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Religion & Spirituality - 28 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

...then why not come to church and find out for yourself? There are friendly Christian congregations almost everywhere!

Church is not about judging people; it’s about worshipping God and learning to love one another. We all sin, so no one is "better" than anyone else. But by God's amazing love, proven in Jesus' death and resurrection for our sake, anyone can be forgiven, cleansed, and healed.

A church fellowship is also about building strong communities, connecting with neighbors, and making new friends. In addition to regular Saturday or Sunday worship and children's programs, most churches offer extra worship services, Bible-study groups, community service, volunteer opportunities, outreach programs, coffee-and-chat groups, and other activities throughout the week.

Think church isn't for you? Remember, to gain the real treasures--peace, joy, freedom, happiness, fulfillment, and eternal life--we must go where they can be found, and seek them diligently and persistently.

So, my QUESTION is:
Won't you join us in worship this week, and learn the truth for yourself? We’ll be delighted to see you, of course, but most importantly, you’ll be pleasing Someone who already knows and loves you!

This question isn't SPAM, by the way. I don't care which church you choose, and I have no personal interest in your decision. God bless you!

No rude or disrespectful replies, please. Thanks.

2007-04-28 14:26:30 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean literaly, if i started a catholic church offshoot and only charged
8% tithing with the idea that it would draw more worshipers to my parish, would that be ok with god.

or could we have like new member deals, like tithing same as cash for the first 90 days.

or begin to accept credit and gift cards, you know just swipe it at the door?

i think that food stamps would be taking it a little far. poor people should have to go buy the food first and then bring it to us, that way we (the church) cannot get in trouble for accepting food stamps.

2007-04-28 14:24:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Heineken? Budweiser? Miller Genuine Draft? Sam Adams, perhaps? Some other kind?

Surely he wouldn't have gone for Natural Light *gasp!*.

2007-04-28 14:17:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Speaking about religion, the Sufi mystic Rumi once said, "The lamps are many, but the light is One."

Do you think this is true? Why?

2007-04-28 14:16:36 · 7 answers · asked by rabid_scientist 5

with the world?

2007-04-28 14:11:59 · 36 answers · asked by karma 3

Of all the 8000 religions you could have chosen, why did you choose the one you currently have?

2007-04-28 14:10:13 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Watch this 56 seconds short video to see how it'll be like for you if you're not.

2007-04-28 14:06:16 · 19 answers · asked by Jesus loves you 2

it was george dubya hanging from a cross with his head lowered like he's some kind of martyr or something. this is for real. i am not making this up people. does this outrage anyone else?

2007-04-28 14:02:08 · 18 answers · asked by ~testube Jebus~ 4

2007-04-28 14:01:11 · 23 answers · asked by MoPleasure4U 4

Aren't the beliefs of non Christians just as valid as those of Christians? This question is a perfect example. Links right there:


2007-04-28 13:56:20 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have his leadership decisions, and programs he allows or discards, reflected the values and morals of the christianity he claims?

2007-04-28 13:55:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am supose to summarize this catechism passage but I need alittle help understanding it. SO please help me!!!

Fornication is carnal union between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. It is gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality which is naturally ordered to the good of spouses and the generation and education of children. Moreover, it is a grave scandal when there is corruption of the young

2007-04-28 13:53:41 · 8 answers · asked by Natalie F 1

.this is a hard question i've been asking myself. i dont know which one to believe.

2007-04-28 13:51:51 · 32 answers · asked by Hawaiian grl a.k.a malina gazel 1

I went to Porterville SDA church this sabbath morning and a Baptist preacher preached the sermon and the SDA preacher invited the congregation to join him tomorrow morning at the baptist church to preach a sermon! What do you think?

2007-04-28 13:51:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

To me it's the conversion of Hebrew myth into christian propaganda by way of the written word.....

2007-04-28 13:45:13 · 12 answers · asked by Mudcat 2

I can't stand either one. I'm just a regular Joe. I believe in God and Christ but from the time I was 12 these fundamentalists completely give me the willies. Now they want a nuclear war over israel because they think the israeli government is the israel of the Bible,plus if it blows,Christ has to come back blah blah blah. And to think you can't get elected president without the Bible Belt. Meanwhile you have all these totally driven atheists who want to attack everybody's beliefs for apparently no reason other than they can't stand anybody having religious beliefs. What they both have in common is a desire to regulate your beliefs,positively or negatively. Require school prayer. Ban school prayer. Why not just leave it up to the people,you know,good ole self-determination? Any idiot can see that urban areas are way too multicultural for school prayer; but how about a town of 200 in Nebraska? They both seem equally intolerant and I despise both utterly. I say,regulate them to space.

2007-04-28 13:42:12 · 22 answers · asked by Galahad 7

As a Brit we hear nothing about them after watching south park I wondered if it was all bull$#*t so if there is any scientologists out there that could enlighten me to there world reply

2007-04-28 13:39:33 · 19 answers · asked by ashg900 2

with all of the "united states was founded on christian values"
questions and answers that i see i have to ask.

do these people even have values.

their most quoted part of the Bible is Leviticus, which they ignore half of and use the other half to cater to their own bigotry/phobias.
they ignore anything that would effect their way of life yet demand that others follow the parts that they feel are relevant.

they make claims that are totaly irrevelant to the world today. instead, focusing on what might have been believed by somebody over 200 years ago.

and if you go beyond that and read the O.T. the god described makes Freddy Krueger look like a nice guy.

then some guy (Jesus) comes along to tell people of a peacful god, and is killed for it.

50 years after his death people start writeing about him

and these people claim that these writeings are the exact word of god?

what is wrong with this picture, or is it a Picasso? beauty in chaos or something?

2007-04-28 13:32:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most of my class is off at camp. I may have one student tomorrow. I'm not sure what to do yet.

I'm going through Proverbs normally, but I should do something else because the rest of my class will be back next week.

Any suggestions?

2007-04-28 13:30:48 · 16 answers · asked by Red-dog-luke 4

I understand that the concept of not believing in God is strange to some Christians. And that God, to them, is as factual as the air we breath. Furthermore, I get that all of you are trying to save us, and that you're trying to convert people to your religion because, in your mind it's the right thing to do. I get it, I really do.

However, why do some Christians get so riled up and furious over atheists? Claiming we're not American, and we can only see through science, and we're "blind fools" and so on? I've always trying my hardest to be tolerant of everybody's religion, and though I'll state my views and maybe tease, I've never directly insulted someone's religion (or a person for believing in a certain religion).

What I'm basically trying to say is, why do some Christians think atheists are so horrible?

2007-04-28 13:30:35 · 21 answers · asked by Stardust 6

I have to write a paper and i have searched online for a website talking about the events leading up the beginning of the Hebrew religion as well as a comparision of the Hebrew religion and Islam. I dont need Christianity just Hebrew. Please help!!??!! Also if possible what events caused conflict between the two??

2007-04-28 13:28:53 · 4 answers · asked by keo_02 1

Abraham was the common parent of both sons, and he loved them dearly and equally. Neither Sarah nor Hagar had any say in the matter.

2007-04-28 13:27:19 · 6 answers · asked by Shafeeqah 5

Just wondering. Athiest won't belive this will happen it will happen but I doupt it will happen in our life time.

2007-04-28 13:26:36 · 14 answers · asked by Bob 2

since im accused of being racist.
for asking do christians have the right to 'interpret or judge' the bible, while atheists dont.

2007-04-28 13:24:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Shepherd me, oh God, beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life."...what does it mean to you?

Peace, Love, and Blessings

2007-04-28 13:23:40 · 25 answers · asked by Greenwood 5

I am

2007-04-28 13:22:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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