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Religion & Spirituality - 14 November 2007

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Seen more than my share of Evolution questions today... Did someone plan this, or is it just occuring on its own?

2007-11-14 04:40:39 · 15 answers · asked by Katie Couric's 15 Minutes... 4

I was brought up in a Jewish home. All my relatives and ancestors were Jewish. I took all my kids to Hebrew pre-schools. My mother is Jewish, so by Jewish Law, which makes me a Jew. I look Jewish and enjoy salted matza with butter... yum.

The kicker is, I'm an atheist. So if a pollster asked me what religion I was, I'd probably (and probably have said) "I am Jewish"... In actuality, I AM JEWISH, but I don't believe in Judaism (the religion)

So, if there are others like me in America (and I know there are many), then that poll would seriously under-count atheists such as me.

2007-11-14 04:38:58 · 16 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

This is contrary to the Word of God.

1 Corinthians 11:28-30.

They say it's 'fine'... And this is odd because Communion with them is actually a rite, not an observance like it is with Christians.

Be wary of people like "Everydaycatholiccommisar" and his insidious teachings.

2007-11-14 04:36:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Catholics: do you believe that aborted babies end up in limbo or purgatory for a finite time until they're saved by grace?
Baptists: can the unbaptised enter Heaven under special circumstances?

If aborted babies do go to Heaven, that would seem to suggest that "choosing Jesus" is not as important for entrance into the kingdom as we used to think--free will is necessarily degraded.

If they don't, free will is also degraded because the souls of aborted children certainly did not choose to turn away from God, either.

How can we preserve free will?

2007-11-14 04:35:49 · 22 answers · asked by g_doak 2

Ladies Bumper Stickers

- So many men, so few who can afford me

- God made us sisters, Prozac made us friends

- If they don't have chocolate in Heaven, I ain't going!

- My mother is a travel agent for guilt trips

- Princess, having had sufficient experience with princes, seeks frog

- Coffee - Chocolate - Men... Some things are just better rich

agree or disagree?

2007-11-14 04:34:43 · 35 answers · asked by . 7

Everybody knows there is something in us that naturally wants to have adversaries: in elementary school, it's the boys against the girls, later on it's the Ford drivers against the Chevy drivers. Here it's the creationists vs. the evolutionists, the atheists against the believers, the fundamentalists against everybody else. It's absurd.

How much of this is involved in your church? Who are the people you see as the enemy, or the unsaved, or the heathens? How does your church define itself against those others?

2007-11-14 04:32:58 · 16 answers · asked by Acorn 7

Pennance is a prayer or act of mercy that brings a person's will back into conformance with the will of God after the person has been forgiven of sin. it is a visible sign of an internal conversion of the heart.

If non-Catholic Christians practice pennance, who assigns the pennance?

2007-11-14 04:31:51 · 15 answers · asked by Sldgman 7

These atheists want to destroy our souls! Let's escape to the Denmark section, no one goes there!

2007-11-14 04:31:50 · 17 answers · asked by ivy 3

Meaning, do you think there is something inherent in Christian theology that has enabled its popularity, or do you think it was just coincidental circumstances?

2007-11-14 04:31:41 · 32 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

Does the Bible really say the earth was created 6000 years ago?

Like literally? Or is that just an interpretation?

2007-11-14 04:30:50 · 14 answers · asked by Antares 6

Were you brought up in a primarily atheist or a primarily religious environment? If you were raised religiously, what caused you to leave your old religion, and which one did you once follow?

2007-11-14 04:29:25 · 31 answers · asked by Shinkirou Hasukage 6

The bible says that he stretches out the heavens like a tent. we know the age of the universe now thanks to that nasa probe that sent back pictures. We are now within a million years of knowing the age of the universe. pretty good for some carbon based monkeys. yeah! happened faster than light. Is that possible?

2007-11-14 04:27:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-14 04:27:16 · 15 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

If God created man & animal to live in harmony with one another, does that mean dogs go to heaven when they die?

I just recently lost my dog & I miss him terribly. I hope he's in heaven running & playing...

2007-11-14 04:26:34 · 21 answers · asked by California Girl 3

O.K I got the earth part down, but why is heavens plural? Are there more then one? Are there different levels? or is this a bible translation thing?

2007-11-14 04:26:25 · 8 answers · asked by jaimebergstrom 1

Seriously, the bible (I know you are rolling your eyes) say that animals were created after their kind. A little criptic, but OK for someone that wants to believe in natural selection and God.
Mutations happen randomly as I understand. They are kept or discarded based on natural selection. Kind of like the way russians used to do elections:) anyway, can someone strip this idea out of a christians clutches?

2007-11-14 04:24:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is a quote from Philip Johnson, Law Professor and Author

As I read all of the evolutionary literature written for the general public, I saw that some of the proponents of Darwinian evolution were hard-core atheists like Richard Dawkins, and others were not. Some of them took a view that religion or belief in God is alright if you want that sort of a thing, but they assumed that it was an imaginary thing. I could see that this is why there was so much insistence upon the Darwinian story.

Believing in Darwinian evolution doesn't prove that there's no God. What it proves is that there's no need for God's participation to get all the creating done. Now, is that true? I was fascinated with that question of what's fundamentally true.

(remainder of quote added, below)

2007-11-14 04:23:25 · 15 answers · asked by magnetic_azimuth 6

If A man were all powerful he'd feel no need to be worshiped. So does this mean God's motives are beyond human comprehension? That even the bible must fail to explain the mind of God?

2007-11-14 04:20:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it prodestent?

2007-11-14 04:20:43 · 15 answers · asked by Rachel Netherwood 1

As long as you haven't commited a mortal sin?

2007-11-14 04:19:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does this make the majority of the undereducated bible belt... "geniouses"?

(only a fool says there's no god)

2007-11-14 04:17:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does your personal copy of the Bible translate Christ's last words from the Cross?

"It is finished"?
"It is consummated"?
"It is fulfilled"?

Is there any subterfuge, do you think, to English translation as "it is fulfilled" as opposed to the other two? Some have the notion that since the New Jerusalem Bible translates it thus, it is somehow an attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to undermine Christ's completed work on the Cross. (They also assert that the NJB is the only Bible that Catholics are "allowed" to read, but that's another issue.)

Honestly, I'm not seeing it.

You'd think that if this was the purpose, all "Catholic" Bibles would translate this the same way; yet the NAB (the official translation for liturgical readings in the US) and RSV, right along with the KJV (which itself was translated from the Latin Vulgate, where the words are "consummatum est") show this as "it is finished".

Just curious as to where this comes from.

2007-11-14 04:16:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have alot of respect for them because they go out into this crazy sometimes dangerous world to share their beliefs! If you dont agree with their beliefs, you have to admire their drive and courage and determination.

2007-11-14 04:16:05 · 21 answers · asked by sandra b 5


God commanded us to love then how is it love if we may not feel it? Is it faith? or feelings?(Deuteronomy 6:5, 10:19, 11:1, 30:20; Joshua 22:5, 23:11; Mathew 5:44: Luke 6:27; John 13:34; and Romans 13:9).

2007-11-14 04:15:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

are nothing more than arguments from personal incredulity.

can we agree on this?

2007-11-14 04:14:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am catholic. I understand apostolic succession and all that and I believe it, but I just wonder why Jesus didn't allow us to confess right to God? Why go through another human being?

2007-11-14 04:13:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

The bible says it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to Heaven, and the precious metals in your computer, in Jesus' day, would have been sufficient wealth to buy a small third world nation, to say nothing of the gemstone flecks in your junk jewelry, the metals in your sandwich coins--What's in your wardrobe? Silk?Satin? Lace? Leather? How many different outfits? Most people in Jesus time had at the most two T-tunics and they were hand woven, the consistency of burlap, and hand stitched together with hand spun thread--by God's standards we ALL live at a level of excess that mandates waste while children are starving in New York--Is that needle's eye looking a little tight yet? perhaps it's your new jeans that you had to buy because you put on ten pounds BEFORE thanksgiving....Just a thought...

2007-11-14 04:13:19 · 30 answers · asked by Sister Cordelia VT-PMS 2


Anyone with a brain also care to help answer this question? I was actually making a point FOR creationists (Or it could be interpreted that way) and all I get is insults? Bravo.

2007-11-14 04:12:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the information I saw was correct, then it is someone's birthday today... one of my contacts... ahem...

If it isn't right then oh well.

2007-11-14 04:12:13 · 5 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

I would think that considering the number of different varieties of Christianity, you would be concerned about teachers providing conflicting beliefs to your own. Doesn't it worry you? Or have protestants become so seperated from their roots that they will accept any other protestant teaching so long as they are a "good Christian"?
I am at a loss to understand how Christians do not also feel their rights are threatened by the lack of seperation between church and state.

2007-11-14 04:11:12 · 38 answers · asked by <Sweet-Innocence> 4

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