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Religion & Spirituality - 18 May 2007

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HONG KONG (AFP) - A debate raging over the morals of Hong Kong's racy media took a bizarre twist Wednesday with revelations that a decency watchdog had been flooded with obscenity complaints about the Bible.
The Television and Entertainments Licensing Authority (Tela), which oversees the publishing industry, said it had received 208 complaints that text within the holy book was indecent.
"I can confirm that the complaints were received," said a Tela spokeswoman. "The thrust of the complaints was that the Bible was obscene, that different parts of the Bible were offensive to readers."Tela refused to divulge details of the complaints, but local media reported that they referred to acts of violence, rape and cannibalism reputedly contained in the Old and New Testaments.Reports speculated that the sudden flurry of messages sent to Tela was sparked by a Chinese-language website www.truthbible.com, which had exhorted readers to pressure Tela to reclassify the Bible as an indecent publication

2007-05-18 04:48:36 · 16 answers · asked by Queen Annie 3

2007-05-18 04:45:05 · 29 answers · asked by ? 5

why has the depiction of heaven and hell seemed to remain constant throughout history and among different faiths? if you look back at the many religions that predate christianity and judaism, many of which were polytheistic, and their descriptions of heaven and hell, they're almost identical with the exception of the deities that are present. how do you explain this? you can't say god revealed heaven and hell to them without revealing himself. by the description of heaven, i'm referring to a place that is in the sky which is reserved for the righteous. by hell, a place of fire and torment where the wicked go. please explain.

2007-05-18 04:40:03 · 20 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

Does anyone have a hangover cure for me that doesn't involve hair of the dog? And don't tell me not to drink so much- I realize that I shouldn't have, but there's really nothing I can do about what I did yesterday!

2007-05-18 04:38:34 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why didn't God love everyone else enough to speak with them, appear before them and give them laws too?

He ignored Africans, and Asians, and Europeans, and Native Americans, and Native Australians, and Polynesians ... 99.9% of the world's population while he was speaking with Abraham and David and Solomon.

How does this demonstrate your belief that he loved everyone and wanted everyone to be in heaven with him?

2007-05-18 04:37:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont believe in some'um i cant see or smell or taste.we should all relax,and try to help the next individual who is less fortunate,then this world will be a better place to live.cuz everyone is so worry about their "after life" if they'd eaten pork or some'um not blessed or not choosing the right religion,as a result, they'll end up in hell.wow!
it saddens me how religious would prey on the weak individual's mind. Preying on their hopes and fears and how your problems will be resolve if they'd pick up this book.why cant we teach each other to be good toward one another without religion as the medium(did i used"medium"correctly?)
It's funny cuz since the beginning of man,cavemen would only draw pictures that means a great deal toward them,such as,animals,or other cavemen.But when we'd learn how to communicate,we'd start to talk about non-existing creatures.(dragon,demons,devil,god)
in conclusion,we're living the 21st century,not medieval times.Let's move forward not backward.

2007-05-18 04:36:06 · 36 answers · asked by nycposer 2

Woohoo, it be friday. So what are your plans for the weekend?

And for the people that will scream "wrong category" heres an R&S question...

The oldest complete bible is dated to what century?

2007-05-18 04:34:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-18 04:30:52 · 15 answers · asked by Bipolar Bear 4

Mark Hoffman , a professional forger and conman duped Gordon Hinkley and the first presidency of the Mormon church into buying the fake "Salamander Letters" . As Prophet , Seer and Revelator of the LDS church, Hinkley should have used his magical spiritual abilities to discern the fraud, right? Wrong. Instead he paid this conman a bunch of money to get these fake documents because Hoffman convinced him that if the "Anti's" got possesion of them it would mace the church look even more ridiculous than it is now. Hinkley even has Joseph Smith's Seer Stone and Magic Hat tucked away in the church vault that he could have possibly used to help detect the fraud but, nooooo. "I dont know that we teach that"

Hey Gordy: I was at the circus with my kids the other day and I found the Books of Isaac and Jacob. They will go good with the Book of Abraham that Joseph Smith bought at the circus in 1838. Wanna buy 'em? Then you will have the whole trilogy of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob.

2007-05-18 04:29:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Romans 1:20: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, becasue, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."

Colossians 2:9: "For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."

If Paul points to the Godhead inside Jesus as a way of proving that Jesus was the Christ, isn't it obvious that the Father is greater than the Son? Would any sane person say that Jesus Christ created the world?

2007-05-18 04:29:39 · 17 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1

2007-05-18 04:28:01 · 21 answers · asked by Golden Calf 2.3.1 2

2007-05-18 04:27:58 · 2 answers · asked by pk_tunn 1

Paul said:
1 Corinthians 7: 7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

If, as most Christians believe, marriage ends at death and no one in heaven will be married, then marriage is only to satisfy our sexual urgings, according to Paul. Therefore, there should be no problems with people getting divorced when the sexual side has died, right? I mean, marriage can't be that important if it is not forever.

2007-05-18 04:27:39 · 14 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

The parallels are unnervingly real! They both faced such challenges and the endings were equally happy for their target audiences, is it mere chance? I think not!

2007-05-18 04:27:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

please don't send me answeres that won't help but only hurt. thanks to those who actually care and could help me out!

2007-05-18 04:19:37 · 18 answers · asked by Taryn M 1

2007-05-18 04:17:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-18 04:17:47 · 18 answers · asked by Bipolar Bear 4

A.) the dogs became confused
B.) the dogs were afraid to run
C.) the dogs attacked the men
D.) the dogs began fighting with one another

2007-05-18 04:15:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you those same guys that dress in hip clothes and hang out in coffee shops acting like your so much better than everyone. Yet all you do is hang out in coffee shops and stroke your corny gotee's.

2007-05-18 04:14:25 · 24 answers · asked by Relax Guy 5

What is the Forth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Seals in the bible in the new testament. Please tell me each one.

2007-05-18 04:13:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

A.) subtlety
B.) alliteration
C.) allusion
D.) secret

2007-05-18 04:13:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-18 04:12:58 · 1 answers · asked by David C 1

I worked in Schlumberger, an oil service company, for about 2 years. So I went to several arabian countries like UEA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordania.

In Jedah and Abu Dhabi, there are places which offer short term marriage (2-5 days) with beautiful Turk, Kazak, Uzbek, or Pakistani girls. And some business fellows & co-workers are their customers. I cannot "marry" them because I'm not a muslims - except I agree to swear some words in Arabian which says Muhammad is God's prophet.

Is short term marriage (about 2-3 days then disengage) a common in Arabian tradition? What is the difference of this kind of marriage and prostitution? The "customers" must pay a lot of money (thousands of bucks) for the club owner then he could "marry" the girls.

The marriage seems to me as a soap opera, no relatives know (even their parents), even my business fellows have already married and got children.

Isn't it a sin in ISLAM?
Well your religion does not forbid polygamy

2007-05-18 04:12:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why don’t you just admit all of you that you are trying to make a class distinction and you need someone to blame for all of YOUR shortcomings? Jesus just wasn’t enough, you need someone here right now that you can see to blame and let be the scapegoat. You can’t believe that this other guy took the blame for everything you do wrong either, can you? That’s why you repeatedly blame others for things which you all do wrong. And if there’s a Jew handy, even better. And let’s not forget Israel. I don’t know how many emails I get from anti-Semitic haters wanting me to ‘convert’ to their way of thinking. Basically all of their emails fit into this box: Israel is always sneaking around blowing up our ships and our buildings and they are responsible for all of the wars, even though they were out of action for about 2,000 years and have only been back in action for 60 years.

I know that Jesus isn’t the Messiah for the following reasons:

1. When the Messiah comes, every knee shall bend and every heart shall know, INSTANTLY over the whole planet. (christian missionaries should be unnecessary if jesus was the messiah)
2. Isaiah 53 states that the true Messiah is without form that people may not look upon him. (original Hebrew in the TaNaKh)
3. When the Messiah comes, all of the animals will stop struggling against each other. The hunters will no longer eat the grazers. War shall cease. The temple will be restored, instantaneously. (When jesus lived, Roman hatred and restrictions were worse! Jews weren’t allowed in their own temple. Even the priests were Roman appointees and were not true Levites. When jesus died, Israel was razed to the ground. There is only the western wall remaining.)
4. The last supper and the christian sacrament based on it are blatant disobedience to the commandments to not partake of blood and to not eat human flesh. Even symbolically. Especially symbolically. ‘Avoid the very appearance of evil’. Jesus told his disciples to ‘Eat ……this is my body. Drink…….this is my blood.’
5. The paschal lamb was worshipped by the Egyptians as a god. That is why YHVH, the only real God in existence, chose a lamb to use as an object of sacrifice. That is why the Egyptians considered shepherds to be ‘filthy’ – because they would eat the Egyptian’s ‘gods’! The entire exodus episode was God reprimanding the Egyptians for their foolish worship of animals, stars, forces of nature and their own king. In fact, the Israelites eating the lamb symbolized how impotent the paschal lamb was which the Egyptians worshipped. To them ‘passover’ meant, don’t eat. To the Israelites, Passover came to mean they were excused from the punishment of Egypt and the loss of their firstborn because they didn’t worship the lamb. Christians frequently refer to jesus as the lamb of god.
6. God is all powerful and is not bound by anything. He will never cease to be God. He doesn’t need assistance from a trinity. He doesn’t take counsel from jesus or a holy spirit. He gives counsel. He alone decides if we will be forgiven because he alone can tell if we are sincere. It is possible to receive forgiveness without having anyone take any blame besides ourselves. It is possible to make restitution, and the steps to repentance are not arduous. They just require an honest effort.
7. The Messiah who comes will not be sacrificing himself. He will not be coming to be worshipped. He will be coming to save our lives during time of great war. He will only need one try to succeed. Jesus supposedly has to come back a second time to accomplish most of the things prophesied.

These are only some of the reasons I have decided not to agree with christianity. In my opinion it was an attempt to make a religion that was somewhere halfway between worship of God and paganism. There is a lot of paganism intertwined in christianity.

2007-05-18 04:12:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does this not represent a systemic bigotry against those of African ancestry?

2007-05-18 04:12:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

in groups but our refusal to believe in the supernatural is a defining characteristic.

2007-05-18 04:11:03 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I bet Eve and Steve had some hellacious cat fights.

2007-05-18 04:10:31 · 7 answers · asked by Murazor 6

A.) The judge's wife
B.) Mercedes
C.) John Thornton's wife
D.) Marge

2007-05-18 04:10:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that God is more worshiped by women because he is a man, and it gives women a sence that a MAN is always looking out for them? whenever you look around in a church its mostly women... also do you think God would be less worshiped, or worshipped at all if he was said to be a Woman?

2007-05-18 04:09:15 · 3 answers · asked by Paris, je t'aime 5

I'm not counting "freedom to be an intolerant jackass", apologies in advance.

2007-05-18 04:09:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

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