…as a religious leader, god, or demigod, be practicing his religion i.e. Judaism?
I don’t think there would be much opposition to the statement that Jesus was a devoutly religious Jew.
Even the Christian gospels indicate this clearly. He was called a rabbi (Judaic religious teacher). He was very knowledgeable of the Judaic religious texts. He followed the Torah and observed religious feasts like Passover (the last supper was a Passover feast). In the last days of his life he drove the moneychangers from the temple because he felt they were defiling this holiest of Judaic sites. He regarded himself and was regarded by others as a Judaic prophet.
So why do Christians, the self-professed followers of Jesus, follow a different, religion (or group of religions) to Jesus? Why do they have Popes, heretics, saint, monks, nuns, George and the dragon, Santa Claus, crusades, televangelists, Christmas trees, the trinity, virgin births, purgatory, etc; all the trappings of Christianity that have nothing to do with Judaism or Jesus’s beliefs?
In the time of Jesus there was diversity in Judaism, there were, for example, Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, and Zealots. After his death there were also 2 (at least) varieties of Judaism that were started by Jesus’s family and disciples, based on Jesus’s teachings Ebonites and Nazarenes. However all these groups were Judaic in their theology and religious practices, and certainly did not resemble at all Christian theology or practices.
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