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Society & Culture - 28 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I see all the fairness cream ads show the dark colored one is down and lost and fairer one is a winner. Take any company the answer is the same.
40% of the cream sale is in four south states in India
and Men use more than women


2007-07-28 20:54:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Like wisdom,knowledge,faith,healing,miraculous powers,prophecy,distinguishing spirits,speaking tongues,interpretation of tongues, and is there any others.ANSWER with respect I ASK for i know that some un believers will answer this.I believe in them and understand that we do not always see them because we know Jesus will and that takes more than just reading the bible we must spend time alone with him and talk and listen to him this takes time because God wants us to spend time alone with and there are certian changes we must undergo before we recieve gifts and those changes need to happen so that we are able to use them wisely and when God wants us to for not everyone who does good works will go to heaven read matthew5:12matthew7:21-23

2007-07-28 20:52:22 · 14 answers · asked by cecil t 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I will soon be converting (or actually reverting) to Islam. My mother disapproves of the entire idea, and she tells me that if do this, I have to keep it secret from the rest of the family because it will upset them (due to their strong Christian backgrounds). However, this bothers me a lot because I never want to deny who I am -- not even for the sake of others.

What can I do? How should I handle this situation?

2007-07-28 20:50:01 · 22 answers · asked by Molly Leandra 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-28 20:49:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Royalty

i'm talking about marriage.

2007-07-28 20:45:30 · 10 answers · asked by ericka 5 in Religion & Spirituality

1-Do Americans drop the g in smiling?
2-Do you pronounce ..."literally" = lirerally?
3-Do you pronounce ...where is she = whe'is she?
4-What I made = whur'i'made?

2007-07-28 20:41:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I think they are the cause of today's youngsters violence and barbarism

2007-07-28 20:41:02 · 9 answers · asked by jamuna160180 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Is rock and roll the devils music? I heard that this was a popular saying in the 60s and 70s. What do you think? Is rock and roll influenced by evil forces?

2007-07-28 20:41:00 · 20 answers · asked by Coma White 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I need a book which focuses on the issue of hypocrisy

2007-07-28 20:39:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I often hear catholics holler 'protestants, protestants!', ok- so what was Paul? There was no catholicism at the time (just regular paganism)- so are you telling me he wasn't of Christ?

Do you see how ridiculous this sounds now?

No religions necessary, no titles, no man-made structures- just faith in Jesus and His word to be a christian.


2007-07-28 20:39:02 · 6 answers · asked by jesusisking51 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If our Natural state is Enlightenment, but it is simply covered over with ego stuff and not recognised.
Well, can the mistakes and accidents and daft things we do from a seemingly unenlightened perspective, actually contain an enlightened wisdom.
Maybe we trip our ego up to foster doubt in our conventional approach to life?
Although, maybe ego can use 'failure' to its own ends too?

What you think?

2007-07-28 20:38:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I mean really.

For a group that seems "enlightened", and has all this evidence to validate there opinions, they consistently act like a bunch of insensitive junior high age a s s holes. They mock, discredit, and put down other peoples beliefs. They seem as cold hearted, as they are close minded.
The majority of atheists in this forum give the term "atheist" a bad name. If all I knew about the personality of those who are atheists, was based solely on the things they say in this forum, I would think "What a bunch of pricks!!"

I'm beginning to believe that the term "mean-spirited" is pretty much synonymous with atheists. I use to have a better opinion of them, as people who were level headed, considerate, and mature. Apparently, I was sorely mistaken.

2007-07-28 20:38:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I got back from a family values tour concert.I had to leave before korn showed because some guy and his friends could not stop trying to punch me. The security wouldnt do anything (iam already complaining to them). His reason was that I was a Christian (cross necklace) and that He was under the impression I a kid (iam adult). I left the seating area and the jerk still followed me and the security just watched (i got no idea why they tolerate violence) so I had to leave.I dont see this as commonly ethical. I didnt even talk to the guy.he simply walk up and said " I hate Fa##$ like you" and "Christ following piece of sh^" . This guy was obviously nutz, but its still an example of how people will violently implement a disbelief on others. What would derive someone to attack an idle and unkown person like that?

2007-07-28 20:36:37 · 15 answers · asked by Mrdude 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Has a prophet and twelve apostles like in the bible.
Believes in revelation.
Claims to have the authority of God.
Excercises a priesthood like in the bible, and can trace directly their authority to Jesus Christ.
Has no paid ministry.
Believes in a resurrected Lord.
Obeys the law of tithing.
Excellent methods of spreading the gospel.
Teaches baptism is essential for salvation.
Can answer where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going after this life.
Believes in the Second Coming.

second question, Don't all these things coincide with the Bible?

Third question, Are you attending this church?

2007-07-28 20:31:25 · 5 answers · asked by HighFlyDanger 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Is this why they become Christians that like to "test drive" plenty of "cars"?

2007-07-28 20:25:53 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What do you do when you are by yourself, no transportation, no money? Stuck where you are at, no one else is around, a few computer games, already watched movies and books already read. Now what? Any thing that fills the time, while is at the same time fulfilling in itself? I could draw I guess, thats cheap. Watch youtube? Hmm, clean? Nah... What do you do when you have absolutly no obligations or challenges nearby? I guess I will start my search for the cure to boredom on yahoo answers and see what comes up.

2007-07-28 20:20:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

It stands out and you can't miss it. Quite loud and you see it coming at you for miles.

2007-07-28 20:16:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Anyone who belives biology and its study somehow undermine the wonder of life/ God ect, clearly don't know or love their subject. We know more about the first seconds of the universe than we do about how the very first lifeform could possibly have come into being.

Anyone who thinks evolution/ biology is somehow proof that there is no God, has a pitifully narrow and impoverished idea of exactly what an Omnipotent being might be or do. Ironically, many physics therorists can " envisage" a multiverse, yet so called believers in a God, seem to prefer a little, limited Omnipotent God.
Isn't time to drop the doctrine adherence perspective for a more generous inclusive idea of life love and the universe. There are scientists who are "religious", without being nutjobs btw. I think we need to remember that science history is full of dogma and opposition to new paradigms, not to mention evil results of "good intentions". Maybe we need a new hypocratic oath for science AND religion.

2007-07-28 20:13:13 · 11 answers · asked by diesel bike 2 in Religion & Spirituality

or it is something lifestyle impresses upon you?

2007-07-28 20:11:23 · 17 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Religion & Spirituality

In our modern culture, with its particular sexual mores
(which are basically watered-down VICTORIAN mores,
which were not based on logic or practicality, but superstition)
older men "getting it on" with younger teenage girls isn't considered kosher. (And from my standpoint, it isn't what floats MY boat either.)
However, trying to stop adult men from going after
young girls is a hopeless cause. Why?
Because for tens of thousands of years, it was the OLDER
MEN who ended up boinking the nubile young girls! And society APPROVED! After all, think of a typical ancient culture. A man who lived into, say, his 40s was clearly no wimp.
Indeed, he was likely one hell of a hunter and/or warrior to have survived that long! Instinctively, young women would be attracted to his healthy, strong genetic stock (which were reflected culturally in his reputation and status.)
Times have changed - people haven't. And so, we will see
this "problem" endure for all time, no matter what Dateline
has to say.

2007-07-28 20:04:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

So i'm 17 and so is my boyfriend.. our parents won't sign the papers to let us get legally married.. so we're wondering if under the eyes of god would we be married even if we don't have the papers. Like, can you go to a church and have a minister or something do all the vows and stuff if you asked? I know in the old days people didn't have papers and **** on file to say they were married.. they just did it with a priest or whatever and they were considered married.. people also didn't have to be 18 back then to get married either. So yeah.. can someone PLEASE help.

2007-07-28 20:02:14 · 11 answers · asked by Rachael 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Tired of the West donating money to fight Aids in Africa?

listen i make 2000 dollars every two weeks. When I get my paycheck back its around 1300. Bush donates Billions and Billions of the Governments money to Africa every year. And do you know who pays for that? The American Taxpayer.

Its obvious those stupid primitive savages are not going to help themselves. Aids is only GROWING in Africa.

Why does America as well as other countries keep trying to help those savages. If it actually worked i would understand but it Doesn't. They don't want to have any self discipline

2007-07-28 19:56:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Ive, always wondered this, Their are very little celebrities that attend smaller churches that aren't famous (Ex. George Foreman). Im just curious, im not trying to bash anyone.

2007-07-28 19:55:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The word Allah is Arabic, while Jehovah is Hebrow , and both mean God.Allah is probabely one of the deities that Arabs used to worship before Islam.The name and its position developed through out time and Allah has become the one and only god for Muslims.Jehovah was the god of battle that the family of Abraham used to worship, and he also developed to become the god of Hebrows.If you read the Torah and the Quran ,you will discover that there is no difference between the two.Ofcourse that does not apply on christianity.It goes to another direction by saying that Jesus(piece be upon him) is the son of God.So we can say that Muslims and Jews worship the same God.

2007-07-28 19:50:42 · 23 answers · asked by Crazy Arab 1 in Religion & Spirituality

why dont people stand up for what they believe in? you shouldnt deny Christ more than 3 times. you shouldnt deny him even once. but if you do deny,why do you deny? shouldnt you stand up for what you believe in? like me standing up for Christ when i have ppl saying that hes not true,i know he is true and real. i would rather die and go to heaven than sit here and listen to all of this stuff about Him not beinng real. the world is falling apart,everyone one needs to help put it back together

2007-07-28 19:49:57 · 14 answers · asked by ~!~JeSuSfReAk~!~ 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Maybe they want to believe in these fantasy places so badly that the only way to affirm that belief is to repeat it ad nauseum? Some Christians even claim to be ex-atheists in loosely disguised attempts to add weight to their flimsy case, so they must be genuinely desperate people no?

2007-07-28 19:49:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Please address the question as an intelligent imaginative person. Imagine a scenario that the bible is true, that Jesus rose from the dead and tell me if you would change anything about your life. If you're going to say something like, "Well he hasn't so I don't have to waste my time", then don't waste your time leaving an answer.

2007-07-28 19:47:21 · 16 answers · asked by wassupmang 5 in Religion & Spirituality

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