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Etiquette - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

Recently I got a co-worker in trouble for innapropriate language at work. She had said one two many comments about people of color, a meeting was held the employee was written up and now everbody seems to be upset with me for standing up for myself. I do feel uncomfortable now but what can I do about that?

2007-10-08 12:47:19 · 8 answers · asked by flashyleo25 3

Hi everyone,

I am meeting my girlfriend's mother, who is Japanese for the first time in a few days. The mother is visiting New York from Japan and I plan to take her and my girlfriend to dinner. In the Japanese culture, is it better to surprise the mother with an impressive dinner out or ask first where she would like to eat. Any other suggestions? I am a New Yorker with just the basic knowledge on Japanese culture.

Thank You So Much

2007-10-08 12:00:07 · 5 answers · asked by Mr. Writer 1

My friend has had the job longer than any of us and she helped me get the job. We work at the front desk at school. I just moved out not too long ago because living with her was a living hell. Only problem is that she gossips about me to our boss and our boss even tells me what she says. Our boss likes to gossip too. She has been invited to sex parties by some faculty members, she has went to a concert with our boss, she has been given the key to the building and comes into it anytime she wants to use the work computer, she used up over 70% of the space on the work computer for her music, she doesn't even do any real work unless it's for a professor or is mandatory, she leaves all the work for me....she's really arrogant and i'm fed up. I'm just fed up with how she talks about me to our boss. When i moved she sent our boss 10 text messages about it. Who does that?

2007-10-08 11:52:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-08 10:16:30 · 28 answers · asked by very_slightly_drunk 2

Both sides are blank...I'm a guy...need some help. I know that with regular cards you write the message on the left side and sign on the right. How does it work with blanks?

2007-10-08 09:51:17 · 12 answers · asked by Hitch 2

he decides to have an affair...but he lies to the NEW girl and they start having a fling...But the girl thinks she has found the man of her dreams....(You know how that goes)......anyway, it wasn;t until 6 months later she FINDS OUT ...OH MY GOD, HE IS MARRIED, BUT NO KIDS....should she continue the lying relationship or just say..."It is over, you lied to me"...and just STOP, STOP RETURNING HIS CALLS???? By the way, i am sure this happens a lot!!!..more than i know...Plus who's to BLAME IN THIS SCENERIO????...Also will he go to HELL because of his flandering ways?????

2007-10-08 09:32:26 · 10 answers · asked by sweet 4

Yesterday morning I got up early, cleaned the apartment and made Thanksgiving dinner for my roommate, my brother and my roommate's friend. That night, more than a little drunk and packed full of turkey, I decided to take back the rented movies. In the process I accidentally took back two movies that my roommate hadn't watched yet. When I returned, she began to yell at me and tell me that I was self-centered and didn't think of others, because I had done this. I apologized and told her it was an accident, offering to go and re-rent the movies for her. She continued to yell at me until she realized I wasn't going to yell back (about fifteen minutes) and then went to her room in a huff. So I got up and walked to the movie store and got her her movies.

2007-10-08 09:27:20 · 12 answers · asked by IamBatman 4

I am 55 years old and don't understand why young boys want to wear the crotch of their pants to their knees and show their crack?... What is going on?

2007-10-08 09:15:51 · 6 answers · asked by shortnuf55 1

What steps should I take to stop the "smelly person" in the office from touching my or my belongings? I am discussed by their lack of hygene.

2007-10-08 08:51:10 · 7 answers · asked by dpobyc 2

The person I work for has been with our company for almost 20 years. I've worked here for 1 1/2 years and most of that time, I've been her assistant. We're not real close but we talk about a lot of things other than work. I accidentally found a list on her desk of people she is inviting to something. Maybe a Halloween party? I'm not on it, which is normal for her, but she's inviting 3 people she used to work with in another of our offices. It's just hurt my feelings a tiny bit, what should I think?

2007-10-08 08:15:48 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a freshman in college and its the first time i actually have a roommate and everything I live off campus (not in th dorms) so i have to go and get my own groceries with my own money. So my problem is that my roomates are drinking the milk i buy.I buy 2% milk and they buy nonfat milk. I dont like nonfat milk so i dont drink it so i buy my own milk. Also i barely drink milk i usually use it for baking and cooking.....How can i ask them not to drink my milk if they are going to buy nonfat.

last weekend I went back home. i had a half gallon of milk ( i wrote on the top "Aprilles milk") in the frig when i left i BARELY had any and when i got back most of it is gone. And same thing with my eggs....
I know its just milk but when i have to go to the store every 3 days just for milk it gets annoying since i dont have time to go often! Ugh.

2007-10-08 07:50:26 · 35 answers · asked by Golfgirl 2

2007-10-08 07:35:21 · 8 answers · asked by sgs2fish 1

My husband and I moved out of our trailor about two months ago. during the move, we had people moving in the trailor next to us. this guy came up to my husband and some of our friends and asked if were getting rid of anything in the house. (so basically from the start we had a weird feeling about these guys.) We got allot of stuff out so we slept at our knew place. For couple days we didn't go back to our old place because we were trying to get everything organize before we brought anything else in. When we went back we found out that we were robbed. This is what they took - cd player, wedding ring ( this was the first time my husband ever took it off, but he has a salt problem and if he eats it to much his fingures swell so when he took it off he figured he'll put it down on our bed stand and get it later, well our friends went back and took that and put the ring on a shelf in our bathroom.) they took basacally all our freezer food. they took all my husbands music cds.

2007-10-08 07:29:43 · 10 answers · asked by Lori T 2

He flew me up and took me out and we had fun. I wanted to say thank you with a card..but I wanted to include something extra...I dont know whats a cool thing to send. Any good ideas out there for me? He is well off...so I just wanted to send something meaning full...he is looking for art for his apt...

2007-10-08 07:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by Cherrybomb B 2

Dear american brothers and sisters, i apologize for being childish and rude and posting questions on yahoo which i should not have posted. I admit my mistake. I should not have generalised and should have verified my facts before talking anything. My religion ISLAM does not preach terrorism. We muslims never rejoiced over the 9/11 incident.Those who did those brutal acts of terrorism i strongly condemn them on behalf of my muslim brothers and sisters. I just make a humble request to my american brothers and sisters to not to consider muslims as terrorists. Those who are spreading terrorism should fear ALLAH.

2007-10-08 07:19:04 · 10 answers · asked by SHAHAZAD SHAIKH 2

can someone give one reason for pornograph is bad ? one reason and one pharagraph ..! thank you

2007-10-08 07:07:36 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

wherever i am i always see someone crossing their legs (at the knee) i've seen so many people do it mainly women. my gilfriend always crosses her legs when she sits no matter what she is wearing. i was just curious why people do it, and do you notice when you do or out of habbit? is it really that comfortable?

2007-10-08 06:57:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to know what everyone has done in this case, or if they have had a similar case...
I've complained twice to the landlord because the noise is extremely horrible! the music they play. I honestly can hear the music word for word-lyric for lyric. I hate it. It shakes my front room. I can't live comfortably in my home because of their rudeness-it's horrible, honestly! There music is annoying-The second time I complained the guy upstairs (who is 50 yrs old) starts to yell at me and start a argument. The night after that Him and his wife woke me up at 5am and for an hour they were yelling at the top of their lungs and screaming, things sound like they were being thrown. They still play their music soo loud-I am so done with it. I don't know what to do, email my landlord politely tell him. I honestly don't know these ppl got into our complex, there has to be a background and income check (not being rude but they couldn't pass any of those). Anyhow, please someone anyone advice?

2007-10-08 06:38:28 · 15 answers · asked by worldtrotter4112 3

I want to be a positive yahoo answers community member, but I was frustrated and vented. I could have made my point, if that is what I wanted to do, without being tacky. What to do now?

2007-10-08 05:36:45 · 2 answers · asked by friend of thespis 1

I've known him for couple of months now since I just got hired in that department where he works, we work pretty closely as we are in the same job family, I do not know if I should give him a detail at a meeting I have with him tomorrow...or would this be a bit weird specially for his wife who does not know me and works for the same company? help!!!!

2007-10-08 05:06:59 · 30 answers · asked by SarahM 1

We are planning an attending a wedding in two weeks of a friend at work who is planning on renewing his vows with his wife. He called me over the weekend at home and asked if it would be OK if our daughter who is 21, could be sat away from us at another table because the tables only take 8 people each and that she would be an odd number.
He is REALLY cheap and I don't think he is very into this wedding and is doing it for his wife. I think he is trying to squeeze as many people as possible into these table so he doesn't have to rent an extra one.
Anyway, I felt a little hurt and felt this was really tacky to call and ask us to have our daughter sit away from us. Now we are thinking of not going. We don't see him outside of work anyway and I do think we were invited because we asked them to ours in Scotland last year (they did not attend).
Would you have been offended?

2007-10-08 05:05:56 · 20 answers · asked by Blondana 3

I know it sounds mean but I have a self-invite relative. She is my dads sister and she is divorced. The rest of our family, including her children are in another country so technically, we are the only family she has here. Anyway, about 7 years ago when we just moved into this house, we invited her over for sunday lunch...a couple of times. So after like a month of inviting her, she started coming over on sundays as if it were a regular thing. Not only having lunch but staying till about 9-10pm. She watches tv, uses our internet(since she has dial up and ours is dsl/broadband) and she even naps with us. We turn on the airconditioning on in one room and sleep there. We don't turn on the fan as it gets air from a warm area and spreads warm air. We've told her about the fan so many times but she still does it. Sometimes, i devise little plans like hiding the fan but she still finds a way to get one.....
to be continued....

2007-10-08 03:50:28 · 11 answers · asked by painintheneck 4

the question why do so many of you start with OK?

2007-10-08 03:41:07 · 9 answers · asked by suzie 7

A guy who is loud bragadocioius and has brawn,or a quiet guy with brains and brawn who keeps to himself and says only a few choice words when needed.

2007-10-08 03:32:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

nothing worse than someone yapping on their cell phone at a nice restaurant. Mostly young women do this I have found. And most the time they ignore their family or their boyfriend at the table. If this isn't the rudest thing ever, I don't know what it?

2007-10-08 03:26:54 · 14 answers · asked by TriSec 3

we have a program at our school called acelerated reading and me and this dude are in a contest to see who can get more points so i took some test and i got 68 points and i wanted to know how much points he had and he wouldent tell me so i tried to log in his name about 5 times and the password was wrong and he is now locked out what do i do i might get in trouble

2007-10-08 03:16:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

You have to sit at a light and then it seems you can't get away from them.

2007-10-08 02:59:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

and I have about a baby shower a month. The last one was for a co-workers 16 year old daughter! While I realize she needs baby stuff too, I can't afford to go on like this! Some are wedding showers, but most are for people I really don't know all that well. How do I excuse myself and not feel like a cheap jerk? (The showers are held at work) Thanks

2007-10-08 02:30:07 · 13 answers · asked by Amy K 5

I feel guilty causing people to lose two points when I delete the question, but at the same time, I don't. They should have really thought about their answer or explained why my question wasn't worth their time.

2007-10-08 02:14:48 · 10 answers · asked by dumbuglyweirdo 5

So many restaurants now offer car-side carryout. I thought typically with carryout I don't tip anyone. But, I ordered car-side carryout yesterday and the customer in the car next to me tipped the worker who brought it out to their car. Was I suppose to tip too? If yes, how much?

2007-10-08 01:55:16 · 13 answers · asked by ☆skyblue 7

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