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Religion & Spirituality - 28 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

is king? ----- I just got on and i feel that too many people here are taking life too seriously - there is no proof that god said that it should be so - i would think that us being here together is supposed to be a celebration of the many different personifications of his idea of reality - would your god discriminate people, that he created, just to create a society of zombies?



2007-04-28 15:57:15 · 7 answers · asked by -skrowzdm- 4

I think;
Mary His mother,
Mary who washed His feet with her tears and hair ,
John the desciple,
Or someone who has come closest to the fathers heart, whilst here on earth, -- maybe even living today?

2007-04-28 15:56:51 · 10 answers · asked by ? 6

‘Surrender to thy Ideal,
continue to move on—
Smashing and managing
the sufferings
that come forth as obstacles—
and be crowned with success.’
---Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.
The prime motto of this group is to propagate the principles of “Being and becoming” of life of every individual as professed by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.

2007-04-28 15:56:23 · 6 answers · asked by Dr. N. Das 3

Don't wait for the hearse to take you to church.

2007-04-28 15:55:10 · 14 answers · asked by ? 4

2007-04-28 15:54:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are reading a book, and it has a talking animal in it, it is fiction and should not be taken seriously.

2007-04-28 15:49:18 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

if Jesus Christ came back and told us all that the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints WAS His restored church? Or you die and go to paradise and find out that the LDS church WAS the restored church of Christ?

2007-04-28 15:44:48 · 27 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

My fiance and I were at a house that we may end up buying but in the yard, around the perimeter of the house we found stacked rocks with a pottery like cup on top of them. Is this some type of way of warding off evil spirts? We also found a small wheat stalk with the colors of blue yellow and red hanging above the back door. Can anyone let me know what the previous owners were doing? Could this be new age ways of warding off evil spirts? Feng Shui? Witch Craft??? Please let me know!

2007-04-28 15:42:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it possible to be sufi if you do not follow the rules laid down by The Qur'an?

I guess what I am asking is, i there a difference between sufism and Sufism (other that the capitalization).
I feel that the lower case is simpley a form of mysticism, a mysticism that searches for the kernal of truth in all faith-traditions.
I also understand that Sufis is considered a sect of Islam (though its folowers say that sufism has existed since the beginning).

can someone tell me if there is a difference?

2007-04-28 15:42:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

And told the world that the Bible was a total work of fiction? But, even tho, it still was good for us to read it and follow it.

2007-04-28 15:41:20 · 18 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

there are eight basic emotions. Then secondary emotions to these eight. So how many can a person have? Some say it is unlimited.

2007-04-28 15:40:17 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5

The Romans and Greeks could never do it……

1-----After Abraham had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Abram's wife Sarai took Hagar the Egyptian, her maid, and gave her to her husband Abram as HIS WIFE. -- GENESIS 16:3

2------So Hagar bore Abram a son; and Abram called the name of HIS SON, whom Hagar bore, ISHMAEL. - GENESIS 16:15

Rabbi Frand points out additionally that the Ishmaelite are armed with a potent weapon, a supreme weapon --the power of prayer. After all, Ishmael is born as a result of the power of prayer. The angels tell Hagar (Genesis 16:11) --- "Hee'nach harah v'ya'ladet ben," behold you are going to bear a child, "Kee sha'ma Hashem et ahn'yaich," for G-d has heard the cry of your travail. In the wilderness of Paran (Arabia), Ishmael himself is saved by the power of prayer and granted a miraculous spring of water. Genesis 21:17, "Kee sha'ma Elokim et kol ha'na'ar," G-d heard the cries of the infant (Ishmael), the angel tells Hagar.

Muslims pray with zeal--five times a day. They are willing to march for thousands of miles to visit Mecca and Medina in order to show their commitment to prayer.

The Torah predicts that the Ishmaelite(Muslims) will be a perah adam, a wild man, a free man.
They will constantly raise their hand against all other men who have authority. As if freedom is the only honor. They will forever be “men who kick like wild donkeys against those who come to shackle them”. They will be the most difficult people on earth to conquer and oppress, but the perfect people to entrust with a divine message.


2007-04-28 15:39:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

...God created Adam and Eve. They had 2 sons, one of whom was murdered. That left just Cain to populate the world with WHO???? Cain even says, " I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and WHOEVER finds me will kill me." So WHO is the WHO? Genesis then goes on to list countless men and their sons. Several generations pass, but where do all the wives come from? Are they all products of incest with Eve? Did Eve live for a zillion years?

How did all this procreation take place without other humans on earth? (Saying that they lived much longer then is a cop out.) Later, when Noah enters the picture there is an entire population committing evil, wicked things. So did the flood kill all of Adam's descendants? After Noah, the same thing started all over again to populate the world. Again, where did all the others come from? His sons had sons with WHO? And who were the "maritime peoples," not to mention the Egyptians, whose civilization was thriving?

2007-04-28 15:38:43 · 16 answers · asked by ThisIsIt! 7

what does this translate too

2007-04-28 15:34:05 · 26 answers · asked by ry s 1

"Accepting something as true *only* with proof."

2007-04-28 15:30:37 · 6 answers · asked by Nellie Nobody 1

Such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein.

Not one of these men was a professing Christian, and most were very, very clear about it.

So how do you justify it?

2007-04-28 15:29:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's less than 3 minutes long, and I think intelligent Christians and Atheists alike will enjoy it. Enjoy!



2007-04-28 15:28:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find if I take away the intolerant 'quotes' that suggest his divinity and just focus on the rest of the things he said, Jesus was a wise and loving man trying to help people treat each other better.

Is it not possible that this is who he was, and the claims to divinity were inserted by others later as a means of exploiting the legacy Jesus left behind?

Wouldn't be the first time people have put words in the mouth of a dead man to exploit his fame for their own purposes.

2007-04-28 15:28:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The lord said with the power of the holy spirit I will walk on water, and with my faith in him I will fly.

2007-04-28 15:25:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Pagan free thinker. I am in high school, and am forming my own life philosophy. I want to wear the hijab, jilbab or abaya, and niqab. I want to do this to show support for my Muslimah sisters and because I want to be seen for who I am, not for being a female sex object. So, my question is: should I? And, would it be wrong or offensive? Thank you.
Blessed Be,

2007-04-28 15:25:31 · 12 answers · asked by Amina 2

When Moses asked God his name, He said, 'IAM WHO IAM."
Jesus said, "Before Abraham came to be IAM."
and they picked up stones to stone him because the knew he was claiming to be God.

2007-04-28 15:25:20 · 15 answers · asked by Shirley T 7

Where do people get these ideas? The church is so against caffeine and tobacco.

2007-04-28 15:24:21 · 11 answers · asked by Melissa Y 1

I'll admit I'm jealous of the fluffy tail if you'll admit you'd die to have our claws and beaks.


2007-04-28 15:22:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does the FSM manifest itself as a sheaf of spaghetti, allowing us to boil it, smother it in tomato sauce (garlic and extra basil), and then eat it, only to rise again after three days in a new package at the grocery store?

Is this the FSM's way of forgiving us our sins on a regular basis, thus making it easier for us to die in a state of grace and be reborn as Holy Meatballs in FSM Heaven?

(If I am to consider Christianity seriously, I should be just as serious about other religions that have as much likelihood of being true).

2007-04-28 15:20:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-28 15:15:18 · 13 answers · asked by shivercraft 3


2007-04-28 15:14:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you picture it.

i picture it as a magical place with castles everywhere, fairies everywhere, and flowers everywhere.

sorta like it was in little nickie (the movie)

2007-04-28 15:12:36 · 18 answers · asked by veronica b 1

Has a love spell ever worked for you?
I lost my love, and I don't want to use a spell to force him to get back with me, I want to use a spell that will simply make him remember the love we once had, and show him how much I love him (I have tried showing it without spells or anything, but it didn't work). Anything like that that has actually worked? I don't want to force him to be with me, that would be wrong. I just want him to remember the love we once had, is that wrong too? Are there even any spells like that out there? If so, could you please tell me what they are? Thanks! Maybe even a spell to just get him thinking of me, or is that messing with his free will too? I just know how stubborn he is, and all he can see is the negative, I want him to start remembering the positive things again. Any love spells at all would be great :D.

2007-04-28 15:08:52 · 18 answers · asked by Samantha S 2

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