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Religion & Spirituality - 27 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

A lot of people have said this to me lately. I said "thanks" the first time but felt like that wasn't right. What do you say in return???

2007-07-27 14:39:09 · 68 answers · asked by Sarah 1

These are the things that bother me about our existence, any theorys or facts appreciated:

Is the Universe(Not Galaxy) truly eternal? that concept alone is a big one.

It is limlitless in volume? Some people would argue it was due to the second law of thermodynamics.

Will we ever be able to understand what enforces the laws of physics? -I mean on the most basic level. Why are there rules, or maybe organised chaos? Does energy have purpose, why does it?

Should I have asked this in R&S?

2007-07-27 14:37:47 · 10 answers · asked by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5

Then why do you keep coming back for more? Wouldn't that make it 100% voluntary? If you don't like it, don't complain. You are free to leave.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be mean, I just realized this, and I'm just stating an observation.

2007-07-27 14:36:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a Catholic I am free to worship in any Christian church but Mormons call themselves Christians even though they don't understand the concept of the Holy Trinity and the Sole Divinity of God. So since they are not technically Christians does their faith ban them from worshiping in a Christian church? I myself will attend Mass every Sunday in either a Roman Catholic or Episcopalian church and on Wednesday I go to worship and study the Bible at the Fundamentalist Baptist church. I think that Mormons aren't allowed to attend a service in a church that believes that Jesus is God because it leaves out their own divinity.

Do Mormons believe that at the end of time everyone who isn't a Mormon will have to worship them? I will only worship God regardless of what the Mormons want.

2007-07-27 14:35:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

…and that a watch is almost perfectly designed for a human wrist. How can you guys maintain your lack of faith in light of this conclusive proof?

2007-07-27 14:32:21 · 22 answers · asked by Desiree 4

Up tp the age of 30 or beyond, poetry of many kinds.. gave me great pleasure, and even as a schoolboy I took great delight in SHakespeare
Formerly pictures gave me considerable, and music very great delight. But now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have tried to read Shakespeare, and found it to be so intolerably dull that it nauseated me. I have also lost any taste for pictures or for music... I retain some taste for fine scenery, but it does not cause me exquisite delight which it formerly did... My mind seems to have become a machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts. but why this should have cause that atrophy of that part of the brain alone, on which the higher tastes depend I cannot concieve... the loss of these tastes, is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature.. Charles Darwin's autobiography

2007-07-27 14:32:18 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are a lot of laws in the Christian Bible, most of them in the Old Testament, like Leviticus. A great many of these are simply ignored by Christians today, yet they latch onto a few and get all indignant or even hostile toward people who don't follow those. How do you choose which of God's laws are okay to disobey?

2007-07-27 14:29:56 · 17 answers · asked by optionsinmobility 3

I am talking about the giant tea pots and the pink unicorns and all the other ridiculous analogies that they use.Some of them claim Jesus never existed.The fact is that He did and He continues to inspire millions.

2007-07-27 14:23:51 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

And someone asked you "How do you feel?" , did you reply "I'm Okay"?

(What message were you sending the asker?)

2007-07-27 14:20:39 · 28 answers · asked by Uncle Wayne 3

If someone hacked you account and told lies about you?

That happened to me this last week while I was away, my neighbour who was looking after my pets while I was away played a very cruel joke on R&S and told everyone that I had died and was buried on tuesday, I found out thursday what she did, her excuse, she was jealous of me, I don't know why

How would you feel if this happened to you, or someone told a lie about you?

2007-07-27 14:20:10 · 19 answers · asked by Angel Eyes 5

I am a muslimah, and I am also well aware of things that happen in the world. But how can one attribute them to one religion? Terrorism was around long long before Islam was, so how can the ignorant say that Islam is the cause of it all? Last time I checked my Quran and one of the five Bibles I own, both said Pharoah thought he was a god. He terrorised the Israelites.

Here is one question. Why is this ignored? How do you get "kill those who don't believe" from "leave them alone"?

"Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them). (The Noble Quran, 15:2-3)"

2007-07-27 14:18:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I truely whant to understand what hope you believe in.

2007-07-27 14:14:53 · 14 answers · asked by B-DIDDLES 3

I thought that Jesus taught us to look at the good in people. He also taught forgiveness. Sometimes when I read bitter messages from Mormons I wonder if they teach forgiveness in their chapels and temples. Governor Boggs proved himself to be a true American patriot with his military service in the War of 1812. When Governor Boggs issued his edict on the Mormon question it was during the women abuse scandals within the Mormon church (polygamy). Clearly Governor Boggs was just looking out for his constituents. Now that Governor Boggs is with Christ in Heaven he surely is asking Christ to pardon the Mormons that have bitterness in their hearts toward him. I am sure that he forgives each and everyone of them because Christ taught forgiveness. God bless you Governor Boggs and may God bless our Mormon brothers and sisters with the ability to loose their bitterness and to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ!

Friends don't spend all of your time in the pit of bitterness!

2007-07-27 14:14:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-27 14:14:22 · 6 answers · asked by Prof Fruitcake 6

Note : this is only to my friends, and people who have knowledge of what i am speaking. others read and don't answer please.

By Grace of the lord, i learned things, which are rarely & difficult.

By his grace i got understanding of mysticism and many procedures of achieving them.

I understood the Mystic capabilities ( Siddhis ) ,and also got to know how to learn them.

anima , mahima , praaptiH , śruta, Garima, drstesu, isHtā, vasita

But also very soon, Lord was so merciful that i understood i don't need to gain any of these, and left practicing the skills which i had begun ( Garima )

as i understood that these were hindrances in path to realization and these are not necessary to understand Hari. I was strong enough to burn my initial desires of achieving them.


Now, even after i leave those, i get attracted to these, and suddenly without me wanting, i start liking this in one way or the other.

Do i really have control Over me? if so why i fail & start liking.

-- deito

2007-07-27 14:11:14 · 14 answers · asked by deito 4

"I like your Christ but I fear your Christians?" Does it ring true with you? Or do you find it insulting?

2007-07-27 14:10:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is your opinion on this, and what reasons would you give me to go through with this or not?

2007-07-27 14:09:55 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a christian and I sometimes feel like there should be no reason why I live on this planet. Like I know why I'm here, it's just I feel like that God puts me through so much anger I feel like if I just killed myself and went to heaven with him everything would be easier. But I know if I did it would be a slap in the face to him because Jesus Christ sacraficed his life for us to be here. But still, wouldn't God be happy if I was away from trouble and with him anyways?

I don't know. Help me

2007-07-27 14:06:08 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just started it today. Wow! That is one scary book about the dangers of religious fanatics.

I highly recommend it.

2007-07-27 14:04:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-27 14:03:48 · 28 answers · asked by Stephanie D 3

I have a question for all of you in R&S that think cervical cancer is some disease that is striking down hundreds of thousands of women each year.

Do you actually know how prevelant cervical cancer is?

Ovarian Cancer is listed as a rare disease. It is also a silent killer. 1 in about 12,000 women this year will develop this deadly and heartless assilant. And many will not know until they are in stage three or four of the cancer.

Cervical cancer affects 1 in about 21,000 women. And HPV is easily detectable on a yearly pap smear, easily treated and cervical cancer can be avoided.

Seeing that Ovarian cancer is rare -then Cervical cancer is almsot unheard of.

So why should parents be forced to treat their children with a vaccine? Why should it be mandatory?

And why do you disagree with the Christian groups who say that this is something that can be prevented - if one abstains. I did. Why not teach self control instead?

2007-07-27 13:59:25 · 19 answers · asked by noncrazed 4

Would christians do it? I think they would.

2007-07-27 13:56:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

When someone loses a limb or part of a limb, they still experience pain where it used to be? I've not seen studies on this, but is the pain all in the mind or does it show that energy was indeed there?

Peace, Love, and Blessings

2007-07-27 13:50:12 · 11 answers · asked by Greenwood 5

do you have a big nose. and do you feel blessed

2007-07-27 13:49:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets say God and Jesus existed. We'll treat this the way Christian theology tells it, that God the Father sent his Son to atone for the sins of mankind. Let me rephrase John 3:16 a couple different ways without the piety. The Creator screwed up so rather than take personal responsibility he used his son as a scapegoat. A man gets fired from his job, so in anger he pushes his son in front of a speeding car. Romanticizing the language doesn't change the nature of the crime. Done by a god or human it is the same morality. So the question is is it the same morality or do you not judge god in the same way so it is "ok" that he did it?

2007-07-27 13:48:33 · 16 answers · asked by Computer Techie 1

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