Rabbi Frand points out additionally that the Ishmaelite are armed with a potent weapon, a supreme weapon --the power of prayer. After all, Ishmael is born as a result of the power of prayer. The angels tell Hagar (Genesis 16:11) --- "Hee'nach harah v'ya'ladet ben," behold you are going to bear a child, "Kee sha'ma Hashem et ahn'yaich," for G-d has heard the cry of your travail. In the wilderness of Paran (Arabia), Ishmael himself is saved by the power of prayer and granted a miraculous spring of water. Genesis 21:17, "Kee sha'ma Elokim et kol ha'na'ar," G-d heard the cries of the infant (Ishmael), the angel tells Hagar.
Muslims pray with zeal--five times a day. They are willing to march for thousands of miles to visit Mecca and Medina in order to show their commitment to prayer.
Jewish texts about the first son of Abraham, state from the veses in Genesis (which were revealed hundreds of years before the Quran) that the Ishmaelite will be a “perah adam, a wild man, a free man”.
Modern commentators now interpret the above as : They will constantly raise their hand against all other men who have authority. As if freedom is the only honor. They will forever be “men who kick like wild donkeys against those who come to shackle them”. They will be the most difficult people on earth to conquer and oppress, but the perfect people to entrust with a divine message.
These verses were written in the Old Testament long before the New Testament and the Quran. They describe the first son of Abraham, named Ishmeal, from his second wife Hagar.
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