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Religion & Spirituality - 28 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I would say watch for a while, before you jump in.

Other suggestions? =0)

2007-06-28 09:28:40 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a table in the middle of a room. There are 300 people in the room. When the time comes a man (not included in the number of people) stands up and asks the crowd is there a cup on the table?

250 people claim that there is no cup; however 50 people claim that there is a cup on the table.

Both of them swear that their side is right. The one man knows the truth of whether or not there is a cup on the table, but he keeps it to himself.

Here is where you come in: You cannot go into the room the people come out and tell you what happened.

So my question is, how does one go about finding the truth to whether or not there is indeed a cup on the table?

Do you stick with the majority of the people that say there is not one? Does that mean that the others are liars? Do you stick with the minority? Does that mean that the others are liars? Simply how do you tell?

*There is no way that you can see in the room at all*

2007-06-28 09:27:58 · 7 answers · asked by Chris 5

Now that you kind people have educated me a tiny bit on Pascal, I really don't see how its relevant. Pascal's argument was that it's safer to believe incase its correct, which as you guys state is inherently flawed because it assumes Christianity is the only religion that COULD be correct. If I have that wrong, please tell me, as I'm sure you will!! Now, MY question was merely me trying to understand the benefit of atheists actively TRYING to convince or educate others of their own beliefs or lack thereof. I guess I worded it wrong, or in a way that made it sound as if I'm slanted. I did not mean it that way and please accept my apology. Do you guys see the difference in what I'm talking about?

2007-06-28 09:26:52 · 26 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

first im not bashing other religions im asking a questio if you dont like it then dont ANSWER SIMPLE AS THAT

ur proof
More claims surfaced periodically, including in March 2006, when a LiveScience writer reported on yet another incarnation of the Ararat claim. A team of researchers found a rock formation that might resemble a huge ark, nearly covered in glacial ice. Little came of that claim but a few months later, in June, a team of archaeologists from the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute, a Christian organization, found yet another rock formation that might be Noah's Ark.

This time the Ark was "found" not on Ararat but at 13,000 feet in the Elburz mountains of Iran. "I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said team member Arch Bonnema. They brought back pieces of stone they claim may be petrified wood beams, as well as video footage of the rocky cliffs.

2007-06-28 09:25:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me, personally: I have found that I am happier as an atheist because I am free to follow my own spiritual path not bound by religious dogma or docrtine. I am happy knowing that I strive to be good person because I WANT to be and not because I am told that I should be or because of fear. I am happier knowing that I continue to search for the truth and that knowledge empowers me instead of restricts me.

For those of you who are former Christians, like myself, how have you found that you are happier as an atheist?

2007-06-28 09:25:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I make arrests in his name?
Could I commandeer someone's car?
Maybe a strip search?

2007-06-28 09:25:03 · 9 answers · asked by я℮ḋ αтℏ℮їṧṫ 5

Like, Wha'Happened?

2007-06-28 09:24:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have bought my 12 year old sister a Bible for her birthday and I would like to highlight a few verses in it for her. I'm looking for some verses about sisters. Any ideas? Thanks

2007-06-28 09:21:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously, can something be unethical or immoral if it does not cause direct harm to some one else? If not, then why does "morality" so often applied to a person's personal business?

2007-06-28 09:20:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please provide reasoning with your answers.

And, please no offensive answers, or any kind of abusive jokes. Thanks in advance!

2007-06-28 09:19:43 · 14 answers · asked by Bana 1

Please see my previous question. An answerer said that CT Russell "presented all of his ideas as the results of Bible research rather than divine revelation."

Page 143 of the JW Proclaimers book contradicts his answer .

Russell said God did NOT reveal truths to him with visions or dreams,

he DID claim "divine revelation" by saying that his ideas which he called "the truths I present" were "revealed" (who "revealed" these ideas to him?)..... "gradually".

He claimed "gradual" divine revelation, but divine revelation, nevertheless, as "God's mouthpiece" or agent

He calls his ideas the "clear unfolding of truth" which he specifically denies was NOT due to sincere Bible research because he said it was NOT due to any HUMAN ingenuity or acuteness of perception" ; rather that "God's due time had come" and if he or another "agent" couldnt be found, the "stones would cry out" .

Isn't that the substance of "I claim divine revelation" without using those exact words?

2007-06-28 09:18:10 · 14 answers · asked by steervase 2

Come on, guys. No one is perfect, and none of you can prove that you're 100% right. Atheists, Christians, Muslims, ANYONE, how can you justify you're right to tell other people they're an idiot? Why don't people just talk to one another instead of arguing? Does it make you feel better about yourselves to take 10 seconds to condemn instead of 10 minutes to explain?

And please.. taking 10 seconds to say "God said so and you're going to hell!" doesn't count.

2007-06-28 09:13:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

or one chooses to convert to another religion of his choice during his lifetime and worships the new GOD leaving the old one? How in these cases heaven and hell become relevant to one after death?

This question that may raise many eyebrows is being asked to know what religions play in one’s life that lives a virtuous life in this world and the ethics of religious immigration being practiced in life. This question also comes from one who believes that one should stick to the religion one was born respecting all the religions around him/her and conversion and inducement to conversion are immoral acts. What God does not want in creation why man should rush to change!

2007-06-28 09:12:13 · 23 answers · asked by Nimit 2

To include intellectual, honest, and informed so that when an atheist does something dumb we can say "Oh yes, but he wasn't REALLY an atheist."

2007-06-28 09:12:02 · 12 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

Keep in mind I get to choose best answer. *evil ducky laugh*


2007-06-28 09:11:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just asked a question where I was looking for interesting answers from both sides of the fence and instead all I got was a bunch of atheists basically telling me what a dumb blond I am and how I should be shunned because I am a newbie to Yahoo Answers. Geez.... thankfully you're not all like that...

2007-06-28 09:10:30 · 48 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

All you have to do is search and you'll find simularities.

Thats why he was crucified cause He wouldn't fall to temptation. And before he could get word out that people are being blinded.

2007-06-28 09:09:51 · 12 answers · asked by eaglestalon 2

This is a serious question, coming from a strong Christian. I've seen many of the questions on here, and the answers. Everyone is attacking each other. It especially disappoints me when I see Christians attacking athiests. You're sure giving them a reason to want to be part of our religion, aren't you? God called us to spread His Word, but He also called us to respect people with different beliefs and religions than ours. It upsets me to see that many Christians aren't doing this. You're giving Christians a terrible reputation. Not all Christians are like that, but people, especially athiests, don't get the chance to see that if all you do is attack them. Why would they want to be a part of that? Any answers or opposing views are appreciated.

2007-06-28 09:09:06 · 16 answers · asked by indiesky 3

I'm 19, she's 50ish. She's still good looking and has a good personality. Oh, and she's kinda RICH!!! I like older women, girls my age are boring and not mature enough for me.

But is she too old??? Would you date someone older than your parents?

2007-06-28 09:08:40 · 10 answers · asked by Moxie! 6

of a congregation? And would i be accepted.

I still believe in Jehovah withmy whole heart and believe I was born this way and not corupted by satan. Would an elder discuss this with me without judgement?

2007-06-28 09:08:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do people bash god its not like ur him and have no proof hes not real people rely on science but even science is puzzled because they have found evidence of wood from Noah's boat they know for sure Jesus lived on this earth and people try to go all around what they say face it GODS REAL and hes coming back for those who believe so stop being ignorant and hope on board because I understand your going to find away to try and prove hes not real but we all knows its the truth

2007-06-28 09:07:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I'm setting myself up for this one but I'd like some serious answers, please. Thanks. Peace.

2007-06-28 09:03:53 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Raven asks:-"Did they mean 'Aum'? Or 'Om'"

Aathaaram and Avathaaram are two different words.God can take an Avathaaram-he can descend down from His "Divinity" pedestal to Human level pedestal for a purpose explained in Bhagavad geetha..Man/woman can not descend down -become an Avatar(am) from human pedestal-then he/she would be below Human in Darwin's tree.Many people in yahoo answers innocuously call themselves as "Avatar" due to their ignorance of Sanskrit and put a Figure also.

"O-O-O-O-OM" is Prnavam .In Sanskrit A+U will become O--A+E=Yay.--"I" alone is not a compound letter.--It denotes the Goddess of Learning.(Saraswathi)--"I" m Kaaram.OM interpretation is a big essay.You can see it my web site under construction.

2007-06-28 09:03:07 · 4 answers · asked by ssrvj 7


2007-06-28 09:02:38 · 5 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6

Seems to be a lot of users getting suspended

Have any innocents been taken out in the crossfire?

2007-06-28 09:01:51 · 22 answers · asked by Quantrill 7


2007-06-28 09:00:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of times we accuse Christianity of being irrational.

We all have our quirks though. What is the most irrational thing that YOU believe?

I, for one, don't step on cracks on the sidewalk.

2007-06-28 08:58:30 · 28 answers · asked by Drake the Deist 2

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