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Religion & Spirituality - 25 March 2007

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Few lies make it a decade. How could one possibly survive centuries? You must consider that even records outside the Bible contain information about Jesus Christ, recent finds prove the existence of Pontius Pilate, PLEASE NOTE: WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HAPPY WITH FAITH? MANY OF THEM, GOOD PEOPLE, And real Christians only want to SHARE WHAT THEY HAVE, NOT BEAT IT INTO YOU!!! Please understand I only want you to consider, this is not an attack, I care about all of you. You cannot be dragged into the family of God. You have to want it yourself, and I respect your choice either way. In peace.

2007-03-25 20:08:30 · 20 answers · asked by Lover of God 3

Please share your experiences. And save the stupid bs answers for another question. Intelligent answers only!

2007-03-25 20:06:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am guessing Islam (or muslim) ?

2007-03-25 20:05:03 · 23 answers · asked by Enlightenme! 2

I've heard a lot of stories about angels. (real life incidents). Has anybody ever experienced anything unusual?? And please dont write to me saying there are no angels cause there are. if you dont think so just dont bother writing to me at all please!

2007-03-25 20:03:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why in all the creation ideas is it your god doing the Intelligent design? Why is it never another person's god.

Don't you think that makes ID kinda a Christian idea, not a universal one?

And in Young Earth, why do you only use your history, why not any other religions histories?

I'm just saying, with your weird ambiguities, you could be wrong.

And yes, there is a question here, and yes, a statement is made. Cry me a river if it doesn't follow your ideas completely.

2007-03-25 20:02:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

"In my father's house are many mansions"

I think that would mean diffrent paths to god. I don't think one linear path would lead to god. why do christians think that only christianity will bring you to god.

2007-03-25 20:02:04 · 14 answers · asked by Banana tree 4

plz see this and tell me wt do u think
by the way it's too short cuz i know that we hate long article
i hope u have an answer to this

2007-03-25 20:02:00 · 2 answers · asked by ashrf6581 4

I heard many ways on how people rejected evolution, well, here's how they all sound to me. I'll use a similiar analogy to their manner.

Statement: 1+1=2

Argument received: How do you know 1 and 1 equates to 2? How do you know that that 1 is really 1? Is it really 1? Or is it 1.00001 or 0.9999999, so how do you know? Lack of evidence, see? Therefore, 1 + 1 doesn't equal to 2.

2007-03-25 20:00:10 · 13 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

I know when i saw Jerry lewis Bloated beyond Normal appearance a couple years ago, and i heard that he was being medicated, (ouch what medication?) that It seems just as plausible to me that Mr Hagee could be suffering from a poison that is causing his bloating. He really looks like he is being set up for a heart attack. And yet he preaches Last days and end time signs With much zealousness. Im sure he has enemies even among his own church membership...

2007-03-25 20:00:06 · 4 answers · asked by Priestcalling 3

2007-03-25 19:59:12 · 25 answers · asked by Doubt 2

We were once like they are. "How can you believe and trust what you cannot see?" We must love them, and show them respect. And more importantly we must show them by example, not words that faith is life-changing. We can be vessels unto honor or dishonor. If by my life and my words, God can reach through me and bring only one person to Him, I will be pleased that I was able to be used by God.
But it is God Himself Who reveals the truth of Himself, yes or no? How can you see God without faith?

2007-03-25 19:59:00 · 7 answers · asked by Lover of God 3

Whatbook of god would tell you to beat a child.
I think that god is loving and would NEVER aprove of anyone harming a child. the bible is a book written by man, thats my oppinion. what are your thoughts on this?

2007-03-25 19:56:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know, but in my opinion, i cant look at her without getting the feeling that she is completely wicked, if not a practicing black witch?

2007-03-25 19:56:14 · 4 answers · asked by Priestcalling 3

...or through songs on the radio, or through other things? what ways has God used to communicate to you?

2007-03-25 19:55:40 · 13 answers · asked by sharrron 5

...and if you did, what did you do after you heard it?

2007-03-25 19:54:39 · 10 answers · asked by sharrron 5

This guys is doing a good thing for the USA and the world. He's on TV in over 100 nations. He is reaching out to everyone - christians and non-christians as well. Let's all focus on how we can be an encouragement to our family and friends. Let's us be the one to make the difference and live a life of victory. Then others will want to have what we have - a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Message Bible Luke 6:37
"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - unless, of course, you want the same treatment.
Judge yourself first to see if you're guilty. Live what you preach. Only after you get your life cleaned up by turning from your sins and receiving pardon through repentance and faith in Jesus - you can go and help others to be saved too.
Romans 2:3 (The Message)
You didn't think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard?

2007-03-25 19:53:59 · 9 answers · asked by Christian Love 2

2007-03-25 19:52:54 · 5 answers · asked by sharrron 5

Was just curious enough to ask the question....

2007-03-25 19:52:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please site sources, and include as much information as possible. Details, details, details.

2007-03-25 19:51:56 · 5 answers · asked by Scott L 2

By "gray issues," I refer to issues not specifically addressed in Scripture. Things such as movies, dances, card playing, etc. Those things which legalists tend to be dead set against.
I believe something is wrong when...
1) Scripture directly prohibits it (such as adultery, stealing, lying, etc.)
2) When what you are doing is drawing you away from God. (If it hinders your relationship with Him, how can you justify it?)
and 3) When what you do offends your brother or sister in Christ.

Cp. Romans 14:21 - It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.

Also 1 Corinthians 8:12-13 - 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.
I believe that liberty is not a license to sin. There must be balance. (see also Rom. 14:14)

2007-03-25 19:49:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


Is Lots' wife going to hell? We know that she was turned into a pillar of salt, which is still there to this day, for disobeying God, but is she going to hell as well? That seems like a double punishment. I thought God was a God of second chances?

Please don't answer with one word answers, and back it up with scripture if you can. If you don't know the verse, that's okay, just name the book if you can. I'll look it up for myself.

Thanks, and God Bless!

2007-03-25 19:49:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-25 19:49:17 · 13 answers · asked by Lover of God 3

ive hear vaguely some things from people at my church that there are a lot of similarities with him and revelations and other end time prophecies.

can you throw ideas at me

2007-03-25 19:48:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you believe that certian things are immoral for anyone to do at any time, in any place, under any circumstances?

If so, does that mean that there is a higher morality?

If so, who or what created the higher morality?

(I think that the answer to the last question is God)

2007-03-25 19:47:18 · 23 answers · asked by MONK 6


What do buddhists believe?

2007-03-25 19:46:07 · 13 answers · asked by MEEEE 1

Okay, so let say one day..... somehow, evolution is rejected totally, the mere knowledge of it is banned completely.

So we'll never study genetics and things about passing on genes, because if evolution is not true, why study these things?

And then one day the AIDS virus just HAPPENS to change, if evolution was still around people would say that it evolved. But, since evolution is not true let's just say it just...change, just like that.

This new AIDS virus spreads like the common cold, it became an epidemic and pretty much everyone is screwed.

Could've done something about it if we have some knowledge in genes and genetics, could've increased our immune system, could've change the RNA of the virus,

but heck, evolution is false, so that's it.

Let our children die, let our grandchildren die, let the whole humanity die.

The end.

So what do you think of the story? ^_^

2007-03-25 19:44:34 · 13 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

When did this become a political - and RELIGUOUS issue?

What's in it for Al Gore to spread the word about Global Warming? What's in it for Bush and the Evengelists to get us to ignore it?

Do you think it's odd that this has become a political and religious controversy? (I do.)

2007-03-25 19:38:04 · 13 answers · asked by liddabet 6

2007-03-25 19:32:30 · 20 answers · asked by Gary B 3

i like futurams, others i know like watching family guy, Moral oral is borderline wicked, do christians watch other things on the evening schedule. Do you have guilty feelings or is it all freedom of speech. This question is not for athiests and trolls.

2007-03-25 19:31:54 · 11 answers · asked by Priestcalling 3

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