- I don't want religious answers that don't provide a valid back up argument other than "god says you shouldn't" <---not a valid argument.
- An early blastocyst -> fetus stage does not feel any pain as it does not have a nervous system, hence you are not causing it any physical pain, also it only has the beginning of a brain, hence will not show any neurological activity making it for all sense and purpose brain-dead. (its not thinking yet)
questions to think about
- what if the woman had been raped against her will?
- what if carrying the child to term will have long lasting negative physical and mental effects on the 'mother'?
- stem cells <-- want a valid reason if you are against or for?
facts to think about
- again...the phase that the embryo is in does not have any neural cells, hence no brain and no pain.
- over 250,000 aborted fetuses/blastocysts are flushed down the toilet <-- they could be put to better use, if you're gonna kill them any way
17 answers
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