If atheists believe humans are animals like goats and ants, but a little smarter, then why do they follow fake societal norms? If their whole point of being on this planet is simply to eat, procreate, and die, why do they wake up at 6am, shower, get in their car and drive into the city just to get a paycheck so they can eat? Why do they debate philosophical questions, watch football, and read to their children? If an atheist procreated, then they did their job...isn't everything else they are doing pointless? If our life is only to make babies, how can an atheist justify spending money to open a business, wasting time on getting an education, or doing anything else that takes effort or time? What is the point in any of us trying to better humanity if we are all just animals and only are here by accident? If humans weren't created to seek greatness, aren't special, and if they were just a freak mistake of science, why would bettering ourselves even be a concern to an atheist?
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