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語言 - 三月 2006

[Selected]: 所有分類 社會與文化 語言

follow up
build up
try out

2006-03-29 18:18:27 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 吉馬 1




2006-03-29 17:52:50 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous




2006-03-29 17:29:04 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 小黃 1

有沒有那種日文單字翻譯ㄉ中文網站啊 介紹介紹 因為 我要翻我ㄉ名字阿

2006-03-29 17:14:55 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1

24hr Ccr
T/D Brl
Hold Ccr Uc1
Tinta 1#
Cbc/dc crp gpt/gptt cm
Abd ECHO(3/21 AM on call)
NH3 stfor rechock
PES(3/23 pm on call)
LGI Colonsripy(3/23 pm on call)
Alon 1Amp vial st
Colon prepare:
1 on 低渣diet
2 3/22(1)10 am 鎂福+1pk
(2)Bisdyl 3# po at 9pm
(3)9pm:Cleensing ename
3 3/23(1)6am:dulcolax 1# supp st
Teiria gel*1pk lop use
U/A st
Colin 5㏄ po st
Consult 營養科
Chest CBC/DC SMA NH3(cm)
U/A st

2006-03-29 16:16:07 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1

常常聽到大人說以後長大在公司要會ㄌㄣˋ增 。 \"ㄌㄣˋ增\" !!!! 請問到底是什麼意思呢???

2006-03-29 15:42:45 · 9 個解答 · 發問者 菁菁 1


2006-03-29 13:25:52 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 small Kang 2

1a black look

2give someone a black eye

3give someone the green linght

4cry blue murder

關於顏色的 請翻成中文

2006-03-29 09:26:17 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

我叫柏函  要取怎樣的英文名字好呢?是取中文諧音好 還是 正統英文名阿?

2006-03-29 08:28:41 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 babyface 1

雙面膠外層的 \" 離型紙 \" , 英文該怎摸說呢?
我要將離型紙以半段的方式切一刀,可是不要傷到雙面膠 , 主要是為了雙面膠方面撕開 , 英文又要怎摸說呢?

2006-03-29 07:24:19 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Momo 4

1.I don\'t understand. What is happening?為什麼要用is happening 不能用is happen
2.Pat has an interesting hobby. She is building a boat.為什麼要用進行式回答
3.A friend asks you if you have finished the book she lent you. You say: Sorry, I\'m still reading it.為什麼回答要用進行回答.
4.I am driving! You can sit in the back wiht Joe. 為什麼不用能I drive
5.What are we eating for dinner? I\'m really hungry!為什麼不用what do we eat for dinner問

2006-03-29 06:43:59 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 tanya 2

請問picture 和 photo哪裡不同?

2006-03-29 05:12:21 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 chellen82001 5

All students who participate in the contest from Texas and Russiam will write about the SAME theme:* The World I would like to live in.*The essay is relatively short:two pages with font 14.What does this mean in Chinese? Thank you!

2006-03-29 02:39:29 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 TY 4



2006-03-28 23:35:48 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

請問 \"潤餅\"的英文怎麼拼?
或者 \"春捲\" 的英文怎麼拼?

2006-03-28 21:33:47 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1


2006-03-28 21:25:23 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


The (current) plan of operation will remain (in effect) unless it (will become) obvious that the desired gods and objectives (are not being) achived.

If (some) 50000 scientific and technological terms (were) included, there are(approyimately) one million wordsn that (make up) the vocabulaty of English.

2006-03-28 20:05:48 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 As 1

1. surname
2. preferred name
3. initial

2006-03-28 19:49:57 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 莫里斯買菜 1

Tailoring its maketing to Third World budgets and tastes-from packing blades so they can be sold one at a time.

2006-03-28 18:59:43 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 秋雅喵 3

請各位英文高手幫我翻譯一下下面的句子啦 感溫^^

2006-03-28 18:57:56 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 QQ 1

For most people, they eat all day outside because they are too busy to cook. Before I went to college, I hated eating at home; I felt the restaurant food was more appealing to me than my moms` cooked. But now I am changing my opinion, I prefer to eat at home.
I think that eating at home the food is fresh and healthful; my mom doesn’t like to put much oil. At our dining table that seldom appears meats, my mom thinks the meats have high cholesterol, it will harm our health. Eating at home we can feel relax, and limit out to wait. The meal surroundings at home are also cleaner than much dirt restaurants.
We don’t know the making processes about the food stands and restaurants, maybe they added some pigments which let the food be delicious, so now I am a little afraid to eat outside.

2006-03-28 18:08:00 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 J a n e t 小溱 1


2006-03-28 16:52:18 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Ci-rong 2



2006-03-28 16:51:38 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 soup 1

In order to assure a well-defined surface area, where the
heat flux is measured, insulating SiO2 between the metal
and the silicon limits the sensor area. Where the oxide separates
and insulates the metal from the silicon the structure
does not act as a heat-flux sensor any further. This part
may be used for contacting the two metal surfaces. The
left hand side output wire in Fig. 1 is contacting the upper
metal, while the right hand side contact wire is contacting
the bottom metal through the short circuit of the thin
(less than 0.5 mm) silicon layer, since outside the sensing
area there is no voltage difference between the two metals.
This solution was needed to provide a flat bottom surface
to enable good contact with the underlying, e.g. cold-plate

2006-03-28 16:50:00 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 rrat 2

1. Grey whales _ migrate _down the coast of our province every year.
2. The government made all kinds of impossible promises in the days _ Initiate __the election.
3. The _ federal__of the US and Canada have agreed on a plan to reduce air pollution.
4. He has been traveling __ overseas __for over a year now but should be back in Canada about a week from now.
5. The teacher gave the children little stars as an _ incentive __ to clean up their desks at the end of each day.
6. The car is __ preceding __of doing 0 to 100 in 3.5 seconds.
7. Western women are not encouraged to __ allocates ___a handshake with men in India, as it is not customary.
8. TOEFL instruction is not included within the _ scope _of classes at the lower levels.
9. Teaching in elementary school remains largely the _ capable ___of women in our society.
10. The new budget __ domain __an increase of over a billion dollars to the Ministry of Health.
Initiate, domain, federal, capable, preceding, scope, allocates, incentive, overseas, migrate.

2006-03-28 16:49:16 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2



Do you want prepare a delicious dish at home? In the beginning, you have to
draft a menu that you want to do. If you are a novice in this field,
don’t worry can’t make delicious meal.
There have three points that you follow them, you can be a cook easily.

At the first, there have every kind of cookbooks on sale in anywhere,
those books include Italy Food、Japan Food、Chinese Food、
France Food and on so…. You could buy one and try it at home.
The second, Certain of TV frequency channels have cooking show in sometime.
You could watch TV while take informal essay on your notebook,
in addition that, you could also recorder the show by the video recorder,
and you could watch the video when you have free time.
The third method, you could make use of a computer
to search for the recipe that you want on line, afterward download and copy it.
Therefore you accordance with the recipe to buy materials and seasonings
that you need.

When you purchase eating thing have to take care of its preserve deadline,
that can let you sure the food is fresh or not. After go home,
you could work it with the cookbook, thus you will make the dish that you like.

It is the most important that put seasoning rate、cooking in the long time
or short time, and the fire is large or small, on so….
Those key points would decide the taste well or not.
Last but not least, finish the cooking step and then take a container
match with the dish, it’s can make the dish look more dainty.


2006-03-28 16:34:02 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 我一定會上天堂 2

あ な は ず っ と 一 緒 に い っ た い  
中文是不是﹏ 只 想 和 你 一 直 在 一 起 ?

2006-03-28 15:49:37 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 君庭 3

Tainan CountyNo.39-5,shelin Village,Sigang Township,Tainan County

2006-03-28 15:06:48 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Zz53010 1

公文函稿一、擬稿人:民間鄉農會二、事由:「互助經費」申請經費補助周邊電腦系統及數位相機三、時間:95年5月1日四、受文單位:台灣省農會五、還要註明1、為什麼要購買,如...設備老舊等。2、預期效益,購買以後會讓農會更好...等。****格式( 新式公文橫式 )一、主旨二、說明三、擬辦 因為四月二日農會要考試,補習班出了這個題目。請各位達人們幫幫我,讓我知道該如何下筆。

2006-03-28 14:54:20 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

1. ( ) ________ in central Taiwan, Taichung boasts the finest weather on the island.
A) Locate B) To locate C) Locating D) Located

2. ( ) ________ 300 years ago, Taichung owes much of its beauty to the abundance of parks.
A) Established B) Establishing C) To establish D) Establish

3. ( ) All these cakes are consumed ________ the thousand during the festivals.
A)to B)in C)with D) by

4. ( ) Great care is ________ in the production of each and every one of those delicious, handmade treats.
A)made B)taken C)kept D) done

5. ( ) ________ completion of the 402 hectare site, government officials expect to create 50 000 new jobs.
A)With B)Through C)Upon D) In

6. ( ) Those ________ a bird\'s eye view of Taichung should check out Taichung Metropolitan park.
A) wanted B) wanting C)want D)to want

7. ( ) The composer was ________ talented, and we were all very impressed with his music.
A) recently B) gradually C) surprisingly D) exactly

8. ( ) In a matter of seconds, the tsunami ________ the tropical paradise.
A) devastated B) accentuated C) concentrated D) congratulated

9. ( ) This particular paragliding trip was ________ memorable.
A) recently B) normally C) especially D) conveniently

10. ( ) Deforestation is destroying the local ________ for future generations.
A) equipment B) environment C) establishment D) eruption

11. ( ) His ________ led him to go see the doctor.
A) oxygen B) industry C) attraction D) discomfort

12. ( ) Due to his bad ________, the doctor recommended massage treatment.
A) harness B) posture C) marathon D) ancestor

13. ( ) The cotton candy looked ________ but the caramels looked even better.
A) depressing B) interactive C) appealing D)

14. ( ) The millionaire ________ her prosperity to hard work and sensible shoes.
A) attributes B) attracts C) achieves D) afforests

15. ( ) The village was destroyed by a(n) ________ eruption.
A) artistic B) volcanic C) cosmic D) specific

1.D 2.A 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. D 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B

我想問的是3, 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14這幾題....很不解答案會是那樣?

2006-03-28 13:55:55 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 6

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