If we already know God created us, life, & earth, why is the government wasting billions on godless space missions in order to find "proof" that the origins of life are embedded in lifeless comet dust, and toxic gas on distant planets' moons? In one instance, Bush & republicans say they are men of god and doesn't believe in evolution or abortion, and in the other instance he supports the funding of billions of dollars to feed scientists' godless imaginations in these pointless space expeditions. How can all the intelligent Christians in the world sit back & let these scientists use government money to collect rocks from space to make up stories about how the bible is wrong. I ain't come from no monkey, so why in hell would anyone with common sense believe they came from some dust a billion miles away. Why is our government, especially bush, being so hipocritical when they say they believe in God's way, yet fund many science experiments whose end purpose is to discredit the Bible?
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World Expert