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Religion & Spirituality - 20 July 2007

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i know that arent many christians that have read the Quran but im just currios to know what non muslim people thing about Quran?

2007-07-20 13:28:01 · 21 answers · asked by Durim S 1

I cant believe that so many "adult" are into Harry Potter! How sad is that!? Is there any adult left in this world with proper education, culture and intellect??

2007-07-20 13:27:31 · 20 answers · asked by karine d 1

The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open."
(Hosea 13:16)

Anytime one views the Bible in a negative fashion they are misinterpreting the Bible. The Bible can only be viewed in a positive manner because it's god's word ; ) ( He seems like such a pacifist to me.)

Some will say God didn't directly do this he just lifted his protection from the evil sinning Sumerians.

2007-07-20 13:23:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 13:22:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 13:19:16 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where does it say in the Bible you must have a companion book to go along with it? Such as The Watchtower, for instance. Where does it say you must use the Bible with another book? Can you go by just the Bible? As a teaching of JWs, you can't. Why?

2007-07-20 13:18:34 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, most Christians think that atheists are going to hell because they do not believe in God and or Jesus. But all Christians will tell you that God is the perfect father.

Isn't this rather contradictory? Let's say you are a person who was raised by your mother your entire life and was told that your father had died. One day a person comes up to you and says "You have a father, and he wants to know you but at the moment he is unable to come and see you" but you don't believe the man and you trust that what you know is the truth (this is like Christians telling you that there is a God). This contiunes for some time with different people telling you that your father exists and is real and wants to know you but you still think that your father doesn't exist. But one day you randomly run into your father (kind of like the day you die) and he says "See I am real".

(I'm going to have to add the rest of this to details)

2007-07-20 13:17:53 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need this scripture that says something along the lines of "When you truly believe in Jesus, pray for something and it shall be done"

something like that, does anyone know it?

2007-07-20 13:17:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've taken a long break from Yahoo Answers, and when I came back, the amount of hatred that I saw some people on here displaying shocked me! There are people who had basically brainwashed themselves to automatically recoil against anyone of a certain religion, political party, or sexual orientation. What do you think causes people to exert so much energy in order to put themselves into a state of mind that is, essentially, a psychologically destructive one?

2007-07-20 13:14:15 · 29 answers · asked by Shinkirou Hasukage 6

Now i have seen many people saying how homosexuality is a choice, or how it has to do with genetics, BUT what about psychology, does psychology play its role? if a boy say was abused by his mom at a young age but found safety with his dad and/or males would that have a affect as well? so could it be that homosexuality as it may not be a choice, but have to do with that persons history and the psychological affects his surroundings have had on him that also might lead to homosexuality?
and my final question lol how can be something that if it is genetic and/or psychological be a sin against this "perfect" god character if it is beyond the control of the human being?

2007-07-20 13:13:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

he is the most amazing guy i have ever met in my life and we are perfect except our religious diffrewnces and we cant be together unless one of us coverts but we both are strong in our beliefs and im trying to see why he so strongly believes in mormonism but all i find is 10001 conflicts with what he belives and what the bible says and i bring them up with him and he just goes around them some how i kno mormons belive in the bible but what the D&C and the book of mormon say completely contradict the bible

2007-07-20 13:12:09 · 23 answers · asked by alyssa a. 2

...but it always seems to be the same people giving compliments to the same people...I thought it was a little cruel to leave so many others out.

So, I'm asking people to try something new....pay a compliment to an R&S user that hasn't already been complimented by someone else answering this. For example., if someone says "Pangel" before you, then think of someone else to compliment.

Let's spread the love around a little more!!

I'll start....

rp is a catholic who always answers my questions honestly, kindly, and with an open mind. She is absolutely refreshing and always makes me smile!

Ok, next....?

2007-07-20 13:10:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it considered immoral to be in a relationship and have children before marriage? What if you never want to get married and stay in a loving relationship with your partner your entire life. Who decided this and why? Do you really need a peice of paper saying that your together?

2007-07-20 13:10:46 · 16 answers · asked by ? 3

Do you secretly hope that there is a afterlife and that god will not be judgemental as some people make him out to be.

Even if an Athiest did would they admit this hope?

2007-07-20 13:10:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 13:09:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 13:09:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you think about it, thats like asking "is the wind real?"
We cant see it but we can feel it.
We dont know where its going but we know its there.
We seen what the wind can do. Such as tornado's hurricanes ect ect.

God is the same way. We can feel him because we have asked for him to show himself to us and to show us he is real. We can feel because us Christians have the holy spirit within us. God leads us to places we don't know where were going. Look at all the real Christians out there (not the fake ones that claim to be Christians and do stupid things) but the real ones.
there always smiling! No matter what there going threw.

We have seen what God can do. Look at the maricals. I have been helped with my addictions and my problems all because God has helped me. Read some Christian testimonies (just google it)

So my Q is ... why not stop and pray for the one above to show himself to you? Take 10 min outta your "busy" life and see what happins.

2007-07-20 13:08:38 · 11 answers · asked by Gone Fishing 4

What makes them better than Theists? In a fight with a Theist what weapan can make an Atheist win?

2007-07-20 13:08:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 13:07:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Based on the following Bible verses:

John 1:1-3

Genesis 1:26

Luke 4:16

Matthew 12:12

Matthew 5:17-18

John 14:15

Colossians 1:16

Romans 10:9

Have faith dear friends in God.

2007-07-20 13:06:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus does not give the gifts, to the people who think, they should have them by right. But to the people he picks himself, when I said I saw my Father and the rest of my family at different times in my life. This is what I meant. Jesus said . Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings desire to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. So there are people who can see and hear the spirit people, and can tell you that you will see your loved ones again. And Bee bee you will see your mum again Good Bless.

2007-07-20 13:05:09 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5

Vedas are telling that we are "Amritasya Putraa".
That, all of us are immortals because we are the children of Devas.
Gita says that "Vasamsi Jeernani yatha vihaaya"
That, "You will change this body as you change your torn old dress into a new one"
Upanishads are declaring authentically that you may forget everything after the death, but the concious of existance or the feeling of that " I am " remains same forever EVEN WITH NEW BIRTH. Death occurs only to the body but never to that " I am"


2007-07-20 13:03:32 · 39 answers · asked by Shripathi Krishna Acharya 5

people tell me that god surely exists

they tell me hes almighty, all-knowing and omnipotent

every year people die in poverty

now, either (i) god doesnt know about this, or (ii) god does know about this, but doesnt care, or (iii) god does know about this, but cant do anything about it

whichever it is, its clear to see that, at best, the definition of god is completely flawed and misleading, or, that god doesnt exist

therefore god, as defined by theists, doesnt exist

therefore belief in a saviour is folly

2007-07-20 13:00:26 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

What three purposes do the trumpet blasts have in this verse?

2007-07-20 13:00:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-20 12:59:57 · 16 answers · asked by Cheese & Rice 1

I just read some answers from atheists who claim religion holds us back from living life to the fullest. that's sorta true. but if you didn't become an atheist for the right reasons (logically figuring it out), you are messed up. what do you say, my fellow atheists?

2007-07-20 12:57:15 · 31 answers · asked by Sam 6

I took one and found my way out of the forest. As I walked away, I turned to look at the forest. It was then that I noticed both paths lead me to the same wonderful destination. It is possibe, then, to have multiple paths and experience the same wonderful outcome, isn't it?

Peace, Love, and Blessings

2007-07-20 12:57:10 · 19 answers · asked by Greenwood 5

Is it the work of God or the well documented and tested placebo effect?

2007-07-20 12:56:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a debate if homosexuality is a choice or not. It implies that
if we are able to choose something--it's morally not acceptable
and if we are born as homos--it's acceptable. How come it makes
any sense!! Some people choose to be peodophile--they are not
born pedophile--but some people doesn't choose to be--that's also
a choice. If both choices are acceptable--then certainly homosexuality is. Otherwise, there is a flaw in that argument.
If homosexuality is gentic--then all twins should be exclusively
of the same sexual orientation? Is that the case?
Also, if you find some kind of "KILLER" or "TERRORIST"
gene--will that fact--makes those acts acceptable??

2007-07-20 12:54:25 · 19 answers · asked by RAIHAN J 1

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