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Religion & Spirituality - 27 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It seems to me, in America at least, there's always someone who feels oppressed or that the threat of such oppression is looming on the horizon.

Take for example the "impending secularization/theocracy" fear. In the 1990s, many bible-belt Christians felt that certain "negative trends" were eating up their faith. They cowered before conspiracy theories involving large poweful government/multinational organizations controlled by (fill in blank). So they got organized to head-off this threat...

..which leads us into the reversal today. America is becoming a Theocracy, or so i've been warned on many occasions. The same types of fear have been expressed but with different actors/agents.

I have to ask now - what is there really to fear? Is every shift in opinion that contradicts a person's views cause for the declaration for the End? Do we overstate our own fears? Why always the sense of urgency?

2007-11-27 04:45:25 · 10 answers · asked by D.Chen 3

I am looking for some pagan rituals or traditions for this time of year. We still do the Santa Claus thing with my kids but they are quickly growing out of it and I wanted to start traditions, which go along more with our beliefs that are more spiritual pagan belief.

I feel very hypocritical following the Christmas tradition seeing as I don't believe what they do.

Any suggestions?

2007-11-27 04:44:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were sitting in your church on any given day and some gunmen came in and said they intended to kill all in the room. However, they do give everyone one chance to deny their faith and leave the church prior to any shooting. How many people do you think would remain in their seats?

2007-11-27 04:40:27 · 32 answers · asked by miki 2

can you give me the verse and explain.

2007-11-27 04:39:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

To prove religion is untrue, if there is only one God, then wouldn't it be one to us all? No more individually excluding "my god" from yours, but rather one god since we are all the same species here on planet Earth. To believe in different gods and think their god favorites them is mere selfish childish behavior on human beings behalf than actuality.

2007-11-27 04:39:07 · 17 answers · asked by The Only Quest 1

This is not meant to be a judgemental question in any way, for I am gulity of it myslef.

2007-11-27 04:39:05 · 12 answers · asked by queen of snarky-yack again 4

their dress, the tone of their voice, their love for hair and make-up?

2007-11-27 04:36:30 · 13 answers · asked by Juliana J 1

Ive been told by my local parish that it's toolate for me to start my "training" to become a catholic for this year and that they won't baptise my children unless one of us our catholic. Im currently baptised as c of e. I find it very unfair that my children are being punished for no fault of their own. is there any way i can fight this?

2007-11-27 04:36:20 · 26 answers · asked by subaru2_uk 1

For years scientists have searched for the missing link to prove how man evolved from a common ancestor with apes.
It would appear that this link has now been found.
Do you think this will be accepted by the church?


2007-11-27 04:35:58 · 27 answers · asked by darwinsfriend AM 5

That is a question I have asked all my life. Some say they
are.... I mean, since some intelligent minds out there
do not believe in spiritual things. I think if they took a
walk to the Mayan Temples, or The Catacombs, or
even the dark, creepy, Confederate cemetary of
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, then perhaps the would
have a rather quick change of heart. But evil exists,
just like good. And there are good spirits, and then
there are bad ones, too. Many say that Aliens are
entities from the times past, when there was an
Earth shattering departure, from Heaven above.
Meaning the Dark Angels...... Some of which may still
have a place here, or near the planet, in strange
places. I think it is near Morrocco, in Africa. Where
everything began. Yes, that is true. :) So are aliens
demons ? Or are they actually beings, from another
universe ? Best answer wins. >>>>

2007-11-27 04:35:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

if yes how do you bridge the gap?

2007-11-27 04:35:36 · 36 answers · asked by ۞Aum۞ 7

I know one person that believes that, and you might be surprised to find out who he/she is...

2007-11-27 04:34:23 · 23 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

“I hear you dismissed your pastor. What was wrong?”

“Well, he kept telling us we’re all going to hell.”

“What does the new pastor say?”

“The new pastor says we’re going to hell, too.”

“So what’s the difference?”

“Well, the difference is that when the previous pastor said it, he sounded like he was glad about it; but when the new man says it, he sounds like it is breaking his heart.”

2007-11-27 04:33:11 · 12 answers · asked by conundrum 7

I am a religious person but personally I wouldn't force my views on society through law which make me have no say on abortion either way. And as far as Gay Marriage goes what other couples doesn't affect the sanctity of my marriage so if the state recognizes Gay Marriage it has no affect on me so I actually do support it. Basically I am trying to see if these argument are strictly based on religion or if people without religion have them too.

2007-11-27 04:33:06 · 9 answers · asked by neveroutnumbered 4

One of my past bosses told me not to believe carbon dating and other science that disputes the dates of Christianity.
He said the earth isnt older than what it says in the bible and Satan, uses the masses against God.
Any of you other Christians believe this also, just curious

2007-11-27 04:30:23 · 54 answers · asked by ? 6

We see in Corinthians that there is a list of gifts of the Spirit to the Many members in the Body of CHrist. There are the spiritual supernatural gifts but there are also the gifts in the Body that are more hidden that are not as noticed. Simple gifts like visiting the sick, taking care of the church property, taking care of the children, preparing a meal . etc.
Tell me.. how do we see ourselves as those that are gifted for the building up and edification of the Body of Christ? Is the gift yours for your benefit. HOw do you treat this gift when you relate to the other members of the Body. Do we see it as " our " gift? Or do we see ourselves as being gifted FOR the Body. From some observation over the years of being a believer I have seen members who are gifts to the body of CHrist and there is not pride and superiority, and I have seen the opposite where there is pride and self importance.
Share with me.. how do you see yourself. Each ONE has been given a gift. How do you fuction?

2007-11-27 04:29:39 · 13 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6

I need your help.

1 corinthians 7:14
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

Since i am a Mormon and going to hell, i need a spouse to sanctify me. Atheists get through this loophole, but I don't make it if I marry an atheist or a mormon boy. Anyone have a good idea of where to look for a sanctified individual?

2007-11-27 04:29:38 · 15 answers · asked by Princess Ninja 7

Why must we have the "evolution" debate when the Bible proves that we was created by God? We don't even have to think about this one. We can have our students studying more important things since the mystery of human origins has been solved!

2007-11-27 04:29:12 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having troubles with my faith. Someone please say something that makes sense. I just do not understand why does God let this happen to children who are so innocent and helpless

2007-11-27 04:28:44 · 26 answers · asked by ✿Houston_Girl✿ 4

Here are the verses:

Revelation 21:16-18
"The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick, by man's measurement, which the angel was using. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass."

12,000 stadia is equal to about 1400 miles.......and 144 cubits is equal to roughly 200 feet. Can you imagine just how immense the kingdom of heaven will be?

One length of the wall will stretch 1400 miles! That's like drawing a straight line between New York & Miami.

If there are any mathemeticians out there, try and figure out approximately how many people could fit comfortably in a cube that is 1400 miles x 1400 miles.


2007-11-27 04:28:13 · 13 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

“By their fruits you will recognize them. . . . Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.” (Matthew 7:16, 17)

2007-11-27 04:25:52 · 11 answers · asked by conundrum 7

I keep hearing how atheists don't have faith to believe in God, you have to have faith before God will reveal himself to you, etc., etc... These same people say that there is/are no god(s) other than God.

Well, how do you know? Have you tried to put your faith in Siddhārtha Gautama, Vishnu, Brahman, Thor, Baosheng Dadi, Tu Di Gong, Khepera, or Santa? Have you truly devoted as much energy and faith into trying to believe the other religions as you have your own, or did you just stick with the religion that everyone else in your neighborhood adheres to because you figure it must be right if everyone else you admire believes it and no one at your church believes otherwise?

In other words, what makes your experience real and everyone else's false? How do you know if you've never actually tried?

p.s. please, no holy book quotations, there are several holy books that are over two millenia old with millions or billions of adherents to this day.

2007-11-27 04:24:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-27 04:22:34 · 26 answers · asked by conker5698 2

Yesterday I got my first Top Contributor badge, so nice and shiny...not my fav color but hey...
Then this morning I found out that my account was deleted. Was it supposed to be a going away gift from YA?

2007-11-27 04:22:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if a straight woman likes dressing up like a guy? No fantasies about other women.

2007-11-27 04:21:51 · 15 answers · asked by ? 2


If you don't believe then why do you go onto the R&S section. Surely if you don't have any religion then there is no point,

2007-11-27 04:20:43 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

By the way, not because of the 1st amendment. It can be repealed like the 18th amendment was.


Is the U.S. already a theocracy? (and how would we know the difference?)

2007-11-27 04:20:16 · 13 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstance can they be approved.

2007-11-27 04:17:51 · 17 answers · asked by Bruce 7

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