I need to get public opinion on this statement.
>'There is an increasing trend of smoking, drug abuse and alcohol abuse among young people in our society today' Oh and some are open-ended questions but pls ans them. Thanks!!!!!!
>1) Do you think the rate of young smokers, drug abusers and alcohol abusers has been increasing over the past few years till now? (Yes or No)
>2) Which one of the three do u think is more of a major problem than the other two? (alcohol abuse, drug abuse or smoking?)
>3) Which one of the three problems do you think has the least priority among young people as of today? (alcohol abuse, drug abuse or smoking)
>4) Which one of these problems do you think is the most difficult to avoid among young people today?
>(alcohol abuse, drug abuse or smoking)
>5) Do you think that young people tend to smoke, get into drug abuse and alcohol abuse because
>a. peer pressure
>b. stress
>c. want to look cool
>d. following parents role-model
>6) Which one of the 3 problems do you think the government should put in more effort to reduce?
>7) If you had to get into one of theese anti-alchol abuse campaign, or anti- drug abuse campaign or anti-smoking campaign, which one would u choose and why
>8) If u had to get addicted to one of this, which one would it be, alcohol abuse, drug abuse or smoking?
>9) Do you agree that there is an increasing trend of alchol abuse, alcohol abuse and smoking as of today compared to the past? Why so?
6 answers
asked by
Yuppy kid! =P Roxzzz....
Senior Citizens