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Religion & Spirituality - 2 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

in the world, why not give Ebonics a try. How would you translate your favorite verse into this language? Best verse gets ten points!

2007-05-02 09:20:32 · 7 answers · asked by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7

2007-05-02 09:19:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

A selection of Priests have rightly received the media treatment they deserved.It seems, though, that they have tainted some Genuine Priestly Believers; Wether or not you believe in what these priests believe in, I have met Priests, "Brothers" and "Religious" who lived a life that was genuine. I was taught at HSC ( Higher School Certificate) by a Marist Brother who was humble, was known for his ethics, and when it came to his faith, stood his ground, explained what he believed, and said this is what I believe. He invited others to join in his faith, and to those who were interested, he explained.
A far cry for me, from the Anglican Minister at a School who used his power to abuse young children at a School I attended. I told the powers what he had done, but no-one believed. I had also been assaulted by a teacher there, no-one believed. About ten years after I left the school he was convicted of assaulting a Neibhour with a hammer.
Have a Few bad characters affected many good people?

2007-05-02 09:18:17 · 6 answers · asked by Mictlan_KISS 6

George Bush believes that he is a good Christian and that he will go to Heaven. His disastrous handling of the War on Terror and the Invasion of Iraq, however, should send him straight to Hell. Question: Is it your actions or is it your beliefs that determines if you end up in Heaven or in Hell?

2007-05-02 09:17:27 · 32 answers · asked by Ti 7

If there is a pergatory, what do you do there?

Do you believe in a pergatory?

And what - if any - is the scriptural basis for this?


2007-05-02 09:17:15 · 16 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Thanks for your help.

2007-05-02 09:16:12 · 13 answers · asked by monklane79 3

2007-05-02 09:13:42 · 12 answers · asked by tarek a 2

Who is this individual? Where is he/she? How may I make an appointment to converse with him/her using human voice?

2007-05-02 09:12:20 · 19 answers · asked by HumanWhisperer 1

2007-05-02 09:12:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

did people first start out on earth as monkies or humans?.....i find it hard to believe we did since god said he created man in his own figure. this would mean god looks like a monkey...and also adamn and eve were the first humans on earth.....not monkies...it dosen't make sense please explain

2007-05-02 09:09:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand what the believer's claims are and they are just simply insane.
If you made similar claims about other invisible friends you would be classed as mental and possibly locked up to protects society from danger.

2007-05-02 09:09:14 · 14 answers · asked by U-98 6

Is it because of all the Atheists attacking religion?

2007-05-02 09:09:09 · 17 answers · asked by Black Hole Gravity Unleashed 3

is the world really coming to an end or is that bs, they are putting out to get us in to the church!

2007-05-02 09:09:08 · 9 answers · asked by daniel 1

I want to join a church but I don't think that Jesus is God, only the Father is God. I don't believe the Bible is written by God but by men. I don't believe Jesus was resurrected. I don't beleve in hell or armagedon either. I miss my old social life . I miss talking about how to have a good life and make the world a better place and be a better person. I don't feel like I fit in because I don't believe all the other stuff and I want to belong to a group that I believe in. I want to identify with a feminine entity without feeling like a witch. I don't want to be a JW or Mormon. My husband wants a spirit filled church and doesn't go along with the Unity Christians or Unitarians. I get angry when preachers talk about people like me. I refuse to just blindly believe what I'm told to believe because someone told me to believe it. I'm not really questioning my beliefs or anybody elses. I just want to find a home where I can be myself and be alright with that and belong to a congregation.

2007-05-02 09:05:54 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6

I've met some Catholics who apparently limit themselves to these genres of music.

2007-05-02 09:03:53 · 18 answers · asked by sokrates 4

"We would be 1,500 years ahead if it hadn't been for the church dragging science back by its coattails and burning our best minds at the stake." - Catherine Fahringer

Imagine the amazing technologies we'd have today if it weren't for religion, we'd probably have cures for most diseases known to man...

What do you think?

2007-05-02 09:02:46 · 14 answers · asked by DanCorb 3

were you born in it?
did you learn it from a friend?

tell me your story please :)

2007-05-02 09:02:27 · 14 answers · asked by Bobby 3

I was watching the Bill Oreilly show and he was talking about this video of a little girl who was basically spewing liberal stuff like religion is the cause of all war and that republicans cause poverty and so on and so forth. He claimed that this was child abuse. I agreed because I think brainwashing is child abuse no matter what your brainwashing the child into believing. But notice that Bill Oreilly has never said anything about the Evangelical Movement. These parents basically send there kids to these bible camps to be brainwashed into believing in god and agreeing with conservative views. How is this not child abuse???? Why is it ok to brainwash children into believing conservative views but not liberal views???

2007-05-02 09:00:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am a very tolerant person, i have friends of every religion, my cousin is even atheist...my friend is going out with this guy right [i know all of my friends have issues, God save us all!], things are geting extremely serious, talks of marriage! since talks of marriage came up, the topic of children came up and she said well we're going to raise them Catholic and he said no that they should choose since he's athesit! now that is a shocker because whenever she went to church he also went with her! so since his parents are baptists, she thought that he was trying to see both side to see if he should convert or not. now she's asking me for advice! i dont know what to tell her, she said that if she had known from the beginning he was an athesit she wouldnt have never gone out with him. honestly i will never go out with an atheist, people from other religions yes, depending of the religion of course, but with an athesit never.1-what should i tell her? 2-would u ever go out with an atheist

2007-05-02 08:58:35 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-05-02 08:57:52 · 14 answers · asked by Garret P 1

There were two old women living next door to each other.
One believed in God & the other didn't

Every morning the believer opened her front door smiling, looked up to the sky & shouted "Praise God, I thank you for this wonderful day!"
Immediately, the unbeliever came out scowling and shouted "There's no such thing as God!"
Then they both went in & shut their front doors
This went on day after day.

Then one day the believing woman found herself in need. She had no money and no food but she still continued to look up and thank God.........

2007-05-02 08:57:16 · 34 answers · asked by pink.jazzz 3

Notice earn is in quotes. Age is one factor in the earn category. Also, another qualifier, what they ask for can neither harm them or others.


Peace and Love

2007-05-02 08:55:38 · 18 answers · asked by digilook 2

A. Scott Berg had Katharine Hepburns approval to write this book...he spent much time with her...and much of the book is her own words. Mr. Berg also interviewed employees, friends, co-workers and much of the book contains stories of their interaction with her. Mr. Berg likewise wrote about his conversations with Ms. Hepburn and brought his interpretation of the stories into the writings after studying her papers, contracts, etc...

So, this book is "inspired" by Katharine Hepburn, but written by A. Scott Berg. Is everything in this book exactly as it happened? Probably not...many musings were stories told by others of their interpretation of events...many musings are Mr. Bergs thoughts about the lady.

II Timothy 3:16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God...likewise the Bible was inspired by God...but, written by human beings. Why can you not realize that these authors brought into their writings their own ideas, prejudices and customs of the day into their book.

2007-05-02 08:54:57 · 11 answers · asked by James M 1

2007-05-02 08:54:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why difference does it make...if you don't like, don't do it.....and do hand me that crap that it's being shoved down you throat either because that's just a lie.


2007-05-02 08:54:39 · 18 answers · asked by Holy Cow! 7

First Commandment (No other Gods) vs First Amendment (Freedom of Religion)

Garden of Eden vs Science and Reality

Noah's Flood vs Dinosaur Extinction 65 million years ago

Tower of Babel vs International Space Station

The Raising of Lazarus vs CPR and Defibrillators

Faith Healed Lepers vs Antibiotics virtually eliminating Leprosy

I could go on, but I think everyone gets the point.

Which world do you choose to live in, a Middle Eastern Fantasy World or here in Modern Reality. And try to remember that you are using a COMPUTER to answer the question, not sending an angel with a telepathic message.

And yes, they actually are mutually exclusive.

2007-05-02 08:53:17 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of the Jehovah's witnesses that dropped by the other day said she wanted more people loke Bill Gates. I believe she was hinting that perhaps Bill Gates is a Jehovas witness. Is this correct?

2007-05-02 08:51:13 · 21 answers · asked by HumanWhisperer 1

to ordain blacks to the priesthood? And I have never heard of this.

Besides, it would be totally unconstitutional for any branch of the government to tell the LDS church to give the priesthood to anyone. The government can't establish and church, nor can it tell any church how to believe.

The priesthood is not a job, as one postor here said something which would lead. It was not breaking any equal opportunity laws.

2007-05-02 08:49:37 · 10 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

A loud round of applause to all of your who have defended the faith! While it is unimportant if the person asking the question believes what you say, what is important is that you do. Hold strong and keep the faith. I am proud of all of you!

2007-05-02 08:48:29 · 6 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

I want to have one in a cage in my house on our patio, it is large and has room for a big cage. Do veterinarys have them for sale? Or could the family planning clinic help me out?? Primates are just different types of monkeys..

2007-05-02 08:48:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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