Read this man's story:
2007-09-10 13:19:29
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
Well I don't think we'll ever KNOW, its about believing and what feels right for YOU. I don't personally beilieve any ONE religion can be right abour spirituality and I think most religions concentrate on minor things that god (if existed) would not even care about.
I do believe we are spiritual beings that don't just rot in the ground when our bodies die but I don't think at all that hell or a horrible underworld exists. I think where we go when we die is just a different kind of place, not evil OR good, but if either I believe it is a better place than here, even if you don't live a life of a "saint".
I do understand your frustration though, this bugs me a lot too! so many questions and it seems no one in the history of man kind has found any answers! but i suggest you try reading different ideas and philosophies and religions and you may find a bit of truth in some of them. look into the philosophy or religion maybe, it raises these kinds of questions and u can see a lot of different answers, maybe one will feel right for u .
2007-09-10 13:24:17
answer #2
answered by gal3 2
If you want to find a good church temple or mosk, Go find a charitee you want to give your time too. Help people who cant help themselves. Go do the work volanteer. Love your neighbor. Live your life. Help others. I bet along the way you will most likely meet pastors preists rabbis monks or whatever. Talk to them while your helping talk to the people working beside you while your doing it. Find the ones you want to be like in your life find your heros. Have an open mind but ask questions question question
Its not about the answer most of the time its the question.
This univers is huge endlees stars and galaxies we are here for a heart beat we are like the sand on the beach. But in the entire univers there is no other YOU> You are Unique you are special and you are a Gift to this world.
You are the author of yourself Dont worry just love others work and you will OK no matter what.
The questions you need to ask will come and when your ready for the answer a teacher will be there. Only if your on the Hero's path and that is your path. No one elses.
2007-09-10 13:40:18
answer #3
answered by Rich 5
It sounds like you are really searching for your own sense of spirituallity. For me, that's what my faith is about. I'm not any one religion. I believe that something (God) much more powerfull than any human, created the earth and all of us. I think he/she wants certain things from us, like doing what we know is right, kindness and forgiving people, etc. I think we all know when we're doing something that is just wrong. ie like stealing, killing or even just judging other people. I think its the simpleness of my faith in these things that makes my faith strong ,which it is. Faith is not visible, it is a choice or a decision. And if it turns out I am wrong.... so what. At least I have spent my life being the best person that I could be. And God, or whatever you want to call it, is invisible too. But I can tell you about alot of things that have happened in my life by asking God for some very specific things... a job, a good husband.... peace of mind....etc. When you see your very specific prayers being anwered in one way or another, it becomes very hard if not impossible to deny that there is something watching over us, something bigger. I think the best word for it is simply faith in something that we cannot see. I have no clue how the internet works, for example, but it is. . . I don't have to understand every aspect of it. . . and yet it keeps on working. So, try what I did. Turn to God with your most private questions, needs and concerns, and see what happens. I think He likes to brag. . . just look up at the sky, the sun, the stars. . . Who else could have done it? Simple.
2007-09-10 13:46:49
answer #4
answered by survr2survr 1
Ok a good idea would be to go and get a bunch of books on whatever religions you find interesting right now (and in the future) and learn all about what each one believes about all those things you're asking about.
Also websites for each religion, research them and find out what the foundational beliefs are of each religion that way.
Also, try being around people of different religious beliefs and becoming friends with them, you'll learn a lot that way too.
So you'll end up finding what you yourself feel related to, and what you don't. And then eventually you'll end up knowing where your own soul belongs.
Here is one for my religion, Judaism:
and another one relating to how Judaism teaches that non-Jews achieve their place in the World To Come:
By the way, contrary to what one of the answerers said about monotheistic religions believing that "their way is the only way". Judaism doesn't believe that. We believe that ALL peoples of ALL nations have a place in The World To Come, by following the life-paths of those 7 Universal Laws, the Noahide Laws, in that last link I gave you. We don't believe that anyone has to become a Jew in order to merit a place in the World To Come, at all. That's why we don't go around trying to recruit and convert people.
2007-09-10 13:26:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I myself am an atheist. The only true religion is the one that makes sense to you. Atheism makes sence to me because I havn't seen any proof that a god/heaven/hell exists. That may or may not be how it is, or how other people see it. If you think that you would like to be reincarnated after you die, learn about a religion that believes in reincarnation. If you want to be in "heaven" when you die, join Christianity, or some other religion that believes in that.
As you said, we don't truly know anything. And it does upset people. Just do what feels right.
2007-09-10 13:21:45
answer #6
answered by Cameron C. 4
Your relationship with a high being is a personal thing. A religion will not help you get there because there is no perfect or right religion. Why, because they are lead by men (women) and they are flawed. Think of a religious group as a teacher. If you don't think they are teaching something that will benefit you, then why stick around?
I wish I could answer all your questions but there is only one individual who could do that and he doesn't hold church on this planet. Good luck in your quest, I bid you peace.
2007-09-10 13:22:22
answer #7
answered by kba1a 3
Yes there's a heaven and a hell. First do you believe Jesus die on the cross for you? He can show you the way. Believe in him and live a good life, treat others the way YOU want to be treated. And be forgiving. Read the bible or look around you GOD is everywhere. He loves you.
2007-09-10 19:25:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This is a good time of your life to start looking at religions.
But it's easy sometimes to go overboard on the subject---you have to pace yourself, and not get too emotional.
Some things in all religions are useful----but you can go too far, and look to it to run your life, instead of taking personal responsibility for yourself.
Just remember that it's fine to learn about all religions---you have a right to.
One place I would recommend is a Unitarian Church---this is a good place to start, because they try to use beliefs from all world-wide religions---they use hymns from all religions, and they are very open-minded, modern, and even include nature-worship. Since they sample from all other religions, they obviously don't condemn other religions.
They do not strictly believe that Christ was divine, so they aren't technically Christians.
This may not be the group you're needing, but it's a great start if you want to attend church services and get used to the idea of thinking about God and questioning events in life.
2007-09-10 13:30:02
answer #9
answered by papyrusbtl 6
No one can tell you which spiritual path is the right one for you because that's really up to you to decide. I would recommend conducting some research on the Internet about different world religions and then check some books out of the library. Good luck.
2007-09-10 13:23:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you have to belong to any specific religion to be "saved." I think the biggest error you could make is to turn from the truth when it presents itself to you.
Since my beliefs are traditional and ancestral, I would recommend that you look into your ancestral religion or belief that existed before the monotheistic world religions came on the scene.
For instance, if you are Italian, you might explore the Roman gods and goddesses, or if you are middle eastern, you might explore the ancient gods and goddesses of Sumeria or Egypt. Or if you are mixed, whichever tradition calls to you.
It is the monotheistic religions that try to say theirs are the only way. It's just a power-play for them.
2007-09-10 13:23:48
answer #11
answered by Robin Runesinger 5