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Religion & Spirituality - 27 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-27 05:40:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or that we put her on the same level. Take the Hail Mary and break it up, its just asking her to pray for us- here, ill save you the effort:

Hail Mary, full of grace (Hi mary, your a good person)
Lord art with thee (Gods with you)
Blessed are thee amoungst women(us chicks look up to you)
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus (Gods awsome, you carried for 9 months, how cool is that?)
Holy Mary mother of God (Your freaking awsome)
Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (I need help, please pray with/for me)

2007-07-27 05:36:42 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-27 05:36:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I stumbled across a question that asked..."What makes you uncomfortable with poeple of other religions?" (not word for word).....I read an answer from a 13 year old girl that said....

"I always feel bad when i have to tell people who arn't Christian the truth about their etrnal life. All Christians and others who believe that Jesus was and is our saviour and Massiah will go to heaven all of those who don't will not. I always feel bad about this consept considdering one of my best friends is Buddist."

I seriously can NOT understand why people think that if you are not christian then when you die you will go to some place they call Hell. Now I do not belong to any religious organizations, but I do believe in GOD. I just dont get why people believe this way and judge those who dont. Honestly...did everyone go to hell before the Christianity began? I mean....Christianity did not start from the beginning. I just want some opinions..I am open to all interpretations.

2007-07-27 05:35:12 · 22 answers · asked by Rae-Rae 2

Often on the forums I see people state that the Bible predicted X in the past and X happened later on. Your "opponents" in religious debate state that any scripture is cryptic at best and therefore not predictive and evidence of divine inspiration.

My question to you is this: Could you state a Biblical prophecy now about an event in the future, including an (atleast approximate) time that could later be verified? Please be specific. Feel free to quote scripture (in fact, the question almost requires it) but also interpret the scripture in a concrete way.


2007-07-27 05:30:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

At 14 my church turned their backs on me because I stood up for the truth. I took the side a person wrongly aquesed of a crime he didn't commit. There was no proof only rumors and lies. I was not the only one to take the stand, but because I was 14 they thought I needed to be taught my place. 14 years later I can't bring myself to go back. I don't find the comfort I once found in the bible. I'm not looking for go to church because God says so in the bible. I don't want to hear forgive and forget. I just want to find the comfort i once found in the bible and trust and faith I have in God. My religous beliefs are for me alone and it doesn't matter what chuch I went to.

2007-07-27 05:30:11 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I am thirsty, and want a drink, God will help me by having me voluntarily get up and get a drink of water? Wow, that's very nice of him to do, but doesn't that steal my free will in a way, if it is really Him "helping me" and my own ambition to get a drink of water was merely an illusion of my own choice?

Of course, if I get in a car accident and I am trapped under burning metal and cannot pull myself free, then I suppose he can't/won't help me? Or he can't/won't help a physically handicapped person to overcome their inherent limitations because they themselves lack the ability to do so?

How do people even begin to belive this? God will do things for you, as long as you do it yourself. Don't you see how this can be applied to absolutely ANYTHING in place of "God" in the often-spoken, "God helps those who help themselves" lie?

I could even say SATAN helps me when I help myself, right?

2007-07-27 05:26:13 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

noah was in fact a trader on the river when heavy rains hit babylon (present day iraq) which flooded the river ans sent him down the river into the vast open sea, he traded in goods and animals, thus the strory of the animals on the ark, tablets unearthed in iraq confirm just this, even modern theologins know it was just a local flood

2007-07-27 05:25:56 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have watched you from afar for so long, I know this is destined to be...please make me the happiest lil Jedi in the world...Will you marry me?

2007-07-27 05:22:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a person's spouse cheated on them, which resulted in the marriage ending, and the two people living separately while filing for divorce, would it be considered adultery if the spouse who was cheated on had sex with another person? The marriage is already physically over, but not legally. I realize that it is still wrong to have sex outside of marriage, but I just wondered if God would consider this adultery or fornication.

2007-07-27 05:22:14 · 49 answers · asked by lookoutthewindow 2

How is that calling someone God?

2007-07-27 05:22:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a healer and a psi-vamp... I can heal by taking away the negative energies away from a person.... But, it affects me by throwing my natural balance out of whack, causing me to act strangely.

2007-07-27 05:20:37 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

So many of you have responded to my question about biblical prophecy by enlightening me that my bible is riddled with unfulfilled prophecies. So I challenge you, can you point some of these unfulfilled prophecies out to me so that I might be as enlighten as you are? But be forewarned, prophecy dealing with the last days, can only be fulfilled if we are in the last days, which I think we are. Do you accept my challenge? And will you look for my response, to each.

2007-07-27 05:20:27 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-27 05:19:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This book is quoted in Jude 14, and 15, it was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and yet isn't part of the Bible? Tell me what is wrong with the book, Jude quotes it!

2007-07-27 05:18:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you do not believe in an afterlife, how do you deal with the death of loved ones? Most people I know find comfort with the belief that they will see that person again in the afterlife, or Heaven, Paradise, etc...

2007-07-27 05:18:10 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

meaning of it. again thery are contradicting themselves.

2007-07-27 05:15:25 · 47 answers · asked by steven25t 7

Seems like this could clear up lots of questions.

2007-07-27 05:13:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a train leaves Chicago at 7 a.m., and another train leaves Newark at 8:45 a.m., then do these pants make me look fat?

2007-07-27 05:12:57 · 37 answers · asked by Deke 5

It is a FACT that I am the father of my children. I can prove this by DNA testing. What PROOF do you have for creation? Please, the bible proves nothing. I have a book that says intersteller drives exist but I have no PROOF they do. Same thing.

2007-07-27 05:11:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think if I did believe in a god, I would not want to follow him. His rules are stupid. If you don't believe in him you are sent to hell, although all the people that HE made are different, so ofcoarse same people aren't going to beleive in him.
Also, there are some people that will never hear of this Jesus and children that die young will be sent to a flaming hell because they didn't believe in him.

2007-07-27 05:10:43 · 26 answers · asked by Scott R 2

Providing that protestant never was catholic, never attended catholic school, and their entire family is also protestant how can a protestant tell me (catholic) what I believe?

It happend yesterday, she was like 'you do this' and I was like 'no I don't and she kept saying I do and I just didnt get it.

2007-07-27 05:10:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The last time it was fun being me was a year ago last April.

It was a beautiful weekend, the snow was gone and green things growing. My wife and I playing with our son, teaching him to throw tennis balls for the dogs.

My wife died in August, my son a week after his fifth birthday.

There was a ray of hope last winter, another last month, but I fear I've been clutching at straws.

It is heartbreaking when people try to cheer me up, not knowing the isolation I return to when I flick the switch. I wish I could take their efforts with me, but they never seem to leave the screen.

People say I need to get out more. But I socialized in my 20s. Fought the good fight for civil rights and human rights in my 30s and 40s. I was settling into the fruits of my labour with a wife who loved me and a son who would replace me.

And here, at 50, when half the eligible population thinks I'm a "dirty old man" and the other half want someone "tall" ...

2007-07-27 05:10:17 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a fun experiment. Let's see how many people actually read the details of these Questions. If you read this please respond. "Thanks for the two points." Again this has nothing to do with the Jehovas Witnesses. Thanks and this will be fun.

2007-07-27 05:09:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everything i have ever read about the romans and their crucifictions indicate that the final insult to the crucified was to either leave the body on the cross to rot, or throw the body into a mass grave. They did not ever allow the cucified to be taken and given a proper burial.

How did jesus's body make it to his tomb to rise from the dead when the romans never would have allowed anyone to take his body to be buried?

2007-07-27 05:08:35 · 33 answers · asked by Gawdless Heathen 6

seized all the Dobol Dead Pig's and all rotten foods chicken fats and oily fat's turn it to electricity How?''burn it together in Coal Power Plants this you can save your little bucket of coal NOYPI'S and it has good smell like bar-be-Q" ist ozone Helper why?' because Fats is a good ozone repairer if you can only bring all the fatty tissue in the ozone it will be repair its spot's" because of the Pollutants the ozone was damage wanna see evidence of Global warming Look@the Lungs of the smoker'' the Lungs is the Ozone" now you have the evidence of G.W. Ok" and what is the best way to enhance the Rock Cod oil or any Fish Oil'' OK'' be Kind to Gain Knowledge and Wisdom"

2007-07-27 05:08:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

That one really makes my teeth clench for some reason....

2007-07-27 05:05:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

These are generalizations that do not apply to all Christians, but do apply to many I come into contact with. They cannot cope with reality, particularly negative aspects, so they believe for comfort. They have a dillusion that they have a relationship with an invincible, silent "God". They justify their incompetence with "God has a plan". They believe that atleast 70% of the world is going to hell. They believe that Muslims are evil. They constantly condemn people. They use the predetermined destiny theory to justify them not taking control of their own lives. I am bitter because my wife is a Christian and we do not agree on anything. Its frustrating for me and it effects my life so I'm looking for some perspective, not critism from Christians. I believe in my heart that these things are true. I'm not trying to bash, but this is what I see every day.

2007-07-27 05:04:30 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been away for awhile and I'm noticing a decided anti-atheist bent here. I realize you've dealt with it all along, and perhaps it's just me, but it sure seems like it's gotten worse in the couple of weeks I've been away.

Do you ever just get sick of this forum and take a break?

Having been gone, I'm not sure I want to return. The childishness and idiocy is just rampant these days. What say you?

2007-07-27 05:03:47 · 51 answers · asked by Kallan 7

fedest.com, questions and answers