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Religion & Spirituality - 25 May 2007

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Why would he give up his only child to help a stranger. This is child abuse. I will not follow someone who abuses children.

2007-05-25 07:34:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-25 07:34:01 · 9 answers · asked by Stefan K 2

It's like you people pick on religions that people have "heard of" -- perhaps you know, deep down, that I'm right.

2007-05-25 07:32:50 · 24 answers · asked by The Church Lady 3

To continually ask about God or His commandments or His word and KNOW that you are going to get the same answers is assinine. Absolutely no wisdom is used in this respect and this is not logical behavior (as many non-believers claim they are soooooo logical. hmmm

2007-05-25 07:32:49 · 11 answers · asked by soulsista 4

How could God put people in hell for devoutly following what they believe in their hearts to be right? If Jesus is the only way to heaven, that means over 2/3 of the planet is doomed.

2007-05-25 07:31:27 · 45 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6

There are several St. Charles. I would like to know if any of you know what each is the patron of..For example, ST. Thaddeus is the patron of impossible things. Here is the list of St. Charles:
St. Charles of Sezze
St. Charles Hyun Song-mun
St. Charles Borromeo
St. Charles Garnier

Thank you!

2007-05-25 07:30:58 · 5 answers · asked by noone00000 1

I am not trying to be trite, I mean a viable afterlife, one that would allow us to use our Earthly experiences to reach a higher level of awareness and maybe even cooperation?

2007-05-25 07:30:41 · 17 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6

You're hurt, and the first person who stops to help is wearing a "Proud Atheist" tee shirt. What do you do?

2007-05-25 07:30:24 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Muslims and Jews DO NOT worship a Tri-Une God.


2007-05-25 07:28:53 · 13 answers · asked by kloneme 3

* First of I'm a practicing Lutheran...

Why do Christians attempt to back up their arguments with atheists by using Bible passages? If they already don't believe it, how will making reference to it change their mind?

Atheists, agnostics, or even some liberal Christians do not believe in the inerrancy of scripture so basically your defenses to your statements will mean nothing to them.

Also, why do we (Christians) attempt to back up our arguments with argumentum ad ignorantiam logical fallacies. Just because God has not been proven non-existent it doesn't immediately prove that he DOES exist.

I do believe in God, but why can't anyone just have faith in what we do not see or hear like the Bible says.. Why do we feel a need to validate it?

2007-05-25 07:28:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every supposed prophecy in the Bible has been interpreted to mean different events throughout history, they can, and have all been reused over and over again. Even Nostradamus wrote clearer prophecies, and his strategy was to make them so they could be interpreted differently by any individual.

I don't mind people studying this stuff, but if you are trying to add credibility to the Bible, you might want to look a little further.

2007-05-25 07:25:13 · 7 answers · asked by Starvin' Marvin 3

Okay, you're in the forest, what do you do?

2007-05-25 07:22:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. What did the carnivores eat on the boat? Any animals they ate would have gone extinct ultimately defeating the purpose.

2. It is widely accepted by christians that the dinosaurs were killed in the flood. If this is true, why were they ignored by god and why did he save the alligators?

3. Even if noah did manage to fit the animals onto the boat, they wouldnt have had enough space to move around. Wouldnt a lot of animals die from blood clots, atrophy or disease?

4. Where were the termites stored? Ants? Bees?

5. Some animals or insects lifespan is shorter than the amount of time they were given on the ark, such as certain species of butterfly and moth: How did god/noah account for them?

6. Not all animals reproduce in pairs, how were they braught to the ark and why doesnt the bible outline this?

7. How were animals such as the polar bear, penguins and marsupials braught to the boat or returned for that matter?

2007-05-25 07:22:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for some right male roommates and helping to the bills and etc. Trust in God. My minster tell me just look and seek for the right guys and not to sins with a woman

2007-05-25 07:21:10 · 3 answers · asked by Brad4peace 5

Don't believe everything you hear on the internet (when I learned about the Mormon religion I looked it up on the encyclopedia Almanac sites like that

2007-05-25 07:20:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear this often and it raises some questions. Does God work through communication? So if he does, wouldn't he want to communicate to people in the 21st century. If you say no, then why don't we all have greek new testaments. The KJV is in a long line of translations, so if you won't accept the NIV or NLT, how can you trust the KJV. If I wanted to help bring someone to Christ I wouldn't talk to him with an english 1600's accent.

2007-05-25 07:20:17 · 8 answers · asked by yaabro 4

Do you feel like you could get away with murder when wearing your disguise? Would you feel comfortable if every one dressed the same way as you do?
How would the police find criminals ? through an eye D parade(little joke)

2007-05-25 07:19:18 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read where upwards 50% of Mormon women are on anti-depressents. Why is that?

2007-05-25 07:19:01 · 12 answers · asked by Momma K 1

OK, with that out of the way...

Let's say "Hell" exists, and despite your best efforts you are going there. When you get there, Satan tells you he's going to "be a nice guy" and let you choose one of two ways to spend your eternity in hell.

You either:

a.) spend it in a fiery lecture hall listening to nothing but Rosie O'Donnell lecturing on 9/11 conspiracy theories.


b.) spend eternity in a fiery concert hall listening to concert from American Idol's Sanjaya.

Which do you choose? Why?

*note - those are your only two choices. "i'm going to heaven" / "God has a plan for me" / "I would kick satan in the balls and run away" are not an acceptable answers.

2007-05-25 07:18:18 · 20 answers · asked by pastor of muppets 6

for example, so prophecies that were specific about dates, times, places, events....or perhaps a prophet 2500 years ago saying "the lord has told me that Energy = Mass x the speed of light^2"
What would it take?

2007-05-25 07:18:17 · 32 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

Why not listen to him, since he's infallible?

2007-05-25 07:17:36 · 15 answers · asked by razzthedestroyer 2

Study: Female sharks fertilize own eggs
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070523/ap_on_sc/virgin_births_sharks;_ylt=AoPps94bfg._vDKAPLBIFThis phenomenon has now been demonstrated in all major vertebrate groups except for mammals. Birds do it, reptiles do it, amphibians do it, fishes do it, and now sharks are known to do it," said Bob Hueter, director of the Center for Shark Research at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Fla., who was not involved in the project.

2007-05-25 07:16:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

What evidence would you find compelling enough to renounce your religion?

2007-05-25 07:15:28 · 9 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

God is not the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Anyone else ever been confused by something in the Bible?

2007-05-25 07:15:01 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me-Going to My father's grave at a Military Cemetery site in Riverside Ca and then Palm Desert Ca to have fun in the sun with friends..

And you?

Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Pray and Keep our Troops in mind that they will be able to come home soon...

God Bless our Military!
Thank you for your service!

2007-05-25 07:09:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother Nature has just sent Windy.. into the US for betraying the peace efforts of the world...

There are two really stupid types of people on earth christian and american... both violent arrogant and decietful..... catholicism (christianity also) satan's church USA satan's country... You will finally get what you were looking for.

2007-05-25 07:08:15 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know God will accept you as you are...

But wouldn't want to look your best out of respect for God?

2007-05-25 07:05:42 · 34 answers · asked by Dionysus 5

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