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Etiquette - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

Some guests make it, some guests strip it and some do neither. I leave it up to them how to handle it, but I prefer them to leave it-either made or unmade. Any other action seems kind of presumptuous of them. If they strip it, it looks bad until I am able to the laundry and maybe I didn't plan to do laundry that day. So I think if they are going to do something, they should just ask the host. I wouldn't tell them what to do about it otherwise.

I just wondered how other hosts felt about the issue.

2007-08-15 08:02:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is for a children computer program, so each word will have to be appropriate for children. Thank you, again for your time and help. ;)

2007-08-15 07:51:50 · 18 answers · asked by Princessa 4

I was walking down the street and some puerto rican came up to me and said "yo me mi errdo en la leche do to puta maddre"
or somthing like that.

It sounded insulting to i punched him and a fight brokeout.

Does this really mean somthing bad? Was he saying somthing about my mother???

2007-08-15 07:47:55 · 9 answers · asked by Conor H 2

looking over your shoulder? it is really annoying

2007-08-15 07:17:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have just came home to my neighbours fence lying on my walkway. It is waist high, and not too long but i couldnt lift it as I am pregnant. I feel that as they have been in and out of their house, that they should really lift it as its obstructing the path. I am also annoyed that they have something that they will be using for a fence at a later date, in our garden which was supposed to have been put up months ago. They havent bothered their asses to do anythign about that neither. What can I do? They are council and we are home owners.

2007-08-15 06:58:21 · 22 answers · asked by brunelscooby 4

When some person has crossed you,everyone else says don't worry 'what goes around comes around'
So does that mean I've got to wait for a third person,to be nasty to them ??
Why can't I just knock their teeth out,and save the third person the bother!!

2007-08-15 05:55:38 · 26 answers · asked by seaview 6

My g/f got an unexpected gift of a plane ticket to go see someone. That trip didn't work out, but the ticket is non-refundable, so she's coming to see me. The problem though is, she wants to come down from August 29th through the thursday following Labor Day. The week of the 29th is when I'm supposed to be starting a new job which I have an interview for in about an hour.
What should I tell the potential employer? The flight is already booked and she can't back out of it now. I need to be there to pick her up at the airport. But I also don't want to be passed over for the job. I'm a well qualified candidate for the position, considering I've done the same kind of job before. It's just I would have to wait a week to start.

2007-08-15 05:33:18 · 12 answers · asked by I_color_outside_the_lines 4

Just wondering because I remember a club in New Jersey with a sign on the door stating that tattoos are not allowed. I was surprised because you would assume that night clubs would be more open to people being themselves. As for formal events, such as weddings, dinner parties, etc- is there a rule?
(Just want to be sure that I won't get thrown out of a restaurant for having one on my leg/ back visible) Thanks!

2007-08-15 05:28:31 · 4 answers · asked by molly s 1

Some of the things I've gotten violated for seems so damn petty it makes no sense to me. Anyone else had anything similar happen?

2007-08-15 05:27:34 · 6 answers · asked by IIIxKrazy 3

2007-08-15 05:11:16 · 8 answers · asked by Manager118 1

I'm a guy of course, but I just don't get why its such a big deal to put it down. If a girl left it down, I wouldn't care.

2007-08-15 04:59:43 · 20 answers · asked by Brendan M 2

I met my aunt for the first time this summer. She invited me out to her town, paid for my hotel and everything. I really enjoyed her company. What is a polite way to ask her if I can come visit her for my winter break?

2007-08-15 04:21:38 · 12 answers · asked by Jason 2

2007-08-15 04:17:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-15 04:14:36 · 12 answers · asked by Sniper of Goth 4

Do people nowadays even worry about silly things such as if their dress color will match their tattoos, or whether or not to cover up- or do you just wear yours proudly to any occasion? Thank you!

2007-08-15 04:00:48 · 9 answers · asked by darkshadows9 3

Are there things you think you cannot live without? What are they?

2007-08-15 03:48:56 · 18 answers · asked by Monireh Shah 2

I am married to a physics teacher who, although very intelligent, appears to have an emotional age of about two. He is demanding and can throw a strop that would impress the average toddler. His constant nagging about our daughter's eating habits are just the thing to make her anorexic. Is that what he really wants? His colleagues that I know seem equally juvenile and his descriptions of the goings on in the staff room seem more appropriate to a badly run creche. He is drivng me demented.

Am I just unbelievably unfortunate or is emotional immaturity a common characteristic of teachers?

2007-08-15 03:48:02 · 16 answers · asked by SLH 4

My apologies if this is off topic, but I have to get this off my chest.

The judge Roy Pearson, who lost a 54 million dry cleaning lawsuit had filed an appeal with the court, essentially, continuing on with the lawsuit.

The Chungs (dry cleaner owners) admit their mistake, had offered $3,000 to replace the missing pants prior to the original court hearing, and had even asked the judge not to fine Roy Pearson during the verdict for the payment of their own legal fees ($85,000). Now this judge is at it again, finding a way to get these dry cleaners.

As a side: WTF!!!!! Is this Roy guy for real? I mean the dry cleaners admit mistake, offered compensation and was gracious enough to foot their own legal bills when it could have gone his way? WTF?

Am I thinking level headed here? Is it just me or is this guy Roy Pearson just out to get vendetta after getting his ego bruised?

2007-08-15 03:42:06 · 9 answers · asked by Jus.Do.It 1

2007-08-15 03:16:32 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was looking at a question, about a skirt and people said the link didn't work. There was one person who saw the skirt and had proof. (I could see the skirt, the link worked fine for me. The skirt was called something like "denim scooter". The person used the the name) Then some one gave everyone who could see the skirt a thumbs up and the person who saw the skirt, gave a friendly answer, a thumbs down!!

It happened also with an answer I gave about something else a couple of times. Also an old question I answered, some one asked about a store. I guess I was the only person to know the store because everyone else didn't know.... Then I got like 10 thumbs down! So I just decided to delete my answer....

What's your opinion about this?????

Thanks! :-)

2007-08-15 02:53:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why everyone is always thiking of letting other down and trying to balme other, not to take burden to oneself on ones own mistake??

2007-08-15 02:09:08 · 9 answers · asked by muhammad j 2

I hear lots of people complain about others insulting them. Why is it that when it comes to me, people call me immature & try to avoid me? Everyone has feelings that get hurt. Why don't I have a right to feel hurt without being called immature?

2007-08-15 00:55:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

a bad reputaion has tainted the way I am perseived or treated yet I am not being made aware of those who have started something.
EG my roomate after a year tells me about someone who said something bad a year ago or so (before my roomy and I met). Yet never told me and watched me befriends with this person who I thought was my friend. What goes on in the minds of people that I can not see nor change. HOw can I continue to be the free spirit I am when I am missing the signs. Ok that was more than one question.

2007-08-15 00:47:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is it just my husband?

2007-08-14 23:58:17 · 29 answers · asked by Christina K 6

Is this wrong or do other guys do it too?

While using the urinal or taking a shower at the gym, I'll often catch myself glancing at the other guy's equipment. I don't get turned on by it - I'm just curious. People always wear clothes - hiding everything. It's kind of like a bloody car wreck - you just have to look. I'll look at somebody's hair or eyes to see what color they are, or I'll look at someone's ears to see if they're pierced. Sometimes I'll look at other guys to see how big they are, or whether they're circumcised. I know this is a taboo subject, as is nudity. I'm curious if most guys do it and just don't admit to it, or if I'm just overly curious.

I'm sure if I had access to the women's lockerroom I'd glance at them too.

2007-08-14 23:48:06 · 15 answers · asked by Matt 6

if his zip is undone. Or not. Just for fun.

2007-08-14 23:41:28 · 15 answers · asked by Jimmy Mac 1

My boyfriend is going to propose to me soon. A couple months ago he asked my ring size and walked me into a jewelry store to look at rings. He said he was "on a hunt" and was open for suggestions. I tried my hardest to show him what kind of ring I want... I sent him links to websites and cut out magazine ads. I just found out through an annonymous source that his mother helped him pick out a ring for me, and she has HORRIBLE taste! Apparently the center stone is a cheap, low-quality diamond and it's everything opposite of what I hoped for. My stomach is in a knot... I don't know what to do. Somebody help???

2007-08-14 20:26:11 · 18 answers · asked by HygirL 1

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