Shortly after hurricane Katrina, and while I was volunteering time and efforts to help displaced people, I ran into some local Scientology cult members in Baton Rouge. They were supposedly volunteering time to help the displaced people, which, had it been true, would have been a laudable goal. When one began to speak to me about their organization, I had a few questions, because at the time I had NO IDEA what Scientology was. I thought it was a service organization that advocated the sciences. (Laugh, it's ok).
When the cult member began telling me a few basic ideas, it became apparent that money was on the outer rim of the topic, but never far from sight. When I mentioned in passing that I had lost everything in the hurricane, including my job, I noticed that he lost something himself, the interest to continue speaking to me. But not before he asked me if I was a criminal. Hmm. Pot. Kettle. Black. Later, I heard him speaking to another victim, the term "liquid assets" came up
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