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Society & Culture - 7 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty


What is your favorite past-time? Well, when not preaching and giving bible studies...what is it that you do for fun?

2007-08-07 07:42:26 · 4 answers · asked by girly GuRl 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My School Christian Fellowship will be organising RE Week in school. All of our members had discuss and came up with the 'Transformers' theme. I'm still stuck as I'm not sure what our main title should be and maybe a catchy slogan as well. We chose 'Transformers' because it's current and modern and something that will attract the other students. One member said Optimus Prime was like Jesus because Optimus Prime was ready to sacrifice his life for the world if he had to where as Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world to save us from eternal death. The slogan or something like that in 'Transformers' was "Their war, our world". We had an idea that we could use is "His sacrifice, our lives". I would like to hear more ideas from you all as I want to choose the best title and slogan for our RE Week. I would really appreciate all your creative ideas. Thanks so much and God bless.

2007-08-07 07:39:26 · 14 answers · asked by coolrubygal 2 in Religion & Spirituality

You know, god would not be impressed with the lack of effort some religous people put into their everyday life, other than Prayer.

I think he/she would want youo to try your best and get other to do their best.

Unfortunately it seems to me that people with lots of religion in their life just have no get up and go, and leach from the system.

Is that what god intended.

2007-08-07 07:39:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Wouldn't it be cool? Your cell phone rings. You reach for it and a text message pops up saying that "You can save 10 cents off a two-liter bottle of Coke at your Walmart store" if you show them your text message. And you'd get 30 such messages a day. And soon the "pre-approved loans" and "better sex" and "Viagra" messages start arriving.

2007-08-07 07:38:37 · 13 answers · asked by Tom S 7 in Other - Society & Culture

The Mosaic Law describes the external behavior one is expected to display to the world. Christ raised the bar considerably by changing the requirement from how one acts to what one is. Now the only way to find salvation is to become a spiritual being, this is accomplished by loving your God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself. By becoming a creature of love one can’t help themselves but to do what’s right and the commandments are all fulfilled. If I love you I can’t harm you.

Why do so many Christians not understand this most basic revelation and constantly attempt to pull people into the darkness by emphasizing the law and not the love of Christ. I’ve heard one Christian after another condemning other Christians for being weak and teaching love, when in truth the ones teaching love are the strong ones and the ones who disagree are in fact lost speaking of things they don’t know. The Law condemns because no one can live up to it.

2007-08-07 07:37:40 · 13 answers · asked by gnosticv 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I have not traveled much, so I don't know, I just know Texas has alot of state pride.

2007-08-07 07:36:33 · 8 answers · asked by corallford@sbcglobal.net 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm Gay and in a relationship with a guy. My Grandma is really Chriatian and hates Gay people with a passion!! She always tells me how Gay people are going to Hell for their sins and stupid stuff like that! She even one time tried to tell me once that Gay people molest kids more than straight people. Even though she says stupid things like this, we are still very close, and have been since I was little. She is actually a very nice lady when she's not being a total *****!! She campares Homosexuality to Bestiality and rants about how Gay people are all over T.V. and God doesn't like it.. Me and my Mom have decided not to tell her but I can't hide it forever. After I graduate High School I was going to Boston, MA with my boyfriend and then moving to the U.K. My question is, should I stop talking to her all together once I leave Texas? I don't want to deal with her anymore and I know she will HATE it if I tell her. I know it's kind of sad to cut off a family member but I think I might have to.

What do you think?

2007-08-07 07:36:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Before you was conceived' from your mothers womb.
you was'' .in fact in the state of death, No time and space, no conscience.
in fact billions of years have gone by,
.and you dont remember'' earth was created' or going back further' the big bang,''
.You did not exist' nor did your ancestors,.
In a nut shell' you was dead' or void any name you want to call it, So that brings me back to the question'
.You dont come back from the dead? Wrong''' Please give me your thoughts.

2007-08-07 07:35:46 · 30 answers · asked by denis9705 5 in Religion & Spirituality

My wife has a new pet Goini King snake and it does all sorts of snaky thing, like eat, poop, hang out etc, but the darn thing just won’t talk. Biblically I thought snakes were supposed to talk. I mentioned this to the vet who was giving the little girl a check up and he looked at me like I lost my mind.

Can’t I trust in what the Bible tells me?

Still it is a pretty cool little beast.

2007-08-07 07:35:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Please choose ONE of the following. Choose the one you agree with most, even if you don't agree 100%.

Read carefully because many options are worded similarly:

A.) The US *IS* a Christian nation and things are about as good/bad as ever (t)here.
B.) The US *IS* a Christian nation, and its society is deteriorating because we are slipping away from God.
C.) The US *IS* a Christian nation, but its society is going to hell because it is too Christian
D.) The US *IS* a Christian nation, and its society is deteriorating. Period.
E.) The US is *NOT* a Christian nation and things are about as good/bad as ever.
F.) The US is *NOT* a Christian nation, and its society is going to hell because we are slipping away from God.
G.) The US is *NOT* a Christian nation, and its society is going to hell because it is too Christian.
H.) The US is *NOT* a Christian nation and society is not deteriorating. Period.

Sure, you can say none of the above, but please indicate which answer you *would* choose

2007-08-07 07:34:23 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

a) crystal ball
b) cards
c) stars
d) dreams
e) other (please specify)

2007-08-07 07:33:41 · 10 answers · asked by TML ♥'er 3 in Mythology & Folklore

I've noticed Jehovah's Witnesses getting very upset when either ex JW or non JW answer any question regarding their faith. I have answered questions completely truthfully and only fact based without slandering them or their beliefs and yet they feel like we are lying. I want to know what it is about all of us, ex/non JW alike, that makes you feel so threatened?

2007-08-07 07:31:32 · 22 answers · asked by Elphaba 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-07 07:31:14 · 13 answers · asked by Else 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Once the Dalai Lama [His Holiness the 14th] was asked about his take on abortion and homosexuality. He believes abortion is wrong except for a few circumstances where it would save the mother's life or something, and that nature arranged man and woman side-by-side, but as long as homosexuals were not 'engaged in an abusive sexual relationship,' then it might be alright.

I disagree with the abortion thing [pro-choice] and also think that nature also arranged for creatures to be homosexual. There are homosexual animals, and humans have been since the beginning of time--this is just my opinion.

So for Buddhists out there, or anyone of any religion, what is your take on abortion and homosexuality, and WHY?

2007-08-07 07:30:38 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I stay pretty warm and my mom is always cold. The air conditioner does not come on until the afternoon or until she feels the heat. I let her have the power, but I think I am going to get an individual, portable air conditioner for my room! (sweating)

2007-08-07 07:29:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

It's from Wir Sind Helden's 'Die Konkurrenz'. I pretty much get the song, except for this one verse. A word-for-word translation doesn't seem to make much sense here:

Du singst: „Alle für einen, einer für alle!“
Dann kommt einer und macht alle anderen alle
Am morgen geht's eilig und früh aus der Falle
Du singst: „Jetzt bin ich der Eine und ihr andern seid alle!“

2007-08-07 07:27:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

In the Bible the word of god in the New Testement in the new law in Titus 3:9 Aviod foolish disputes , genealogies contenttions, and strivings about the law: for they are unprofitable and useless.

2007-08-07 07:26:16 · 12 answers · asked by Tinkerbelle2007 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Sometimes I read newspapers online and I came across this one letter in the Lowell Sun (Massachusetts). This lady was kind of up in arms about protecting children and that SSM would expose kids to the FACT that homosexuals exist and it was like exposing kids to the plague or something. I was reding along, she thinks we should have the the rights and protection but don't call it a marriage for the standard reasons, Bible, Tradition, and so on. I was getting really ticked off. No one seems to remember the early Christian church had a same sex marriage ceremony, that marrige was reserved for the wealthy and everyone else just shacked up. Revisionist history, sheesh! So I get to the end of the letter and I read her name. Then I had to clean Sprite off my monitor.
I digress, Shakespeare said whats in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So, why is it so important to deny SSM for Biblical reasons, tradition, ect when in reality it happened way back then?

2007-08-07 07:24:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I know ouija boreds are wrong and everything..but i was wondering if they work often? See my sister died July 3 and I miss her so much! I know who you want to come through isnt always them. Please tell me your ouija bored stories..

2007-08-07 07:22:37 · 21 answers · asked by Fuckyou. 2 in Mythology & Folklore

I dont think some of it should have happened

like women being firefighters

not being sexest but

if I was in a burning building I would want a small 110 pound

women coming to carry me out of a burning building


then some women police officers without there gun there not gonna take down a 250 pound crazy man

unless they are marshal arts expert

2007-08-07 07:22:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Hi ~

What would you call a lady who works in an auberge as a lady on the staff in a position like an innkeeper ....not
"la proprietaire" which would mean "the owner", would it not? ....but a lady who looks after the guests and
all that goes on in the auberge ....

Thank you
Scots Pines

p.s. Does "la proprietaire" mean a man who is the owner, or can it also mean a woman who is the owner? What would be the correct word for her, in case there is a different word?

thank you in advance

2007-08-07 07:20:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

And if so, who/what created time?

2007-08-07 07:20:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

answer bigoted questions on y/a.
I decided that I was going to try to refrain from answering those kinds of questions, because I realized that I was turning into one of them, in some ways. I also think that without us, the people who ask those vile questions, won't have an audience, i.e., they'll go away. So, can you think of any good reasons why you and other people shouldn't answer them?
I am not saying not to, I am just asking~

2007-08-07 07:19:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

In the bible a pregnant woman was beaten and the child inside her was killed and both men were put to death. And it also says that rachel and sarah were with child not tissue! also in Luke when mary visited Elizabeth, The """CHILD""" leaped in her womb not tissue leaped in her womb. SO what do u have to say to that

2007-08-07 07:18:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

why are Americans so patriotic. i.e making kids sall that stupid "i pledge my alliegence to the flag" stuff.

you only have 200 years of history (native americans have theirs, but thats got very little to do with US), you are a total melting pot of all different races and religeons. You have no real identity. How can you get patriotic about a country which has no defining characteristic - even your constitution has no defining characteristic, because everytime a new generation disagrees, they just do ammendments.
Im English, but we would never considor singing "god save the queen" every day, or making our kids worship the flag. We can sometimes be critical of our country, and see the patriotism of the USA a bit cringeworthy and odd.

Why are people so manically patriotic?

PS - Lots of you will say dont generalise, its not all americans - but please, I know this already, I am talking about on the whole in relation to other western countries level of patriotism!

2007-08-07 07:18:25 · 4 answers · asked by someguysomewhere 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

So what's with all the hate?

It's like slapping Jesus right across the face. I'm not even religious and I take offense to that.

2007-08-07 07:18:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm aiming this question at religious people. I've read a lot of answers from religious people who said that Athiests have misinterpreted parts of the bible, therefore saying that they were wrong about jesus, and christianity, etc. So how do you religious people know that you are correct about the bible? How does anyone know that any part of the bible is right about certain things? You know, a lot of fantasy authors could complile a book, state that it is the absolute official truth about life, put it in a time capsule, and when people open it up in 2000 years, they could believe it and turn it into their bible. Sounds resonable to me.

2007-08-07 07:17:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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