From the standpoint of a Christian who left the church of her upbringing to join another, I would say that it is not a matter of worshiping a new God. I worship the same God I always did. I simply have a clearer understanding of Him now. There are as many beliefs about what will happen after death as there are religions. We all believe we're right. All I can say is, I guess we'll find out...
I believe that a good human being who lives away from organized religions, will be judged according to his actions, based on his understanding of gospel principles. If a person follows his conscience all his life, doing what he firmly believes to be right, he will be rewarded appropriately in eternity. God doesn't hold us accountable for that which we do not know.
2007-06-28 09:27:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What is religion? An assertion between the visible and the invisible. Even If a billion people assert would the truth change? That bond of one Being with the Eternal truth, God as we call, is that Beings' religion. The moment two beings get together, religion stops and politics begins. Religion is a totally individual happening. So donot bring the rituals into the dynamics of relating between a Being and His / Her God. For the creator all are equal , donot worry about going to Hell ! All of you are Blessed with your belief in your God. Let the God be one in all His glory even when His Sons & Daughters cannot be of one God.
2007-07-05 14:40:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Logic again. Well when we dont have the choice of choosing our parent or species of life or nationality or language of choice, do u think it is wise to ask this question?
May be yes or may be no. Well then God who has created all this creation, is wise enough to control everything perfectly.
Why man changes what God had left it as choice is purely Ego, the tendency for man to say mine is better and urs is not. Ultimately wasting his time in petty argument and failing to reach the true objectives of his resolution.
We all enjoy when people appreciate us when we show the right way. We are hankering for that apprecaition. We are proud and puffed up when we prove someone wrong. On the contrary we feel so miserable when we are put down.
As long as we dont develop the attitude of being steadfast in all situtions we are sure to fall, argue and waste time.
2007-06-28 23:48:32
answer #3
answered by M.L.M 4
ya know, I noticed that that first answer had some thumbs down. However, the answer made a lot of sence and pretty much said the same thing as other answers that have been accepted. Could it be that just because they admitted that this is LDS doctrin the mind imediatley closed? Contrary to some close minded opinions us Mormons do not believe that we are the only ones who get to go to heavan. We worship the same God as all other Christian religions. We believe that Jesus Christ himself is at the helm of this church and our job is to share the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with all who will listen. The ture description of Gospel is "Good News".
2007-07-04 19:40:53
answer #4
answered by the_man 1
There is only one Law. Law of God. All religions teach the same points of law -- do good deeds, serve others, never harm anyone, be truthful, respect and love all things humans, animals, plants, and even the earth and its elements. So it does not matter if one follows any particular religion. What matters is whether he/she practices these basic tenets of God. If he does, God will reward him. If he while doing these good deeds did have an intention of getting something in return, he would go to Heaven, and after exhausting his stock of rewards come back to earth as human being getting born able bodied, having loving parents, all good things in live, and even a spiritual master to uplift him to higher levels of cosmic consciousness leading ultimately to freedom from this cycle of births and deaths and rebirths into the Kingdom of God, where there is complete bliss, knowledge and total lack of any possiblity of change in his/her state of blissful existence.
2007-06-29 01:00:38
answer #5
answered by alok_krn 2
You ask a very good question that has two unspoken questions hidden in it. (1) Is God tied to one religion? (2) Does your religion determine your eternal destiny?
God is not tied to one religion. I am a devout Catholic and I believe that Jesus Christ founded that church on earth. But I also believe that God speaks to each individual and calls them to Him from where THEY are. It goes with the whole "free will" concept. God doesn't force you to be Catholic or Muslim or anything else to have a relationship with Him. He calls you to a relationship with Him no matter what your faith (or lack of it) and no matter what you were taught. So anyone, of any faith can have a relationship with God and be led by the Holy Spirit speaking to his soul. Learning from His teachings in your inner soul would lead you to do His will and love your neighbor. This is what would make you a "good human being".
So by that definition, you could change religions and become closer to God or further from God. You can even stay in your current religions and become closer or further from God. It's not the religion that's important. It's hearing His voice and seeking Him as the center of your life. Don't get hung up on the rituals of any faith. If YOU are not changed to be submissive to HIS teachings, it doesn't matter what your religions is.
Your religion has less of an impact on your destiny than most believe. It's not like there are several "heavens" and you go to the one you believe in. There is one heaven and one hell and your beliefs don't change their configuration.
Your religion has more of an impact when you will be judged by God. God will take into account how you answered Him when He called you and how you lived His will of loving others. If you were raised and educated in a society where you never experienced the "turn the other cheek" message and you lived by the "eye for an eye" standard; God will take that into account and judge you accordingly. Like the parable about the workers in the vineyard who received the same pay even though some worked all day and others for just a few hours. Go will judge you based on how often your heart submitted itself to His will. Some people, beyond their control, just aren't exposed as much as others to hear Him.
Now, if you are being called by Him, if He does send people into your life to show you right from wrong, and if you willfully reject Him you will be judged accordingly. If you say, "I don't want a baby to ruin my life" and abort it when you have been told that life is sacred, then you are choosing yourself to be your god over Him. If you choose to buy a Lexus and go on expensive vacations when you can't support charities, then you are choosing yourself to be your god over Him. If you choose to party all night and sleep in all day rather than attend a worship service, then you are choosing yourself to be your god over Him.
The more you know, the more responsibility you have to Him. The more you reject Him with this knowledge, the more you will be rejected when He judges you.
2007-06-28 16:47:29
answer #6
answered by Kevin B 2
It is the INTENTION behind our actions that produce spiritual fruit, regardless of our religion. You can accept Jesus and be Christian and be left standing a banana skin, but bearing no fruit. The skin, being the religion, the fruit being the growth of the spirit. That is what happened in the O.T. The Jews were all left holding empty skins and Jesus came along and said, "Where the heck is the fruit?" "You guys are empty, following a bunch of rituals and laws, but lacking love, spirit!"
Anyway its all ONE being, one field of infinity, from which all possibilities emerge. That field is made up of love, the attractive force in the universe - same force that brings people together and molecules. That field is unaware of religion. Our work on earth is to get in tune with it, however we understand that.
2007-06-28 16:46:51
answer #7
answered by jennifer 2
There are none good, except the father. All have sinned and therefore fall short of Gods Standards. If a man or women chooses to not believe, not to accept Gods gift of salvation that is up to them. I can chose to not believe that I must pay taxes to my government, but the IRS will still be there to enforce the law in the end. I can chose to not believe in oxygen, but if I put a bag over my head, I will still die from what I do not believe in. If you do not believe, or change your mind, or what ever, you will still be accountable.
2007-07-05 12:51:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God does not belong to any religion. Neither God created any religion. the religions are man made with a view to unte people to lvie in a society with pease and harmony.but he religons hav not sered thier purpose .
Just as everybody breathes from the same reservoir of the air banket on the surace of the earth and is connected to the same air blanket , every soul merges with the same paramatman.:
Worhiping different gods or not worshiping any god does make any difference at all
" When devoted men sacrifice
to other deities with faith,
they sacrifice to me , Arjuna ,
however aberrant the rites"....verse 23 of 9th teachng oif ?bhagavad -gita .
Whatever god you worship , it is worshipping one and the same god as god is omnipresent
2007-07-03 16:13:52
answer #9
answered by Infinity 7
you need to spiritual guidance at an erly stage, it may come from a master or from priests. but you need to grow your intellect to see what is right or wrong and start questioning practices and rituals. meditation and the finding one's own self in critical no matter what faith we are born into. too much of religion might make you very circumspect and lopsided and then you may want holy wars. ideal to split humans after repeated experiments as good and bad and it is ideal to stick with the good and reject evil outright - that is finding good god. if you dont belong to any religious denomination and you are pure at heart and deed, no worry of hell, eternal peace awaits
2007-06-28 18:06:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous