You can only prove something exists. You cannot prove that something does not exist (what would be the proof?). The lack of proof FOR god is the 'proof' against god.
2007-06-28 09:12:59
answer #1
answered by misterFR33ZE 3
First things first, noone has found wood proven to be from Noah's ark. My opinion lies inbetween yours and those you call ignorant. There is a lot of scientific evidence that shows the Bible is wrong in hundreds of cases, this does not mean that God does not exist. It simply means that the Bible is fallible, which makes sense because it was written by man and man is fallible. Nobody knows for sure, one way or the other. If you say all others are wrong and you are right, you should have some hardcore proof or you are the one that is being ignorant. Do not dismiss all others as wrong simply because you do no agree. If God forgives those that do not even believe in Him, then why can't you? Open your mind to the possibility that religion might simply be a way of man explaining why we exist and satisfying man's urge to believe that there exists something beyond what we know to be the truth.
2007-06-28 16:17:56
answer #2
answered by wicky_busstop 2
Science is the reason kids don't die before the age of five due to mumps or malnutrition.
People don't give it enough credit to what science has done for all humans.
I'm not bashing gods, because I don't believe in them. I'm simply making fun of the philosophy that supposes if there is a god that you know his name, manners, appearance, and behavior towards the human species. Really, there is no evidence for any gods. Your Noah's Arc story is a fable. They haven't found anything. Also imagine trying to clean up the microbial poop of 10 million species on a single ship. It is a wash.
You've been lied to. Try the red pill (Morpheus from the Matrix). It's nice when you can realize when people are deceiving you because they want you to believe in their religion! Not very nice of them, eh?
2007-06-28 16:13:27
answer #3
answered by Dalarus 7
Wood from Noah's boat? I don't think so. You need to learn the difference between a biased and objective source. And god is not real, he's not coming back, and it's not the truth.
I checked out the link above. This is my favorite line:
"Satan is strongly attacking this and other discoveries in order to deceive men of God's truth." Talk about dark age thinking!
Flavius Josephus was a forgery. And do you really think all of the world's MILLIONS of species are going to fit on a 515ft boat? Wake up!
2007-06-28 16:49:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Then the spaghetti monster is real too because there is no proof that it doesn't exist
And how can you know that a guy lived 2000 years ago, a carpenter non the less
In 2000 years are people going to believe that harry potter is real based on a bunch of stories, i think not
And how can you prove a piece of wood is from noah's arc, does it have the dna of a male and female from each animal species??????
2007-06-28 16:13:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No, they don't have any pieces of wood from Noahs Ark. Nobody even knows what kind of wood it might have been made of.
Jesus is also pretty mythological. There is no evidence that is not a piece of Christian writing to support the Idea that he ever existed.
As for the reality of God? Hmmm, how about showing us a picture of the dude.
2007-06-28 16:14:27
answer #6
answered by ? 5
First of all, I'm a Christian.
Secondly, this is not a question, but a rant.
Third, we have no physical proof that there is a God. All we have is evidence, and most of it isn't good enough for a die-hard atheist.
Fourth, it's not polite to call other beliefs "ignorant." Others can do that all they want, but shouldn't we try to be better than that?
2007-06-28 16:13:40
answer #7
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Ok I'm going to guess.. you're a child, right?
1. There is no evidence for Noah's ARK.
2. There is absolutely no credible historical evidence for Jesus' existence.
3. We don't have to prove something DOESN'T exist.. you can't prove that Zeus, Hera, Cernunnous, Pan, or Thor don't exist either.
If you're so firm in your belief, why let those that disagree bother you?
2007-06-28 16:11:53
answer #8
answered by Kallan 7
they bash us coz we bash them. face it, if one doesn't stop then the other never will either. it's like asking, why do we still have war?
people have their own opinions and perspectives. Sometimes they clash with other people's opinions especially if their opinion is shoved to someone else's.
I, too, am a Christian and I suggest that you don't push the Bible to them or anything because it would only push them further. It's only logical. If you push something against something, it moves away.
It was never our job to judge or evangelize people, our only job is to tell it to those who are willing and to live as real Christians.
2007-06-28 16:22:27
answer #9
answered by Ness 2
Actually, there is proof that no theistic system is true. Granted, I've not found equivalent proof to rule out deism, but Yahweh's totally fake.
And no, there has never been wood from Noah's Ark found.
Try harder.
2007-06-28 16:11:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous