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The (current) plan of operation will remain (in effect) unless it (will become) obvious that the desired gods and objectives (are not being) achived.

If (some) 50000 scientific and technological terms (were) included, there are(approyimately) one million wordsn that (make up) the vocabulaty of English.

2006-03-28 20:05:48 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 As 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

(1) The current plan of operation will remain in effect unless it becomes (主要子句為未來式時,unless子句以現在式表示即可,不可用未來) obvious that the desired gods (goals?) and objectives are not being achived (achieved) (紅色的部分應該是你打錯字吧).(除非設定目標無法達成的情況很明顯,否則現行營運計畫將依然有效運作!)(2) If some 50000 scientific and technological terms are (這是可能發生的一種條件狀況,所以沒有必要用到與現在事實相反的假設語氣,故用現在式表達即可) included, there are approyimately (approximately) one million wordsn (words) that make up the vocabulaty (vocabulary) of English. (若將五萬個科技詞彙也包含進來的話,那構成英文字彙的數量就大約就有一百萬字了)

2006-03-30 08:38:18 補充:
thanks, leo. You deserve the credit too.

2006-03-29 08:38:14 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

1. The current plan of operation will remain in effect unless it becomes obvious that the desired goals and objectives are not being achieved.中文:目前的經營計劃將會持續有效,除非所想要的利益和目標並未達成。文法:unless 引導的副詞子句裡,要用現在簡單式代替未來簡單式。2. If some 50,000 scientific and technological terms are included, there are approximately one million words that make up the vocabulary of English. 中文:如果把一些大約5萬個科技的專有名詞包括進去,英語字彙就會變成大約1百萬個字。文法:If 引導的副詞子句裡,要用現在簡單式代替未來簡單式,何況後面句子動詞是現在簡單式。錯字:1.     gods => goals 2. achived => achieved 3. approyimately => approximately4.wordsn => words  5. vocabulaty=> vocabulary

2006-03-29 13:49:49 補充:
Nice to have met you here, Adam. It seems we have the same answers. Good luck to both of us!

2006-03-29 21:56:50 補充:

2006-03-29 08:47:40 · answer #2 · answered by River 7 · 0 0

1. in effect 改成 effective
2. were 改成 are
如果囊括大約5萬個科學性及科技性的專門術語, 將有大約1百萬個字構成英語字彙.

2006-03-28 20:37:34 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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