The house was a real house but the story was made up.
2007-06-23 15:36:15
answer #1
answered by duwbryd 3
It is a real house. A man did murder 6 people in it. His parents and brothers and sisters. this was before the so called hauntings.
It has been remodeled and the number changed (possibly the street name changed) so that tourist don't no where it is.
The people living there now swear that it is not haunted. I drove by and took pictures not long after the book came out. It gave me goosebumps. My husband wanted to go look around, it was empty at the time. I didn't want to go near it. the story freaked me out.
Some people are more able to pick up spirits than others. If you don't believe, supposedly they won't bother you. But, after someone murdering 6 people in the house, I would never be comfortable in it.
I would freak out thinking about these dead people in all these rooms. The people living there now obviously don't get creeped out by this.
How true the whole story is, I don't know. But, it does exist and it's got to be freaky knowing all those people were murdered in there. I could never live there and act like nothing happened.
2007-06-23 19:18:59
answer #2
answered by Karen H 5
no its not real because why would it happen to the 2nd family that moved in and not to the 1st family that lived there and waas killed by their son.
In 1979, attorney William Weber confessed to his part in the hoax during a paranormal radio show hosted by author Joel Martin. Weber admitted that he and George Lutz had concocted the story of the haunting over a few bottles of wine. Weber's motive was to get a new trial for DeFeo, using a "Devil made him do it" defense. According to Weber, Lutz merely wanted to get out from under a mortgage that he couldn't afford. His business was in trouble and he needed a scheme to bail him out. Weber later filed a $2 million lawsuit against the Lutz's, charging them with reneging on their book deal.
Kaplan found ample proof, outside of the glaring confession, that the story was a hoax. He gained access to the house on many occasions and found that the so-called "Red Room", where the book claimed occult ceremonies took place, was nothing more than a small pipe well that gave access to them if they needed to be repaired. No "demonic face" had ever appeared on the bricks inside of the fireplace. He also noted that the original front door of the house (blown off its hinges in the book) was still in place and intact. In fact, the extensive damage to doors and windows that was recounted in the book never happened at all. All of the old hardware - hinges, locks and doorknobs - was still in place and there were no disturbances to the paint or the varnish.
2007-06-23 15:50:23
answer #3
answered by ltcmchick 2
2007-06-23 15:35:09
answer #4
answered by pepper 7
There is an amityville house Visit they have all the info u could want!
2007-06-23 15:37:28
answer #5
answered by Steph! 3
Did the house exist? yes
does it still? yes
was the family actually killed in it? yes - that part is true
The haunting and demon pig and all that tripe? NO - and the family admitted they made it up to help bolster their income, since they were on the edge of bankruptcy.
Is it a good scary story? sure is - but that's all it is - a story . A work of fiction.
I've seen the house in person - not a damn scary thng about it.
2007-06-23 15:37:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The movie was based on a true story, but you don't really know what Hollywood did to it. The basic story was probably outlined, and that was when the movie industry stepped in.
I know it was based on the guy who had shot and killed his family face down, claiming a voice told him to do it. Eerie, now you got me scared :( But good luck.
2007-06-23 15:48:40
answer #7
answered by Omer 5
The house is actually a real place, the stories are supposedly true. ( There is even a book by the owners!)
2007-06-23 15:36:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, the movies are based on true events. Check out
Or watch the special features on the new version of the film.
2007-06-24 06:26:01
answer #9
answered by Jamie 4
Yes Amity-ville house is a real house. The husband killing members of his family and saying the devil made him do is also true... Now is the house really haunted it is but not to the degree he said it was.. Did a demon make it present known to him and after his dirty left.. There was evidence that a demon was there but there but not at the time he was living there............... But all the test are null and void if he was prossesed.. So there are many questions still left to be answered.........................................................................
2007-06-23 16:32:31
answer #10
answered by kilroymaster 7