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Religion & Spirituality - 3 August 2007

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Ok. I am a Calvinist, meaning I believe in the 5 point TULIP theory.
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints

"When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed." Acts 13: 48

In this verse look what happened first. Because they were appointed for eternal life, they were saved. See if an anti-Calvinist can explain that.

I believe that it is God who saves us, He died on the cross and at that point in time he saved our sins.

Some people believe that God died on the cross for our sins, but that we have a choice to accept him or not. By that logic our sins are not forgiven until we accept him. Then, who's action is forgiving your sins? Yours, or God's? If you believe that then you are limiting what happened on the Cross. You can't say that God forgave your sins on the cross, and you have to chose whether to accept him or not. It's 1 or the othe

2007-08-03 01:14:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is hell and/or the lake of fire spiritual locations or ACTUAL (physical) locations?

2007-08-03 01:09:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What was someone who has these things as interests:

gardens, nature, trees, water, rocks, flowers.
music, musical talent, entertaining, acting (on stage), poetic, writing, painting, art, beautification, design, creating.
learning, teaching, helping.

2007-08-03 01:07:40 · 12 answers · asked by all_stardusty 4

2007-08-03 01:06:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

about whatever they used to believe in?
Do you know of anyone that changed his beliefs?

2007-08-03 01:06:42 · 15 answers · asked by . 2

How old does real fact say the world is?

2007-08-03 01:06:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a little story. First of all; both my parents were christian and tried to raise me accordingly. Now, a religion is defined as: A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. I was told that every christmas, a man named Santa Claus miraculously fit down our chimney for the sole purpose of giving me presents but only if I was good for the year, the amount of these conditional presents were also dependant on my age and my parents income strangely enough. Aged five, I shared a set of beliefs and practises with many other children regarding Santa Claus, beliefs containing a moral code governing the conduct of my affairs. Aged five I had a religion: Santa Clausism. Later, I was told about how Jesus died and God loves me. At eleven I systematically went from disbelieving in Santa then Jesus. My parnets have no problem with the former disbelief. Why would that be?

2007-08-03 01:05:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

In another question I read several answers that said we humans "choose" hell. How is that? And if it's true, somehow, how is it moral?

Bear with me...If we humans saw another person soak themselves in gasoline and light themselves on fire - we would be morally obligated to try to prevent them from harming themselves. SANE people don't make decisions that involve torturing themselves.

So why do we "sinful" humans know that its wrong to allow someone to light themselves on fire, but your god hasn't attained that level of morality?

2007-08-03 01:01:19 · 34 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7

Looking for the Saviour?

2007-08-03 00:57:48 · 27 answers · asked by anil m 6

is it true "blind faith" as you claim? or that's just an excuse to hide behind the fact that you're scared to death of burning in the Lake of Fire for the rest of the eternity?
what I mean, if we're really moral beings, and we're really concerned about what's right and wrong, and we appreciate our freedom so much, shouldn't you just turn around and ignore such a terrible being completely? Maybe He's just putting you to the test, and that's what He expects you all to do anyway and you're all screwing it here.

2007-08-03 00:57:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I used to be an atheist too. Then one day I met someone who had scientific proof that Christianity was the one true religion. He showed me a book called the Bible. I read the Bible and sure enough the Bible says that the Bible is true.

He then mentioned that his parents also said this was true. Being a natural skeptic, I decided to talk to his parents to see if this scientific claim was true and it was.

Then he told me that he also knew his religion was true because it gave him a good feeling inside and he looked happy to me.

I had no choice. It would have been crazy of me if I hadn't converted.

So, why haven't you?

2007-08-03 00:53:38 · 38 answers · asked by Jared L 1

One extreme is a male chauvinist, the opposite is a male house wife.

So were did the men go? What happened to a balanced male life, with leadership and responsibilities?

2007-08-03 00:52:19 · 20 answers · asked by Sweet n Sour 4

Since god created everything that exist and i mean everything down to how the mind works and thinks. How then could Cain be punished when he did exactly what he was created to do? If God did not know what was going to happen then he is not God or just an Ingorant one not relizing what he created.

2007-08-03 00:48:51 · 13 answers · asked by chiefmoe 2

What about Hindus or Muslims? If you were in charge of who got in, what would you do?

2007-08-03 00:48:11 · 14 answers · asked by Jared L 1

2007-08-03 00:47:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-03 00:43:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

other faiths burning in hell?
I keep seeing questions about ONLY Christians will be in heaven, those that did not accept Jesus will be burning in hell.
It is quite disturbing that Christians entertain such an evil thought that NON BELIEVERS in their faith will deserve such a punishment.
Do they suffer from a mental disorder?

2007-08-03 00:40:31 · 18 answers · asked by . 2

2007-08-03 00:36:56 · 15 answers · asked by too cool 1

What if all our tragedies were as shadows on the walls of our own disheartened mind?" --Only This, pg 5.

What if we remain whole, in perfect peace, no matter what...as we create wonders...

2007-08-03 00:35:55 · 17 answers · asked by Sky in the Grass 5

2007-08-03 00:35:20 · 20 answers · asked by ♥Come Break Me Down♥ 2

So the wifes car broke down today while her and her friends were going on a girl weekend. I had to go pick them up and drop them off at their destination. We live in arizona and it gets pretty hot here so someone in the caravan was ehh... how do you put it? dressed imodestly,
anyhow this girl was blessed so to speak in many departments body being one of them. We talked for quite awhile, but at the end of it you were be hard pressed to convince me that
A: She had a head at all
B: That she had much to say.
Now I know shes very bright and always a good conversationalist but seriously... I only remember one thing about the moment... well a couple of things but you get my point.
So is this then why muslim women wear the ... sorry, hat thingy they wear? Simply because men like me... well you know.

2007-08-03 00:33:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that most of the christians I meet demand that people respect their religious choice but refuse to respect people who don't chose christianity?
I've seen many, many christians badmouth or blatantly insult people from other religions. Even going so far as to acuse them of being demons, satans followers ect...
I try to keep an open mind but seeing so many people act this way is starting to harden my veiw towards Christianity and it's followers.
Any suggestions on how to approach this subject tactfully with said people would be greatly appreciated. So far "please respect their veiws, they haven't disrespected yours." has only gotten me lectures on how their way is the one way. >_<

2007-08-03 00:30:55 · 21 answers · asked by crystal_pepzi 2

2007-08-03 00:26:09 · 18 answers · asked by ♥Come Break Me Down♥ 2

as I have nto had my monthly for just over 2 months now I am bleeding a lot. Would it be suicide if I let this go on and I died? I am serious here. Early last year I had this problem but a little worse where I was loosing too much blod for more than 9 days and looking pale and throbing headaches, and faint and walking wobbly as if I had of left it I would have died. I was saved back then. So would God see it as suicide. I did go to the doctors this afternoon about it and the doctor was going to put me on the pill but since I have a family history of blood clots I said no. She did nothing else for me. I am still bleeding and yes I wanna go home. So what is your oppinion, will God see this as suicide? Because the bleeding is not my fault. Last year I started to hemerage to death, that was when everyone was on my back about going to the ER, and when I did they gave me meds to stop it. Now I am readly to go home.

2007-08-03 00:22:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people put in things like "Don't say 'read the Bible' because I don't believe in it." Or sometimes they say "serious answers only," or otherwise try to limit the answers. Do you always comply with this, or do you sometimes challenge the limitation?

2007-08-03 00:20:16 · 15 answers · asked by auntb93 7

Many of the questions in Religion & Spirituality start by addressing them to Chrisitians, or Muslims, or Atheists, or whatever. Do you sometimes answer even when you don't belong to one of those groups? Under what circumstances?

2007-08-03 00:17:19 · 15 answers · asked by auntb93 7

Someone asked a good question but removed it as I clicked sumbit:

This is easy. Blind faith is not required. The faith of children is not blind but pure from all those distractions. The only "blind" is the you can't actually see God nor were you around when Jesus walked the earth.

The blind faith that church preaches is submission to the authority of the clergy which is cow-poop to me.

Now don't get me wrong, we all have roles to play, such as pastors, teachers, etc. but all roles are equal.

You are also correct in that there are a lot of translational errors at times. Some deliberate and some not.

The King James bible for instance was translated from an erroneous source, but it was the best they had at the time. Modern translations have better sources to work from. Another thing about KJV and others is that they are translated according to doctrine.

2007-08-03 00:15:30 · 15 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

I'm very much aware of the whole contacts/fans business on Answers, but I only really use it so that I can pay particular attention to people whose opinions I trust. I also use it to reciprocate that same trust and friendship.

Basically if I add you, it means I hold you in high regard, or it could mean you've added me, and I'm showing respect.

But it seems I have a few people who actively use it to accompany me throughout my Answers journey. Okay I sometimes answer a string of questions and stars by my contacts, but it's a case of 'when the feeling takes me'.

I feel honoured to know that my opinion is valued by some, and I would like to extend my thanks to anyone who looks out for and answers my questions. You make my answers worth giving.

Reason for using the word 'disciples'?

I try to be more of a teacher than a learner, and I think the word reflects that better.

Love to all. Tell me your views.

2007-08-03 00:14:45 · 6 answers · asked by ? 5

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