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Religion & Spirituality - 14 November 2007

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I am living in confusion is there god for this world or no God but man who creates the God. Actually I was believed in presence of God but after thinking of disasters in the world now I am in a doubt. I am not happy with this attitude because when I am in a problem or unknown situation like illness and traveling by airplanes I need to feel with God. But when hear the disasters at world I am asking where is the God and why allow to those disasters to occur if he is the creator. Please any help to get out from the dilemma.

2007-11-14 03:38:20 · 17 answers · asked by innocent 1

If us Christians are right and you non believers discovered too late? You'd be sitting in hell burning and saying "Wow, all those Christians on yahoo answers were right and now its too late." I'm sitting here at my computer just thinking how much that would suck!! If it were the opposite way and nothing happened in the afterlife it would be like "No big deal, so now I'm a pile of dust. Oh well." But If I'm right............wow........you people are gonna fry like burned bacon.

2007-11-14 03:37:38 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-14 03:36:02 · 19 answers · asked by This Virus Called Language 1

i mean, its pretty self explanatory, you dont cut babies, period.

2007-11-14 03:33:28 · 25 answers · asked by elle4 1

Be nice, my wife is a wonderful lady.

This captive's finally been set free
No longer bound by chains of fear
Oh Lord, I sing my praise to Thee,
And no more crying will you hear.
I've been set loose from my bonds
To hold my hands up to His Grace
And gladly sing my victory song,
Instead of shame and sheer disgrace
I'll use my hands to do His Will
To keep my Masters House swept clean
No more to plunder, cheat or steal
His Master Plan, I aim to fill.
Oh yes, this captive's been set free
I feel the wonderous victory
My chains and fetters fell away
When Jesus walked up Calvary.
Paula Steele 3-16-07

2007-11-14 03:31:57 · 19 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

about God?
Have you ever sat and thought about what if the "Believers" are right? That when you die this "perception" of hell might be real because "you" didn't believe or open your mind enough to listen?
Me: I KNOW what I believe and if I was ever proven wrong, what have I lost...my life is wonderful and blessed because I have Jesus. If some think it's all in my head, so be it. I was just wondering if "you" have ever thought about..."what if you are wrong"?

let's all play nice, no bashing just opinions please

2007-11-14 03:30:26 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello Friends! I pray that you are all doing well this morning!
Whoo! What a day! Me being a mother and housewife I have a lot to do. And I drive myself crazy trying to be perfect. I try so hard to be perfect in everything that I do. From my marriage to my parenting, to my friendships, my household chores, I just have a big problem!
Friends, isn't this like a lot of us, or all of us even? We strive to be perfect, but perfection does not come and we end up being disappointed in ourselves. It is normal.
Think about Jesus, wasn't He perfect? Isn't He perfect? Can any of us ever match Him?
Jesus is perfection! He is, so that we would not have to be! God knew that none of us could ever be perfect, so He sent perfect down to us!
How awesome is that!
So friends, I need to take my own advice here. Next time we are trying so hard to be perfect lets think about Jesus and who He was and is, and cut ourselves a break.
Lets pray and thank God for His perfection and His grace.

2007-11-14 03:30:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to write a paper on this and I was wondering your thoughts and opinions. I don't really know where to start with it? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

-Im not asking you to do my homework Im just looking for some direction on where to start.

2007-11-14 03:28:51 · 9 answers · asked by Rachel A 2

Magic in the Garden

I am about to tell you something I have never told anyone. My next door neighbor has a small garden gnome of the sort you've probably seen before. The thing is, my neighbor's gnome comes to life for one evening a month, always on the twelfth day of the month, between 8:00 and 11:00 pm. The gnome explores the yard and has even climbed the fence to come into my yard. I know this not because my neighbor told me but because I have personally experienced it. I asked my neighbor about it once, and he looked at me like I was crazy. How rude! I've scene the gnome spring to life many times, and I'm confident I was awake, not intoxicated, and of sound mind. Thus, I have no question that the gnome is real.

Do you believe that my neighbor's gnome springs to life on a regular schedule as I have described? No? Well, I suppose you are entitled to your opinion. But how can you know for sure? Isn't it at least possible that what I am describing is real?

2007-11-14 03:25:21 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I were to create a hoax, wouldn't I do my best to convince others that my hoax were reasonably true without saying things like someone turning water into wine or moving water sideways, or locusts having faces and crowns or 7 headed dragons (even though the locusts and dragons are meant to be symbolic) The Bible is the most complex piece of writing with so many ways to easily misinterpret almost every line. If I were going to create a successful hoax, I wouldn't be making these types of claims. The fact that the Bible is written this way is evidence of it's reliability.

2007-11-14 03:24:33 · 24 answers · asked by o0_apologetics_0o 1

it uses too many eths eths everywhere, it feels convoluted and hard to understand. i prefer the regular english bible thank u very much

2007-11-14 03:24:14 · 11 answers · asked by elle4 1

2007-11-14 03:24:09 · 8 answers · asked by ombra mattutina 7

I understand that a wolly mamouth and an elephant are different. They have different qualities and characteristics that have changed over time. So do humans. But how on earth does any change over time warrant the title of a completely different species. Just because our craniums and jaws are now shaped differently does not mean that we evolved into or from another species. We're all human from beginning until now. God just created us with the ability to adapt to our surroundings. Does this make sense?

2007-11-14 03:23:28 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-14 03:23:00 · 8 answers · asked by conundrum 7

Tell me what you believe is truth? How do you obtain truth? What does it really mean? How is truth perceived? Does that change from person to person?

Fly with it....

2007-11-14 03:20:31 · 12 answers · asked by JD 6

produce shades of gray? And doesn't everyone had things they are very black and white on?

2007-11-14 03:19:23 · 5 answers · asked by TTC 3

I understand original intent of these garments was to remind them not to talk about Polygamy to non Mormons, and later to protect them from everything, do to John Smith being shot and killed when he wasn't waring them?

2007-11-14 03:17:56 · 10 answers · asked by RJ 3

2007-11-14 03:16:50 · 14 answers · asked by bafodiye 4

On occassion I attend church with my husband and last Sunday was one such occassion...The pastor was speaking of Love and made a reference to the fact that there are those who require hard physical proof before becoming beleivers. Makes sense right? But then he went on to suggest that there's no physical proof of Love and that it is just a feeling so it wouldn't make sense to believe in that either if we require physical evidence before believing... it struck me as odd and wanted to get your viewpoints on this...

2007-11-14 03:15:09 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of people think that the Bible is outdated. What do you think? Do you think that the Bible can answer the questions we have for today?


The Bible answers many questions for us, such as why God allows suffering and what he will do to take care of the situation in the near future. The Bible also talks about Gods purpose for life.

So what do you think? Do you think you can find practical advice from the Bible for us today? It seems that more people don't read the Bible because they don't feel they can apply to todays problems. The Bible is there for our benefit to give us answers to all of our problems. Do you find this to be true?

2007-11-14 03:14:14 · 27 answers · asked by Learn about the one true God 3

2007-11-14 03:12:35 · 13 answers · asked by Mark C 2

Except he didn't keep them alive.

2007-11-14 03:11:28 · 9 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

2007-11-14 03:11:16 · 12 answers · asked by get love to humanity 3

And is a thinly disguised version of creationism/genesis?

2007-11-14 03:09:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

aren't you putting an awful lot of faith in man not to lie? let's put it this way. there either is or there isn't a god. right? so i'll be fair and say that it's equally likely in either case that a god exists or doesn't exist. that being said. you're already starting out with a 50% chance that the claim the bible is the word of god is a lie. now, assuming there is a god, how can we be sure that the bible is his word? again, to be fair, we'll assign a 50/50 probability that the people who wrote it lied to suit what they believed god wanted vs. what god actually wanted. so what you end up with, and this is being generous, is that the bible is at best has 25% probability that it actually is the word of god. this is not taking into account all the other religions of the world who claim their holy books are the word of god.

2007-11-14 03:05:13 · 20 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

in the book of revelation, is it a book or scroll that the lamb opens with the 7 seals on it? in some bibles it says "scroll" on others it says "book", so im not sure which one is the truth

2007-11-14 03:04:36 · 16 answers · asked by elle4 1

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