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Religion & Spirituality - 10 September 2007

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Fill in your answer here _____ _____

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My answer is "made up" by the way

2007-09-10 13:30:20 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

a few people told my boss I have an attitude and all these false claims and he doesn't know me well and wants to transfer me to another department I am a new college grad and can't lose my job all together I have a family to take care of but he seems so mad I meet with him tomorrow please help any suggestions praying I have done any others???

2007-09-10 13:27:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you sit on a chair, how do you know it won't suddenly break? Or when you drive on a 2-lane, that the other car won't collide head on with you? Faith. Man has always claimed empy truths. Why trust what someone else just makes up? If we were created, then reasonably, there must be a creator. Won't you want to trust in a truth that is independant of what any man thinks? Three blind men touch different parts of an elephant, one thinks the leg is a tree, one thinks its back is a rock, and one thinks its trunk is a snake. They argue as man's nature. What they really need is someone who can see to REVEAL the truth to them. That someone couldn't be man for HOW can the blind lead the blind? God, the father of Christ, is the only being from OUTSIDE this BLIND world who has told man that there is truth, that He is the only Truth. Pagan religions, atheists, agnostics, don't affirm this truth at all b/c blind men made them. TRUST He who sees.
Re-read all of this before commenting. God bless!

2007-09-10 13:26:02 · 21 answers · asked by Christ4all 2

Ever notice that? Just about every creationist debate will in no way attempt to prove creation- It always starts babbling about 'macro evolution can't be real'..Duh. Anyway- These arguments are always directed at DISproving evolution. Not proving their 'theory'- Just disproving ours. Well allow me to bring attention to this- DISproving evolution (even if you somehow managed to do that) does NOT prove creation. At all. It just disproves evolution.

There are still, oh, what 57,000 other myths concerning where human life originated? There's a few where the god got sick and vomited up everything in existance. Well g'head and disprove the other ones when you're done with evolution- You could disprove them all, still doesn't mean yours is correct.-

-The ring of debris around Uranus.

2007-09-10 13:24:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

His predictions of the future have mystified scholars for over four hundred years. Nostradamus made over one thousand predictions and historians say that over half of them have already come true. What are you thoughts ???

2007-09-10 13:24:09 · 15 answers · asked by Sabine 6

2007-09-10 13:23:18 · 21 answers · asked by xandrea e 2

I was raised to believe that there is a god, who punishes you by dropping you in a pit of fire, but now I'm questioning why I should believe in a basically mythical creature, who's only proof of existing is a book written thousands of years ago. Also, even if he did exist, why would I want to worship a person who believes that he is the ultimate achievement and proudly displays it in such an un-modest way. Dedicating an entire day to himself? Look at Hitler, look at god. The only difference I see is a mustache. If you speak out against him, you're damned. If you believe other than he does, you're damned. If you do anything what so ever to dis-please him, and do not kiss his feet and ask for forgiveness after word, you're damned. Is there others who believe as I do? Am I alone?

2007-09-10 13:21:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

...who sins every day, but I repent my sins every sunday, and seek forgiveness from God.

Am I a better person than he who lives his life without sin (in His eyes) but doesnt believe in a god?

2007-09-10 13:20:57 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

BARNABAS tells the Jersusalem community of the Galatian success..

1) what problems does the addition of Gentiles cause? How does the Church deal with these issues?

2) Discuss: the Counsil of Jersusalem -- Who attends and what is decided there?

3) What is said in James' follow-up letter & how does paul react?

4) What do the Judaizers do in paul's community? whom does paul blame? How is the whole issue resolved?

2007-09-10 13:19:48 · 14 answers · asked by theking 1

2007-09-10 13:18:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a sinner as everyone is. I was wondering if you had to go to confessional to repent. When I do something wrong I just pray to God for forgiveness. But do you have to go to a confessional to make it count? Or can I just continue what I am doing?

2007-09-10 13:18:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bible was written by human beings. It is read by human beings. If it wasn't open to interpretation then everyone who read it would agree what it meant, but they can't, often so much that violence ensues.

So isn't every interpretation of the bible just the projection of the individual reader? If not, why not? (You'll have to persuade us that Christians all agree on quite a lot of it.)

Thanks to all.

2007-09-10 13:17:56 · 9 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

Things like prayer observances, diet and eating habits, dress, and other customs?

2007-09-10 13:17:44 · 7 answers · asked by Picard Facepalm 5

I'm really interested in religions and I was wondering what religion you were, why, how you feel about your religions, thoughts about it, and how attached you are to it and stuff. Like is it your entire life? Any other interesting things I would love to know because I am currently debating about my religion and would love someone to talk to about their religion also.
If you have time to email me about your religion with questions I may have in addition to answreing here, pleasseeee leave your email address!!!!

2007-09-10 13:14:41 · 21 answers · asked by cherrybaby 3

Ok I'm only 14 now. I am not part of a religion right now but I want to be. But anyways, things are really bugging me like not knowing what happens after we die and all that stuff. Is there a heaven, hell, or both? Is any religion right? Do we reincarnate? So many things. I also don't want to go to the underworld or anything just because I wasn't part of a religion or something. It's just, we don't know anything. And that really upsets me.
So, feel free to say anything.

2007-09-10 13:14:29 · 36 answers · asked by Riya 1

Can you please elaborate/Explain thanks

2007-09-10 13:13:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

support our troops
...wear red every Friday until our troops come home!

2007-09-10 13:12:44 · 23 answers · asked by ? 4

I mean, is there something in the bible against it? And please don't make jokes, this is a serious question....

2007-09-10 13:12:01 · 23 answers · asked by belladonna2189 1


2007-09-10 13:09:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please. No matter what your faith is. Please let us pray for the Buffalo Bills' Kevin Everett who sustained a severe neck injury. They believe he will be paralyzed. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

2007-09-10 13:08:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

are not Christians? I do not get it, didn't they start that religion?
I am agnostic, former catholic, I do not get the protestants againsts catholics , I see it here all the time.

2007-09-10 13:06:54 · 26 answers · asked by . 2

I already know all the religious reasons y God created earth so please,no offence, dont list those reasons to me. i want to know ur personal opinion, y do u personally think god created Earth? Thanks people

2007-09-10 13:06:12 · 22 answers · asked by Andrew H 1


2007-09-10 13:05:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Surely you are already teaching your own kids about your religion at home and at your church. Do you think the school can add something to that subject that you do not?

Or is this not about your kids at all? Isn't the real reason you want your religion in schools is so that you can indoctrinate MY kids?

2007-09-10 13:04:17 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is America founded under God!! Whoever decides to destroy religion and ruin the bible may the plagues of that book be cast upon you and burn in the eternal lake of fire! Religion is not for the weak but the strongest of God! It is a sad day when there is religious persecution in the US when our pilgrim ancestors came here to escape religious persecution! This is the land of the free, and don't you forget it!

2007-09-10 13:03:38 · 17 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

Correct me if I'm wrong..
Undoubtably you have read my posts about god.
Ok then let me give evidence that there is a God.
Maybe one in the bible maybe not.
Take a look around you and say there is no god...ummm..bet you can't..
Its all too well organised too much beauty not to be true. Some of you will say why does god let all the bad things happen..?
This is your choice not his..
god is not for or against you..its you who makes the decission in life not him..
Ok what about earthquakes etc..
If you truly understand god then you will understand the answer.
God lays down rules even to nature which nature must obey..without exception..
Back to the bible..the bible was writen by men but where did the idea come from..
Its a bit like giving children a fairytale book but no author.
Children believe but dont know who has writen it.
If your bad in life god only thows you back a million times till you get it right.
and says good boy not bad for a two year old.

2007-09-10 13:03:22 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Creation scientists have found the key to proving intelligent design- the talking snake in Genesis! Snakes today have no vocal cords- that proves evilution never happened! Yes, this proves without a doubt that snakes were created by God- otherwise how could they talk?
9 out of 10 creation scientists agree that the Garden of Eden is somewhere in Africa where these talking snakes lived. Why? Because the account of the Garden in Genesis sounds remarkably like some footage I saw in a National Geographic documentary one time. That proves that Africa was once populated with talking snakes. Defy that logic, EVILUTIONISTS!
Creation scientists agree that snakes lost their vocal cords when they lost their legs sometime between 8000 and 7800 B.C. That proves that God punished the snakes for tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden- that's why there are no more talking snakes! It's undeniable proof!
What do you have to say about this astounding proof of intelligent design, you silly atheists?!

2007-09-10 13:02:44 · 17 answers · asked by lindsey p 5

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