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Religion & Spirituality - 23 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Two extracts from http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/crtquot.htm

''The Government is satisfied that Scientology is harmful. It alienates members of families from each other and attributes squalid and disgraceful motives to all who appose it; its authoriaterian principle and practices are a menace to the personality and well being of those deluded as to become followers; above all, its methods can be a serious danger to the health and well being of those who submit to them....There is no power under the exsisting law to prohibit the practice of Scientology; but the Government concluded that it is so objectionable that it would be right to take all steps within its power to curb its growth'
Keneth Robinson, British Minister of Health

'Scientology is both immoral and socially obnoxious.... It is corupt becasue it is based on lies and deceit and has its real objective money and power from Mr. Hubbard.... 'It is sinister because it indulges in infamous practices, rest to come

2007-08-23 11:49:03 · 13 answers · asked by Eye see! 6

however, when I am near a river or other body of water or am in the woods, I feel most at peace. I never feel that way any where else. I'm not even sure what it means to be spiritual...could this be it?

2007-08-23 11:48:29 · 13 answers · asked by gsv 1

What was the main cause of discrimination?
Have you been discriminated because of your color, religion, belief, nationality, shape etc.?
can you describe a personal incident if you can?

2007-08-23 11:44:59 · 37 answers · asked by ? 6

what does this mean?

2007-08-23 11:43:52 · 14 answers · asked by someone 5

When you are in the holy spirit - are you aware of what you are doing? Ive heard some churches say that christians who run about churches are full of the devil not God and that the spirit is supposed to be calm. Do different people just react differently. is there anything in the scripture in the upper room to describe how the filling is supposed to be apart from evidence of tongues?

2007-08-23 11:40:43 · 13 answers · asked by GG 3

i need a quote to be part of my "coat of arms" project.. one that represents me... aka a 15 year old muslimah....

a verse that can be presented smoothly in front of my honors english class.... without explanation..

can you help?? i'm leafing through the quran right now too.. but your input would be great... thank you!!!

2007-08-23 11:39:55 · 10 answers · asked by iyikka14 3

satan is fooling you all and he cares for no one. but himself. he will lie to you and trick you to get your soul in hell. he hates God. even he knows that Jesus is the true God and he hates Him. so he gets all the souls in hell that he can. satan makes evil stuff and sins to look good to you. when it is all sins and evil. he makes it all look good to get your soul. thats why satan uses wicca,witchcraft,lust,drugs,hate,gay,porn,bars,clubs, and all others sins and evil stuff. to get your soul. hes got you so blinded. it is really sad. thats why i witness to the lost and pray for them/ the lost need Jesus. Jesus loves you

2007-08-23 11:38:37 · 63 answers · asked by ANGEL HORSE 3

He rides on my shoulder all day and does not make any trouble, so why couldn't I bring him in? In the summer I wear a light weight jacket with a special lined "potty pocket" for him which he uses as needed, so he never leaves a mess or odor anywhere he goes. Plus he's very cute, and kids always like him.

2007-08-23 11:36:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ha sthis happened to anyone - what did you see or experience - did it change your life??

2007-08-23 11:35:19 · 14 answers · asked by GG 3

I don't have an issue with Atheists, or any other religious group really, but I've noticed that on R&S there are a lot of Atheists that are just as rude and proselytize just as much as certain other groups do. My question is why is it that I've encountered so many Atheist like that on here, but have never met one in real life that behaves that way? Odd don't you think.

2007-08-23 11:32:53 · 24 answers · asked by Ambrielle 3

Why does everyone make a big deal about incest? Why is incest wrong? I'm not saying that I practice it personally, but not everyone got here just because of Adam and Eve. Carlos Mencia once joked about about it, but he wasn't necessarily lying...someone had to bone their sister! Someone please explain what the difference between what it talks about in the Bible and what the backward folks do?

2007-08-23 11:32:22 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

for as long as I have been here , we have people asking
who is the best in R&S , who would be mayor , president etc

and always the popular ones get mentioned .... again and again
but there are so many here who arent as loud and out there as some others ( yes me included )

would anyone like to give them a little mention here ... the quiet people who , when they speak , they speak with kind , intelligent and respectful words ?

Bad Liberal
are a few that come to mind for me

2007-08-23 11:31:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Latest from CNN>
Teen Christians campaign against pop culture
From 2006 to 2007, a total of 127,830 people attended the 34 Acquire the Fire rallies, and 71,414 people attended the three BattleCry events held in San Francisco, California; Detroit, Michigan; and Bristow, Virginia, according to Teen Mania

We're fighting for those who don't know they have a voice, that are being manipulated by our pop culture indulging in things that, really, they're not mature enough to be thinking about yet,"

"They're raping virgin teenage America on the sidewalk, and everybody's walking by and acting like everything's OK. And it's just not OK."

2007-08-23 11:29:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would he continue to talk to them about his message or would he simply walk away and leave them to make their own decision?

2007-08-23 11:28:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm missing someone like crazy, and I need my spirits lifted. Any thoughts on how I can get a smile on my face to replace this frown?

I think a raid on this question *might* help. So... calling all VT's with bran muffins (or corndogs, whatever your ammo is). Your mission is to make me smile.

By the way, pirates just don't do it for me...

2007-08-23 11:27:10 · 20 answers · asked by ? 5

I'm not here to knock anyones beliefs. I am just curious about the Mormon faith. I'm not interested in becoming one or anything, I believe in god but not religion...I saw an episode of SouthPark (yeah, i know) and their interpretation of the Mormon faith, now im just interested in a Mormons interpretation

2007-08-23 11:26:18 · 15 answers · asked by TheDeeds 3

2007-08-23 11:24:49 · 12 answers · asked by Bungangera of Perya 1

Also, as a bonus to show off your theological prowess, why doesn't Paul ever mention the "virgin" birth?

2007-08-23 11:18:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

On a visit to preach in Connecticut in 2001, evangelist Luis Palau gave this qoute to Adam Barnes of the New York Times:

"New England is a tough place. They tend to keep to themselves. Atheism, or at least agnosticism, has a tremendous foothold here. In New England, when you say 'Christian' they think 'those maniacs on the right'. I feel a challenge in Connecticut."

I find his statement about Connecticut interesting as according to a Polis Center pie chart done in the same year, Connecticut at that time was 62.6% Catholic with the next largest group at 8% was termed as Historically African American Protestant.

Please share your thoughts on the quote.

2007-08-23 11:18:39 · 8 answers · asked by genaddt 7

Prominent creation scientist Em Adjineri (say it out loud) has discovered a fatal flaw in the theory of evolution. After extensive research, she has concluded that evolution cannot explain pancakes.

Pancakes have no defense mechanisms, and cannot run away from anything. Pancakes could not possibly have evolved, because they would have quickly gone extinct. No fossils of a transitional pancake have ever been found, despite archaeology's extensive attempts to locate one.

This proves that pancakes were intelligently designed by God so that we would have something to eat with maple syrup. It is through God's Divine Glory that we can have a short stack in the morning.

2007-08-23 11:16:12 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

which one of you non-muslims have actually read the Qur'an from cover to cover and tried to understande it.
And please, i beg you, don't write and non relating answers please. this is a serious question. i'm just curious because people on R&S always say that the Qur'an is not consistent and that it isn't peaceful etc. so i was just wondering who actually read the whole thing?

2007-08-23 11:15:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

christians want peace on earth but it seems other religions whose founders were warlords,became rich,lived in luxury in palaces,had many wives,killed many who would not accept their teachings,told followers cut off the heads of disbelievers,told followers i am a prophet.i now know why i am a christian. god bless all

2007-08-23 11:11:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

and made herself seem not so beautiful? what's her name?

2007-08-23 11:06:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-23 11:04:26 · 24 answers · asked by Taz K 2

Tell me your thoughts. : )

2007-08-23 11:02:27 · 13 answers · asked by SeeTheLight 7

I mean do you wish you had proof of God, or some higher intelligence so then least you know there wud be an after life, do you get scared sometimes that believing there is no after life & you will just rot in the grave, do you honestly sometimes wished there was a God & and look foward to an after life if you belived there was one.

2007-08-23 11:00:57 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

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