The "current" scale of the known or observable universe is about 14 billion light years. How does the creation myth account for what are likely billions of life sustaining worlds with their own unique biological histories..?
Number of superclusters in the visible universe = 10 million
Number of galaxy groups in the visible universe = 25 billion
Number of large galaxies in the visible universe = 350 billion
Number of dwarf galaxies in the visible universe = 3.5 trillion
Number of stars in the visible universe = 30 billion trillion
If creationists have all the answers, what are the answers for all the worlds in the rest of the universe?
If man is made in gods image, must all sentient life be therefore human?
What of more advanced civilisations who would consider the creation myth extremely narrow minded with it's Earth centered and anthropocentric dogmas?
Or do they just deny these figures, attempt to shut them down, or claim that the creation myth is universal?
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