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Religion & Spirituality - 8 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Through 20 questions it is supposed to give you an idea of what faith would work best for you. My results follow:

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (99%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (96%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)
5. New Age (95%)
6. Hinduism (85%)
7. Liberal Quakers (85%)
8. Taoism (83%)
9. New Thought (74%)
10. Jainism (74%)
11. Scientology (71%)
12. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (66%)
13. Secular Humanism (66%)
14. Orthodox Quaker (61%)
15. Sikhism (61%)
16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (56%)
17. Reform Judaism (51%)
18. Bahá'í Faith (42%)
19. Nontheist (37%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (33%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (30%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (27%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (20%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (19%)
25. Islam (19%)
26. Roman Catholic (19%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (14%)

2007-07-08 10:13:56 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-08 10:06:53 · 10 answers · asked by ? 6

Can someone please post the verses that tell us about the Bible being the sole authority and the only means for learning about God and salvation? You do not need to answer unless you have the chapters/verses. That's all I need.

2007-07-08 10:05:48 · 15 answers · asked by The Raven † 5

...without killing or injuring anyone. Would you do it? Or would you refrain, because blowing up buildings and equipment is in itself violent?

2007-07-08 10:04:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-08 10:04:27 · 26 answers · asked by 1saintofGod 6

2007-07-08 10:03:42 · 13 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

I've seen shows that disprove events of the bible, but has there ever been any scientific proof that any events of the bible ever really happened?

2007-07-08 09:57:18 · 19 answers · asked by Johnny G 2

Ok, this is a religous opinion and I was just wondering how everyone imagined Heaven to be! Please answer and let me know! (And no fighting with other people about their thoughts, thank you)

2007-07-08 09:54:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

You have to be pretty devolved to reject the distilled wisdom of 150 years of study by some of the wisest minds on the planet. But somehow they still think they know better. How can they ignore the correlation between academic achievement and acceptance of evolution?

And would anyone not possessing an overabundance of chimp genes look to answersingenesis for instruction on such matters? Surely only defective DNA would allow someone to think that just because it doesn't make sense to *them*, it must be wrong?

Imagine if they applied the same personal incredulity to their doctor's diagnoses: microscopic animals are eating my genitals? Ridiculous!

2007-07-08 09:53:06 · 25 answers · asked by Super Atheist 7

the question I have is about the Berqa /berka I would like to know if
1.) some of you like to wear it and why?
2.) as well it is very hot in Iraq wearing dark colors doesn't help can you breath under there?
3.) and if you had your way would you wear it at all.
4.) what are the pro's and con's for woman being islamic and what do you love or hate about it?

2007-07-08 09:52:14 · 16 answers · asked by la de da 3

Obviously most theists believe that some sort of God created existence. The cause behind our existence is the most common question that religion tries to answer. I think a more important question however is why anything, including God, exists at all. Even if God is eternal, why does he even exist in the first place. I would like to take the question of why we exist to the next level and ask why anything exists at all. Because when you think about it, God may be necessary for our existence, and the existence of God may be necessary for something to exist, but in the grand scheme of things, both God and existence is unnecessary. Any opinions???

2007-07-08 09:49:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ignorance is bliss, for some people !!!

Let's all say a pray for these people...

2007-07-08 09:48:09 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

and not judge the righteousness of each other, and to forgive each other, and not to believe everything you read.

(Signed: The Red-letter Christian)

2007-07-08 09:46:51 · 17 answers · asked by Uncle Wayne 3

The Koran teaches that god is initarian (One God and not trinity), that Jesus is a man not God, and Salvation is by works and they are uncertain if they are really saved.
The Bible teaches God is Trinitarian (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) One God in 3 persons, Jesus was God manifested in the flesh, and Salvation is by grace. Christians have assurance that they are going to heaven.
So if these teachings are so different then how does anyone say they believe in the same God?

2007-07-08 09:45:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was wondering if someone could explain Psalm 30 1-15 for me. I want to make sure that I am interputing it correctly. Sometimes in my bible the wording is difficult to understand.

Thank you so very much, I really do appreciate it a lot.

Be safe and be well

2007-07-08 09:45:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
— Gene Roddenberry, (1921-1991)

2007-07-08 09:44:20 · 18 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5

so dont get mad.
have you ever stop to think maybe satan was the true god? this could explain why the world is so messed up. you know just the way it is except god is lower. once again im not trying to put anyone or your god down. this is just a thought that came to me. how do you feel about this?

2007-07-08 09:42:21 · 19 answers · asked by <SuRvivE> 3

TV stations are required to air public service announcements about various things the government believes is good for the public to know. Stuff like the famous "this is you brain on drugs".

Using the same logic, shouldnt we have anti-faith commercials. Isnt it unhealthy to have faith/unsupported-belief in anything? Most Americans are raised with the crazy idea that faith is a beautiful thing. They cant tell you why faith itself is a good thing, other than the fact that they employ it, that they take their religion "on faith".

Ok, you take your religion on faith, but why is "faith" itself good...isnt it better that we label it an insanity, least ignorant people blindly follow any such stupidity....

2007-07-08 09:41:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

are the religious believers really that spiteful and hated?
are the atheists really that spiteful and hated?
Who's left ?

Can't we all get along with one another?

Love and Peace, for ALL !!!

2007-07-08 09:40:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Case in point:

The ever-controversial 9:29 says:
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of [Christians], until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." (Quran 9:29)

Every English translation says "fight" the non-believers. The arabic word used here is "Qatiloo," or "Kill." Fight and kill are two completely different words.

This is in the three most "reliable" and well-respected translations of the Quran. Is this an honest mistake, or are they trying to soften it up a bit for us westerners?

2007-07-08 09:40:08 · 17 answers · asked by Darkness hates Light 2


2007-07-08 09:39:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"We would be 1,500 years ahead if it hadn't been for the church dragging science back by its coattails and burning our best minds at the stake."
— Catherine Fahringer

Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.
— John Burroughs (1837-1921)

2007-07-08 09:38:13 · 14 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5

As much as I loathe modern day American politics, I know for certain Jesus would NOT be Republican....but what do you think, and why? Who knows maybe you might convince me otherwise if you have a good enough reason! lol

2007-07-08 09:37:09 · 19 answers · asked by Randolph 3


2007-07-08 09:36:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

evodiusmaximus: hey whats up
evodiusmaximus: did you fix your trinity answer?
evodiusmaximus: u no u said 3 beings when u should have said 3 persons u should fix that
Justin Smith: no
Justin Smith: it was right
Justin Smith: thanks
evodiusmaximus: or people may use that against trinitarians and say see they contradict themselves
Justin Smith: It does not contradict sir
evodiusmaximus: yes it does
evodiusmaximus: one being who is 3 beings
evodiusmaximus: thats a contradiction
evodiusmaximus: its one being who is 3 persons
Justin Smith: no
evodiusmaximus: dude
Justin Smith: listen to me for one second
evodiusmaximus: why are you contradicting me?
Justin Smith: just listen
evodiusmaximus: how long have you been saved?
evodiusmaximus: ive been saved 15 years
Justin Smith: Listen
Justin Smith: Listen
evodiusmaximus: and have studied the bible all throughout
Justin Smith: shut up
Justin Smith: and listen

2007-07-08 09:33:54 · 14 answers · asked by Justin S 3

Why would Jesus be the one and only one to not sin?? Why is Jesus considered lord, or god?? Not so sure what captivates all these christens and such with Jesus.

2007-07-08 09:31:29 · 19 answers · asked by bloodyheartb5 1

(I'm defining "major" as those having more than 1 million followers).

From an emotional standpoint, you likely will disagree, but you must agree from a logical standpoint, this is an accurate statement, right?

2007-07-08 09:30:49 · 31 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5

The few atheists I’ve known, literally could care less about the discussion of atheism or religion, or anything related. You do have to wonder about people claiming to be ‘atheist’ that post on religious boards. I can honestly and safely say that I’ve never posted on a board about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc….

Just curious as to your thoughts!

2007-07-08 09:27:23 · 16 answers · asked by thundercatt9 7

i'm not picking on anybody here. it's just that i've heard atheists (maybe just SOME atheists) say that they are spiritual, but not religious. i'm a bit confused about that. it seems reasonable to me that if a person believes he has a spirit, he would also believe there was a diety who created that spirit. is it just that there is some different definition of the word ''spiritual''?

2007-07-08 09:23:53 · 34 answers · asked by That Guy Drew 6

Say there are 2 sets of parents,both with a child dying of cancer,one families child makes a complete recovery,the other child does not,is it really FAIR to say one family recieved a miracle and the othe family did not? I dont see it as miracles at all,i see it as Gods will?

2007-07-08 09:21:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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