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Religion & Spirituality - 23 August 2007

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like you are "in the loop"?
or like you are "in the know"?

or do you sometimes give your head a shake and wonder "what the heck what THAT all about"?

2007-08-23 12:25:52 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you read the article on the front page of yahoo?


I always thought Mother Theresa was close to God- that God does exist because at least a few have heard his voice. I assumed Mother Theresa heard his voice- but after reading the article I know that she did not.

People say that she was very close to God yet she says in her personal letters that she does not know if He is there.

Does this worry anyone? If someone so close to God does not feel Him, what does this mean? Has anyone ever heard God? Do you have proof he exists? I want him to be there badly.

2007-08-23 12:25:11 · 28 answers · asked by MontagoBay 1

This is more of a thought instead of a question.
I take special consideration to answer questions in this forum when I deem the asker is searching for true biblical answers to sincere questions.
Then I give very solid, unbiased biblical information to support my answer...and they are persuaded by the most sacriligious and blasphemous information that someone would have the nerve to type.
I do not take this personal...but I find it rather heartbreaking that people are so vulnerable to follow ideas that are so far from the truth. I know that the Bible says that these days would come, but I had no idea that the hearts of people would be so hard.
The Bible plainly states in 2 Timothy 3:7 "Ever learning, and never able to come to knowledge of the truth."
All I know is I will keep trying, and maybe just one person may come to know Christ. We are living in the last of the last days, and I have a true burden for the lost.
I would like to read some sincere thought on this.

2007-08-23 12:24:12 · 32 answers · asked by brian l 3

2007-08-23 12:20:29 · 31 answers · asked by Page 4

As a former Christian I am familiar with Christian routines. We use to go to church every Friday and Sunday and hear our preacher preach about a dude call Jesus. The stories were very inspiring but they had no practical use in our modern day. Since, Jesus was the son of god we mortals can never become just like him. The other thing I had problem with Christianity is that it clams we can only truly find happiness through Jesus.

When I started to read Buddhist text I start to realize how naïve I was. True happiness only comes through deep insight meditation and through accepting yourself. Christianity tells us we are sinner but Buddha teaches us our true nature is pure, and that the concept of good and evil are mans creation. Buddha also tells us we are capable of, empathy, compassion, and love. Any one can reach this state through deep meditation and contemplation without worshiping any external figure.

2007-08-23 12:19:47 · 22 answers · asked by yeshareg l 1

I used a simple movie the Miracle on 34th Street to see the hidden meaning which is why GOD exsits
You can see that also in It's a Wonderful Life.....

The Core of life is *Family* bringing in human beings that contribute to the world knowing they are driven by the creator....

I think the most important thing in life is GOD, Family and Country

What are you're 3?

2007-08-23 12:18:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Scientology considers the belief in a God or gods as something personal and therefore offers no specific dogma."

it means to bring The Church to a slow and silent death, since the communication with your god/s can be done home

"There are no particular human incarnations of God, as the universal life force (Theta) is inherent in all. All humans are immortal spiritual beings (thetans) capable of realizing a nearly godlike state through Scientology practices."

it means, no heaven, no hell, enjoy life right here right now.

"Salvation is achieved through the practices and techniques of Scientology, the ultimate goal of which is to realize one's true nature as an immortal spirit, a thetan."

the salvation, is the intermediate step we gotta take through Scientology, that would lead us to atheism in the long run.

You know? to me Scientology is a sincere attempt to destroy religion. Some people are too deep into it, and they need an in-between step. And that's exactly what Scientology is.

2007-08-23 12:18:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been told that today, you can determine whether someone is a "false prophet" by comparing their message to scripture. If it doesn't match up, they are a phony.

What about before the bible was written?

2007-08-23 12:17:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe my car has a soul and I'll be able to take my soul-car with me. Same with everything else.

2007-08-23 12:17:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

how come they cant understand Trinity ?

2007-08-23 12:16:23 · 8 answers · asked by kaka 2

So Joel Osteen is on a national tour where you can pay $7.00 to $10.00 to see whatever it is he will do. Not an unreasonable price. But at humble as admission is, I'm sure there will be lucrative book sales, DVDs, and other materials that will grow his ministries and thus his bottom line. One clear goal of Osteen's tour is finacial growth.

So, if JC was around today in the US, and was going to give "The Sermon in Madison Square Garden", a modern day SOTM, how much would he charge?

How much would he charge for making a blind man see? Would Jesus undercut Benny Hinn's prices?

2007-08-23 12:11:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What penalties does the Catholic Church inflict upon relatives of a suicide?

2007-08-23 12:07:05 · 9 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4

How would you describe it? Mystical, beautiful, spiritual?

2007-08-23 12:06:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did Joseph Smith marry Helen Mar Kimball and, if so, did he have sex with her, or did he hold off on that?

Please leave your comments nice or you will be ignored.

2007-08-23 12:06:39 · 7 answers · asked by thinkingforyourselves 1

In the movie *A Miracle on 34th St*. Kris Kringle was put on trial for saying he was Santa Claus.. The prosecutor said *thier is no such thing as Santa Claus* but when others spoke of what Kris Kringle did, it was determined he well could be Santa Claus..

OKAY....This was a beautiful fairy tale movie but it had a strong message one we can use to present a case for Jesus Christ..If Jesus did for humanity what he promised and how he changed people lives, if Jesus was put on trial today it would be determined just like Kris Kringle that he is who he says he is..

Now I don't mean to make this sound trivial because it surely isn't but just so Atheists might understand how someone could prove who they are in a court of law based on people's account..
Do you understand?

2007-08-23 12:05:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have just said that in spiritual matters the authority of the Pope comes before that of the King. In temporal and national mattters, the authority of the King is supreme.

2007-08-23 12:01:14 · 4 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4

There is a certain ubiquitous Jehovah's Witness poster on Yahoo! Answers who claims you don't have be one to have eternal life. However, I found this printed in a Watchtower magazine:

"A third requirement is that we be associated with God’s channel, his organization. God has always used an organization. For example, only those in the ark in Noah’s day survived the Flood, and only those associated with the Christian congregation in the first century had God’s favor. (Acts 4:12) Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." —Feb. 15, 1983, p. 12

Did the Watchtower change its teaching, or is this 1983 quote still applicable today?

2007-08-23 12:01:01 · 16 answers · asked by jethrojimbob 2

I took my dog for a walk tonight 2 minutes ago
and a man approached me and said,
"i know the meaning of life" at first i was taken aback and to be
honest a little scared as the lighting on our street is poor,
and of course i have my walking stick and am suffering with back pain anyway i stepped back and said "what is the meaning of life then",
and he said to me" is" is the meaning of life.
and i asked what he meant so he told me he had a heart
attack and died for three minutes he was heading towards the light and a voice asked him do you want to live he said yes
and the voice said you are not ready for death yet but before you go back ask one question and i will give you the secret of
life so he asked the voice is there a god and the voice answered "is" is, what do you mean was his next question
and he did not have a chance to ask because he was back in his hospital bed so for the past two years he has been going round answering questions with" is" with amazing results
someone asked h

2007-08-23 12:00:20 · 16 answers · asked by geebob358 2

If Jack is comming I will not attend

2007-08-23 12:00:07 · 11 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4

...for many, you will fall into either of two categories::
1) Insane.
2) On drugs.

That's a pretty limiting way of viewing things, don't you think? I mean, does that mean that ALL wild imaginations -ONLY- come from individuals who are insane or on drugs?

Let's take, for example, the imagination of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka: Lewis Carroll - author of "Alice in Wonderland").

The myth -- that Carroll was on drugs when he wrote the story -- was spread in the 60's by supporters of the then LSD craze. Yet, this is not the case. Carroll just had an amazing imagination, and loved to tell stories! Most of the Alice in Wonderland story was invented when he was on a boat trip with friends; the real Alice and her sisters.

But, maybe I'm wrong... Maybe the only way to have a vivid imagination is to do drugs and/or go insane...

What do you all think?

2007-08-23 11:59:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was saved not even one month ago (praise God!). I am so excited about learning and striving to live and display a Christian life. I am enthusiastically reading many parts of the bible, and have been studying "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs which has just been a miracle for my no-longer-failing marriage.

Next to those books I have read, am re-reading, and trying to understand, "Shepherding a Child's Heart" which teaches you in a biblical way how to raise your children emphasizing on how to deal correctly when your child sins. I love, embrace, and understand that I am not to act out in anger when punishing my 2 yr old daughter but to love her and hold her even tighter when her heart has strayed. The thing I just can't grasp is spanking my child. It breaks my heart to even think about it.

Do I just need to have faith and do it because I am commanded to... will this bring comfort and confidence that I am doing the right thing?

2007-08-23 11:58:57 · 14 answers · asked by THATgirl 6

like what will we believe, what our goverment and world leaders will be like? Do you think will still be around? i wanna hear from all religions, beliefs, etc. etc.

2007-08-23 11:57:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need it for an assignment. thanks!

2007-08-23 11:56:43 · 4 answers · asked by Pawnee 2

He beat the crap out of her and then ran from the law. He stomped her, kicked her and beat her so bad she had to go to the hospital. His wife is the well known Juanita Bynum.

2007-08-23 11:54:28 · 46 answers · asked by science rules! 3

How many judgements must we endure? Is there one or two judgments? Do we have to wait until we know that our soul is going to heaven or hell for Christ's final judgment or will we know as soon as we die?

2007-08-23 11:53:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-23 11:53:09 · 16 answers · asked by Holy Cow! 7

I want to know what I can get away with.

2007-08-23 11:52:44 · 15 answers · asked by The Bog Nug 5

The next generation may have more knowledge technically in the world we now live in, but it's the core value they seem to lack...

Not all kids today but many many are very lazy maybe that is why you see so many obese kids? that or maybe they have a lazy mother that cannot cook them a healthy meal not sure...

How many times do you see children address men and women as s mam'n or sir, you do if they have been or come from a Military Family.

And if you don't teach them about GOD what one important thing will you teach your child about life?

2007-08-23 11:51:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The dictionary says "good" is to be "morally excellent." Let s look at God s moral standard the Ten Commandments, and see how we do. Is God first in your life? Do you love Him with "heart, mind, soul and strength?" Have you made a god to suit yourself? Have you used His name in vain? Have you always honored your parents? Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? Have you lied (including "fibs"), stolen (the value is irrelevant), or coveted other people s possessions? If you are honest, you know you will be guilty on the Day of Judgment. God, however, doesn t want to send you to Hell. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross, so you could go free. That s how much God loves you. We broke God s Law, but Jesus took our punishment and died on the cross. He then rose from the grave defeating death. If you repent (turn away from all the things you know are wrong) and trust in Him, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. Begin by reading your Bible daily and then obey what you read. God will never let you down.

2007-08-23 11:50:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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