Why don’t you just admit all of you that you are trying to make a class distinction and you need someone to blame for all of YOUR shortcomings? Jesus just wasn’t enough, you need someone here right now that you can see to blame and let be the scapegoat. You can’t believe that this other guy took the blame for everything you do wrong either, can you? That’s why you repeatedly blame others for things which you all do wrong. And if there’s a Jew handy, even better. And let’s not forget Israel. I don’t know how many emails I get from anti-Semitic haters wanting me to ‘convert’ to their way of thinking. Basically all of their emails fit into this box: Israel is always sneaking around blowing up our ships and our buildings and they are responsible for all of the wars, even though they were out of action for about 2,000 years and have only been back in action for 60 years.
I know that Jesus isn’t the Messiah for the following reasons:
1. When the Messiah comes, every knee shall bend and every heart shall know, INSTANTLY over the whole planet. (christian missionaries should be unnecessary if jesus was the messiah)
2. Isaiah 53 states that the true Messiah is without form that people may not look upon him. (original Hebrew in the TaNaKh)
3. When the Messiah comes, all of the animals will stop struggling against each other. The hunters will no longer eat the grazers. War shall cease. The temple will be restored, instantaneously. (When jesus lived, Roman hatred and restrictions were worse! Jews weren’t allowed in their own temple. Even the priests were Roman appointees and were not true Levites. When jesus died, Israel was razed to the ground. There is only the western wall remaining.)
4. The last supper and the christian sacrament based on it are blatant disobedience to the commandments to not partake of blood and to not eat human flesh. Even symbolically. Especially symbolically. ‘Avoid the very appearance of evil’. Jesus told his disciples to ‘Eat ……this is my body. Drink…….this is my blood.’
5. The paschal lamb was worshipped by the Egyptians as a god. That is why YHVH, the only real God in existence, chose a lamb to use as an object of sacrifice. That is why the Egyptians considered shepherds to be ‘filthy’ – because they would eat the Egyptian’s ‘gods’! The entire exodus episode was God reprimanding the Egyptians for their foolish worship of animals, stars, forces of nature and their own king. In fact, the Israelites eating the lamb symbolized how impotent the paschal lamb was which the Egyptians worshipped. To them ‘passover’ meant, don’t eat. To the Israelites, Passover came to mean they were excused from the punishment of Egypt and the loss of their firstborn because they didn’t worship the lamb. Christians frequently refer to jesus as the lamb of god.
6. God is all powerful and is not bound by anything. He will never cease to be God. He doesn’t need assistance from a trinity. He doesn’t take counsel from jesus or a holy spirit. He gives counsel. He alone decides if we will be forgiven because he alone can tell if we are sincere. It is possible to receive forgiveness without having anyone take any blame besides ourselves. It is possible to make restitution, and the steps to repentance are not arduous. They just require an honest effort.
7. The Messiah who comes will not be sacrificing himself. He will not be coming to be worshipped. He will be coming to save our lives during time of great war. He will only need one try to succeed. Jesus supposedly has to come back a second time to accomplish most of the things prophesied.
These are only some of the reasons I have decided not to agree with christianity. In my opinion it was an attempt to make a religion that was somewhere halfway between worship of God and paganism. There is a lot of paganism intertwined in christianity.
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