 小伶 2


2006-03-19 12:59:08 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

除了half hour 之外,還可以怎麼說?可以說half of an hour 嗎?還有什麼呢?

2006-03-19 12:56:12 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 奇蹟 5

請問 §A m i g o§ 是哪一國的語言阿??????我只知道他是好朋友的意思.....................................................................................................................
我的評分標準: 1.第一回答者 20% 2.內容易懂 50% 3.自己的想法,不直接複製網站 30%

2006-03-19 12:34:00 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 2

表示同性戀的英文單字就免了,我要的是像:stud(種馬) 、手淫、**(是幫男的)、69、**.............之類的,越多越好

2006-03-19 09:40:30 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Ivan 2


2006-03-19 04:14:08 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 X 4


Name: xxx
Address: xxx
Mobile Phone :xxx
Email: xxx
Career Objective:
Equipment Engineer
2001 – 2005 Feng Chia University,The courses I am currently doing is Industrial Engineering。
1998 – 2001 National Lo-Tung Senior High School。
Summary of Qualifications
Strong communication and interpersonal skills。
Ability to achieve results。
Full of responsibility。
Work Experience:
2005.11-2006.03:xxx Technology Co., Ltd.,製程(不知道如何打)Engineer。
Computer Skills:
Word,Power point,Outlook,Excel and so on。
I was born in I-Lan. In my family there are four people including me,my parents and brother.I am optimistic and always willing to learn new things. When I was a child my parents paid much attention to the development of my personality. I was brought up in such a healthy atmosphere and environment, so I have a positive outlook on life.
  When I was a student, I was a very easy person to get along with, so I had many friends. My teachers also praised me and gave me many opportunities to acquire different skills.
  In Feng - Chia College majored in Industrial Engineering . The subjects I studied included the knowledge and skills connected with IE work . In semester, I works increase my work experience.For example,works in a restaurant, post office and so on.
  After graduating from Feng - Chia,I works in Max Echo Technology Co., Ltd, holds the post of engineer, in service period studies very many knowledge, but hopes study more knowledge therefore wants to go forward toward the equipment aspect.

我的英文不好這是我大概看範例打出來了 我主要是要投工作履歷用的
不知道這樣子的中英文履歷可以嗎 如果很濫可以麻煩幫我修改一下嗎~

2006-03-18 23:01:22 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 小黑 3

最近要做一份英文報告 主題是台灣夜市文化

2006-03-18 22:18:02 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 1

請問?英文Tjhie Hoa這二字,中文姓名是什麼?

請問?英文Ching Ching這二字,中文名是什麼?

2006-03-18 19:23:59 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 no nickname 2

But as times changed, women began demanding more freedom on what they could wear. They began to dress more comfortably and confidently. The most important thing for women was that they could start to wear what they wanted to.

2006-03-18 18:13:10 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Jasmine 3


2006-03-18 17:17:42 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 s42497 4

翻譯的不通順幫我修正 他是飲食男女的介紹
The father in third movie of the trilogy is a famous Taiwanese chef and widower. Every week, he prepares a banquet for his three adult daughters. The movie opens with mouth-watering preparations for this banquet. Ironically, however, despite his fame, he has recently lost his sense of taste and the beautiful food tastes terrible. As the movie unfolds, each of the characters changes his or her situation in surprising ways.
In exploring the different and changing roles of a father, the three films also look at problems between generations, each not understanding the other. Another theme is the way in which food brines people together. Perhaps it is a lesson Ang Lee learned in his five years at home making meals for his wife and children.
在三部曲的第3 部電影裡的父親是一位著名的台灣主廚和鰥夫。 每周,他為他的3 個成年的女兒準備一個宴會。 電影為這個宴會以令人垂涎的準備開始。 具有諷刺意義的是,然而,儘管他的名氣,他最近已經失去他的口味的感覺了,美食品嘗起來可怕。 電影展開當時,每性格兌換他或她的情勢在驚人方法內。
在探索不同並且兌換的一父親的角色方面,3 電影也看問題在代,每不理解另一個之間。 另一個主題在那些路在那種食品鹽水人一同。 或許是某位精通他的5 年在家為他的妻子和孩子煮菜的課李安。

2006-03-18 16:54:44 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2006-03-18 14:57:59 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 子銘 2

Anna到監獄去看她女兒,因為他被警察逮捕。但Sarah是被陷害的,Anna一直要幫助Sarah離開監獄,因為Anna相信Sarah沒有賣海洛因,所以她到處找人幫助她女兒,後來她 女兒終於洗清罪名,Anna很非常高興。(請用過去式的方式翻譯,謝!)

2006-03-18 14:48:04 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Celia 3

先生 買根火柴吧

2006-03-18 14:41:18 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3

過去分詞 和 過去式 哪一個是P.P 搞不懂?><~
過去分詞 和 過去式 哪一個是P.P 搞不懂?><~
過去分詞 和 過去式 哪一個是P.P 搞不懂?><~

2006-03-18 14:21:15 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1









2006-03-18 11:57:51 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 3

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