Why do they just assume a church is spending all their money on this stuff? Churches use that stuff to bring people INTO the church to hear a message that might change their lives. Sure, some go overboard and only care about money, but is bringing modern aspects into the church really a bad idea, assuming they don't go against God's word?
I attend a large church where people would not be able to see, hear, or even stand in the sanctuary if it weren't for this type of stuff. I mean face it, human nature is drawn to things we like and are comfortable, would most people go to a church where they had to stand the entire time or could barely hear the preacher? Of course not. Is it shallow, yes, but that's how humans are. Is it too naive to think some churches actually use these as tools to reach out to people? Just because big screens, sound systems, and drums aren't overtly Christian doesn't make them wrong.
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