Years ago, a pair of kindly JW women came to my door monthly. Since they weren't pushy in their proselytizing, I visited with them for a few minutes on my back porch, each time they came.
Once, our conversation turned to the Anti-Christ. I mentioned that he'd literally be a man, but that if he already were alive, his identity was not yet known to us. Whereupon they both became visibly upset, and said, "The Anti-Christ will NOT be a man. It'll be a political SYSTEM."
So I said, "Do either of you have a Bible with you? NOT one of those "Watchtower" versions. A *regular* Bible?
One of them immediately handed me a KJV from her purse. And I turned right to the passage that says THIS:
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Then they REALLY were shaken. Cults run on dogmas, and they couldn't stand contradicting FACTS. They left, and never again returned.
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