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Religion & Spirituality - 3 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sure looks like it.

2007-08-03 07:13:03 · 20 answers · asked by The Gig is Up ferengifighter 1

It seems like life would just be easier for atheists if they accepted God.

It must be hard to be an atheist and not be able to go into direct sunlight without bursting into flames. If I could only leave my house at night I'd be mad at God too.
Also, atheists cannot touch holy relics such as a bible or cross without their skin starting to sizzle. It must also be difficult for atheists to constantly be worried about accidentally drinking holy water, because it is like a Christian drinking cyanide.
And doesn't it bother you guys that people are always staring at you because of your pointy ears and fangs?
The most difficult thing about being an atheist, though, must be the reliance on human blood for survival. It just seems like such a hassle to constantly be finding human blood to drink.

In light of all these difficulties atheists face in today's society, do any of you think it would just be easier to be a fundamentalist?

2007-08-03 07:10:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15, and I was just thinking about all the time in my past that I should've spent differently; and have decided that I am going to change:
(give me any advice you have!)
ps- i know this is going to sound cheesy to you, but that's okay ;) ...read on

I feel a change within my soul. I'm excited to jump and fall, because from each and every fall; I will learn something new...And that is exciting in itself! I want to be touched deep within my spirit; and touch others as well. I wish to take no one, or thing; for granted. I want to look to the Lord. I want to stand an gaze at his wonders. Fall into the stars rapt in awe. I'm deciding right now to do my absolute best in all circumstances. I am the only thing I have, to make me step forward. I choose not to whittle my life away. I don't know my purpose, but I plan to put myself in the best place; so that I may live it out ...So, PLEASE say something; make my head spin, my soul dance, my imagination laugh; and we will live it out!

2007-08-03 07:10:13 · 7 answers · asked by roo 1

even if you weren't perfect, would you let on that you weren't? or would you try to hide it?

2007-08-03 07:09:33 · 8 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

A good friend of mine, who is catholic, has invited me to the baptism of both her baby and her sisters. I was just wanting to know what is customary of a person in my situation should I be able to attend?

Thanks for any help you offer!

2007-08-03 07:09:03 · 4 answers · asked by Cody D 1

Did you actually do work, or did you have another mode of procrastination?

I used to read news stories updated by the minute, mainly world stuff on BBC. Once in awhile I'd read the laymen commentary on USA Today but that usually just made me mad.

2007-08-03 07:08:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-03 07:08:30 · 14 answers · asked by Q.xi 1

when you have a hot flash???

and is it a spiritual experience for you?

2007-08-03 07:00:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The need to see to believe??
The poor people that were crossing the bridge never in thier wildest dreams thought they were going to cross that bridge, tumble down into the ocean and drown in thier cars. (God Bless the people who have suffered this tragic event)

Most people know we have a climate that is changing that can kill us but they don't worry until it strikes them, we know death and destruction can happen when we least expect it to, so do you prepare yourself with the Lord? knwoing whatever devastation might come about you are ready to meet the Lord or see his return to earth?

2007-08-03 07:00:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Answer for the band if you want, but I mean the Bible story.

2007-08-03 06:57:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although evidence of the Darwinian theory points toward a progressively positive evolvement, are you worried that you we wish to place you back into the primordial slime from which all man arose?

2007-08-03 06:56:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you not still teach some of the same things that he first brought to light ?

2007-08-03 06:54:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am on a roll today.

Evangelicals believe that if I truely accept Jesus sacrifical death and resurection I am born again. (I have done this)
Nothing can seperate me from Christ and as I follow him he changes me to be more like he wants me to be. Some believe that you can loose this others that it is set in eternity and past and future sins are absorbed by christ on the cross.

Catholics believe that Jesus died for our sins and this grace is received through Baptisim, Receiving the Holy Spirit, Confirmation etc. It is a complete work, we confess our sins and are forgiven (as jesus said who you forgive I do etc) Then when I die any sins that are on my spirit are finaly removed by Jesus death on the cross - this is called purgetory and after this happens I enter heaven.

Both are very similar, both involve following Christ. Both are faith alone.

The evangelical way does seem a lot easier and safer but not as biblical when you break it down. How can I know what way is right.

2007-08-03 06:54:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

. . . so many claim that they've seen Him, or talked to Him. Some even were healed by God, and some saw him when they died (and came back to life).

People even kill for their Gods, and some even blames thier God for their bad deeds. Some ask forgiveness and then do the same thing over.

Some preaches God's words, and then think and do evil things like condemn other people, lie, talk behind other people's back, or go to a titty bar (dollar on the mouth).

Don't you think God exist? I think you do, but I'm thinking that you guys just don't like Him (or the ones that preaches.)

2007-08-03 06:51:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

and justified the extermination of jews by claiming they were sub-humans who killed Jesus?

Ironic isn't it?

2007-08-03 06:50:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i go to church and believe in god (Catholic) but I havn't had a catholic prayer in a while. I am looking for a prayer to ask God for help. I am 17 weeks pregnant and I have to have surgery on my cervix today to keep my cervix from opening and me losing the baby. i am so scared, and want my baby to be okay.. please help..

2007-08-03 06:48:41 · 10 answers · asked by Mommy2Two!! 4

Apocalypse 11:13: And there was made a great earthquake, ... 11:14: The second woe is past: and behold the third woe will come quickly. Apocalypse 16:18: And there were lightnings and voices and thunders, and there was a great earthquake, such an one as never had been since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake so great.
Major Earthquake Fault Slips Backward
vast chunk of Earth sliding under Mexico has surprisingly reversed direction, puzzling geologists and leaving them wondering whether the ground might be poised to pummel Mexico City with a devastating earthquake-Suddenly, in the latter half of 2006, the plate began moving the other way and quadrupled its speed, scientists announced today.

Geologists are predicting a Massive Earthquake to break the Pacific Rim in half in the next 5 years..

2007-08-03 06:46:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you ask the majority of JW's who the founder was, they will answer Charles Taze Russell..For many, many years they were very glad and proud to say this..now it seems to have changed. Do you not hold to some of the same teachings that Charles Taze Russell first began to teach?

I deleted my previous question regarding him, until I research this further. But, it still does not dismiss the fact that your Bible translation is very simular with the Roman Catholic Priest who got his information from a Spirit that told the boy(spirit talking throught the boy) that the Bible was wrong and that John 1:1 should read "a God"..and others as well.
You guys seem to just dismiss this as nothing ..but that is huge..Why would a demon..want people to think that it was translated as "a God"..Think about it..don't just dismiss this vital information.

2007-08-03 06:45:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the novel Planet of the Apes, Ulysse takes a space journey and arrives at a planet populated by intelligent apes. If evolution were true, then these apes would have evolved into humans. But since they didn't evolution is false.

And to those people who will say he was on Earth the whole time, the book is different from the movie. But my point still stands: even if apes had taken over Earth they'd have had to evolve into something stronger than people, and so would have had to become people somewhere along the way, thus losing their ape-like qualities. Since they still look like apes, evolution is false and creationism is true.

Therefore, Planet of the Apes proves creationism. Anybody who says it doesn't is just denying the Divine Word.

2007-08-03 06:45:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would it be and Why?

Mine Would be How to become a living immortal.

2007-08-03 06:41:34 · 12 answers · asked by ArchAngel Raziel 2

Firstly it is not the seven deadly sins, that something completly different.

I know also the things about it needing to be grave, deliberate etc.

But tell me what are they - Murder OK I wont do that and wasnt planning on it.

Any ideas.

2007-08-03 06:40:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ash·ke·naz·i - Jews of central and eastern Europe, or their descendants, distinguished from the Sephardim chiefly by their liturgy, religious customs, and pronunciation of Hebrew.
Look at this:
And, this:

Ironic, huh?

2007-08-03 06:40:00 · 14 answers · asked by r~@~w 4

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