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Society & Culture - 23 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

What Would Jesus Do?

2007-06-23 21:41:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know you can not live for ever,i do not mind if i die any time now
it is really bad to take young childrens from their parents.
i have lived my life,how god and goddess can justifies that
by taking young childrens away from their parents .?

2007-06-23 21:35:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

How and why does a person {a} who wishes to save everyone {b} (from an adversary [be it mind, self, or other free agent] {c}) grow to be hated by those {b} that that person {a} wishes to save?

Is it because the people {b} are against the individuality of 'savior' versus a 'group/hive-mind'... and so 'rebel' against the person {a}?

There are many examples of this in past and present tense where the 'savior' was abused by society or by the group, and I am sure that that factors in to any and all belief systems...

Of those many examples, some of these 'self-appointed saviors' have been misled... is this a fear shared by the people {b}... a fear that the person {a} will result to murder or extermination?

2007-06-23 21:31:05 · 11 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Usually when you test someone you provide them with information for study and contemplation...you teach them first what is right and wrong, correct..how to reason etc...and when after that they still don't get it right..you try and teach them again..you don't damn them to eternal suffering and hellfire...and anyway...why was God testing them? I thought he created the heavens and Earth for them to enjoy eternal bliss..what in hell does testing them have to do with it?..there is nothing in Genesis that say Adam and Eve even conceived of their creation and the gifts of God or had any knowledge of obedience, crime and punishment.

When my children misbehave I forgive them on the spot and try to correct their behavior. ...I don't kill them.

2007-06-23 21:26:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why is abortion not murder (because the fetus is not human yet, doesn't feel pain, whatever whatever) but killing a pregnant woman is considered murdering the baby? This happened with that Scott Peterson case and probably with this pregnant woman now on the news. So what should change, should abortion be considered murder, or is killing a pregnant woman not so bad as the current law says?

2007-06-23 21:21:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Is it shapes and shadows? Or is it just blurry vision, and can a screen magnifier improve the vision on a computer?

2007-06-23 21:16:41 · 7 answers · asked by Wind 1 in People with Disabilities

How can you show your Love to God

2007-06-23 21:11:23 · 23 answers · asked by NOEL I 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-23 21:00:30 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-06-23 21:00:05 · 29 answers · asked by LIEUTENANT K STAR!!!! 6 in Religion & Spirituality

God created the perfect world in a week (or10,000 yrs if you like?) & Adam & Eve(A&E) to have dominion over it.
But he forbids them to partake of the fruit of one tree?
Why did he forbid that?
I thought they had freewill?....anyway...
A&E are not taught concepts like good & evil, reward & punishment, heaven & damnation, eternity etc.....why not?
....so they are tempted by Lucifer
(an Angel, an earlier creation who was disobedient and was SINGULARLY damned by God)
..but this time when A&E, who suspect nothing, fall for Satan's promise of self-improvement... God damns them to a life of suffering, struggle death & eternal exile to hell..along with all of their progeny for the next....1000s of years?..JUST PROPORTIONAL PUNISHMENT?.A&E of course don't have a clue what they have done wrong...no idea of wrong and right...or the consequences they have brought down on all mankind, forever.God makes the world an evil, dark, scary place....of struggle misery sickness & death...W/ NO WAY OUT

2007-06-23 20:59:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

'Those who are in a minority must always be on their guard' ~ Hans Werner Henze

and do you always know when you are the minority? in a society, in a group, in a psychological anomaly...

2007-06-23 20:56:54 · 13 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I am a Christian that does not believe that Jesus and God are one. The bible holds no proof that this is the case so why do so many other Christians believe this?

2007-06-23 20:38:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I think my dad found out that I'm an Atheist.. Unless he has no intelligence whatsoever(quite the contrary. He is *very* smart). What should I do? Please help!

2007-06-23 20:35:27 · 18 answers · asked by Joe S. 3 in Religion & Spirituality


if you were or are 16 and you are throwing huge birthday
party what theme would you choose for your party??

2007-06-23 20:27:34 · 6 answers · asked by destiny 1 in Other - Holidays

I saw somone I knew from school today at a store. I got really excited and yelled Hiii!!! How are you!!! And his girlfriend was with him and gave me a very nasty look. So, what did I do wrong? Am I not supposed to say hi to guys I know?

2007-06-23 20:24:28 · 9 answers · asked by rika 3 in Etiquette

Okay, so you go on two-year missions to convert people of third-world (and other) countries, and spend a LOT of money on it. Why not take that money, and instead of talking, try doing to show God's compassion? Build homes for the poor instead of thousands of new churches. In the past 6 months I have seen five LDS churches pop up within walking distance of my house (live in AZ) yet I see the churches doing nothing for the community. There are still homeless on the streets, and you're still sending kids out on missions. I'm agnostic-athiest-pagan and I'm doing more to help people than the LDS.
And my best friend is a Mormon, so don't think I hate all of you. I just want to know why build more churches and do more missions when you could do so much more for homeless people. Feed the starving, home the shelterless, educate the schooless. It doesn't matter what country you're in...stop trying to force beliefs and show people the compassion of God instead. Wouldn't it be better?

2007-06-23 20:23:18 · 12 answers · asked by mathaowny 6 in Religion & Spirituality

You know, when you don't want to put a dirty spoon on the stove top, you can put on this thing and I want to know what it's called.

2007-06-23 20:07:27 · 15 answers · asked by Laura H 1 in Etiquette

Does anyone else here find these eerie? I hate the whole "you're a daughter owned by your father, he hands you over to your husband then he owns you for life" thing. Why are the fanatics doing this, taking 9yr old girls to talk about sex with daddy (mom isn't important I guess?) then pledge themselves. They cry and worry about it...shouldn't they just be out being kids, riding bikes and kicking soccer balls around?

I refuse to be "owned" by ANY man--be he father or husband. Doesn't this take away basic human rights for females at some point?

2007-06-23 20:02:41 · 4 answers · asked by mathaowny 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Why do they hate each other so much?

2007-06-23 20:01:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

To all of you that answered my question last week over the my neighborhood tragedy I would like to thank you. I asked that all responses be dignified and sincere. All of you that answered kept to my request and provided dignified, sincere answers. This was a tough time for my neighbors and a week that provided an emotional rollercoaster; however, with your kindness, suggestions, and assistance I was able to apply some of those recommendations to good use. Additionally, as tight and close as we are in my neighborhood we came together and provided a reception following the funeral. On Tuesday (6/19/07) I came home from work and spent 2 hours at a local FedEx Kinko's and took this person's photo and created a piece of art work, put it to oversize, and gave a copy to both the Father/Step Mother, Mother/Step Father. They used it at the wake as well as at the funeral itself. Many people complimented on the effort, and my humble response was that I wish "it didn't have to be done".

2007-06-23 19:59:56 · 6 answers · asked by Gerry 7 in Etiquette

I was just curious if someone jumps off Golden Gate Bridge and then changes his mind mid-air and then trying to land into the water with a bullet like shape body. Will that person have a big chance to survive ? I've heard that over 90 feet and up,water is simply a patch of concrete.Please,clarify this. Thank you

2007-06-23 19:52:21 · 7 answers · asked by Bobby 2 in Other - Society & Culture

fedest.com, questions and answers