We are free to access the throne of God, the moment we are born again, without mediation from man. That is why Jesus is called the ONE mediator between man and God. When Jesus died, the vail in the temple was torn from top to bottom showing that the priesthood is no longer and was never needed for salvation. Saved by faith then, as well as now. The priesthood was a picture and forshadowing of Christ and His perfect priesthood. He is the ONE AND ONLY mediator. There is no other. (1TIMOTHY 2:5) Our only intercessor (1John 2:1,) when we sin He is our advocate. There is no need to go to a priest. We only need to go straight to the Father, The disciples asked Jesus how to pray. He prayed to the Father. As an example, not necessarily for us to pray His exact prayer of Our Father, but in our own words by calling on the Father. Jesus is the only Priesthood. (Hebrews 7:1-27) His priesthood never changes and His priesthood looks nothing like the Roman Catholic Church.
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Religion & Spirituality