Has to do with Creation versus evolution and Genesis. I've read here that some Christians believe most of the Bible, but not the Creation account in Genesis, because it isn't scientific. They say the Bible is true when it talks about morality, but when it comes to scientific fact, it isn't a science book, at can't be trusted.
To those Christians I want to point something out. The raising of Lazarus isn't scientific. The resurrection isn't. There's nothing scientific about walking on water. The parting of the Red Sea, the healing of the sick. Feeding 5,000 people with two loaves of bread and five fish. What's scientific about changing water into wine? Do you, as a Christian, accept these things because of scientific fact, or by faith? There are many things in the Bible that fall outside the realm of science that we must accept by faith. Faith, by definition, is something we can not see or exerience, but believe.
As a Christian, I believe the Creation story in the Bible, do you?
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