Before Galileo, virtually everybody was a solipsist and God existed only within subjective mental experience. The physical was considered an illusion, created by the human mind, and nobody cared that God didn't exist there. Then the scientific revolution established that the physical realm was completely real. Descartes invented Dualism and believers asserted that their God existed both in subjective experience and in the physical realm. There is much evidence that God exists in the mental experience of believers, but there is none that He occupies the physical realm. I could easily believe in an old fashioned subjective God, if I wasn't also required to be a scientific hypocrite and pretend God exists where He never has, in the physical realm. Because of Dualism, millions of scientists are forced to become atheists to avoid the hypocrisy of accepting a physical God. Could believers return to purely solipsistic God, so scientists don't have to become atheists? Discuss this idea.
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